Here is a listing of the ideas that have been issued to the Sneezefic list previously:
Bunnies 1-10 * Bunnies 11-20 * Bunnies 21-30 * Bunnies 31-40 * Bunnies 41-50
Bunnies 51-60 * Bunnies 61-70 * Bunnies 71-80 * Bunnies 81-90 * Bunnies 91-100
Bunnies 101-110 * Bunnies 111-120 * Bunnies 121-130 * Bunnies 131-140 Bunnies 141-150 * Bunnies 151-160 * Bunnies 161-170 * Bunnies 171-180 Bunnies 181-190 * Bunnies 191-200 * Bunnies 201-210 * Bunnies 211-220 Bunnies 221-230 * Bunnies 231-240 * Bunnies 241-250 * Bunnies 251-260 Bunnies 261-270 * Bunnies 271-280 * Bunnies 281-290 * Bunnies 301-310
Week #70- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/13/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Willow catches a rather bad cold. Tara attempts to take good care of her but must contend with: Xander trying to offer help based on his experiences with sick!Willow in the past; Willow trying use magic to take the "easy way out" of her ailment or assist with various related elements.
Limits: None
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Other/Comments: You're welcome to add many other complications like a demon-of-the-week or an initially too-busy!Buffy but I'd love to see these Tara, Xander & magic elements at a minimum. PS- Hope no one minds the female-centered-ness of this bunny.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 5/16/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 17
Stories written for Bunny #70 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #70- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/10/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: One character gets sick. The other takes care of him/her and ends up accidentally and unexpectedly falling asleep in his/her bed.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Is the sleepy character able to get away before the sick one notices? Does the character even want to get away? Does the sick character find out before the sleepy one? Does someone else find them? How do the characters deal with it? Does it spark feelings or bring up existing ones good or bad?
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 10/5/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 2
Stories written for Bunny #70 (General):
Here with Me | Phantom of the Opera | Complete
Following a narrow escape from the dreaded Phantom, Christine leads a damp and miserable Raoul to a warm flat for the night. Following the plot for weekly hatch #70: One character gets sick. The other takes care of him/her and ends up accidentally and unexpectedly falling asleep in his/her bed.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Written by Hermione Eveningfall | Rated G | Archived Aug 28th, 2005 | 6 K
Week #69- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/6/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: One of the males in the movie "Love Actually" takes ill
Limits: None
Fandom: Love Actually
Other/Comments: If you make Alan Rickman's character the one that takes ill, I will forever in your debt.
Name: Gothic Rose
Date submitted: 6/20/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 29
Stories written for Bunny #69 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #69- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/3/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Someone is on a bus or plane and is allergic to something but can't get away from it.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: Jennerferkerr
Date submitted: 5/15/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 18
Stories written for Bunny #69 (General):
No stories yet
Week #68- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/29/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: "Are you ill beloved?" he asked softly, caressing his love's cheek. He leaned into his touch with a tired sigh.
Limits: None
Fandom: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings
Other/Comments: First line challenge
Name: Lucia
Date submitted: 4/30/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 17
Stories written for Bunny #68 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #68- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/26/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: A "magical sneeze" story. Cause of the sneezing must be a fantastic/sci-fi element in the world in which the story takes place, or related to it at the least. Sneezing spells don't make the cut - something more fandom-specific and/or unusual please!
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 6/7/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #68 (General):
No stories yet
Week #67- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/24/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a fic in this universe
Limits: None
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Other/Comments: It would be great if it was Major Sheppard doing the sneezing
Name: Tina
Date submitted: 3/27/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 14
Stories written for Bunny #67 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #67- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/19/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Bad Allergy day. Character sneezes their head off from an allergy they don't even know they have.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: For fun, make it an very unusual allergy. Corn Pollen, ferret fur, fish food, etc.
Name: Krillka
Date submitted: 6/1/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 22
Stories written for Bunny #67 (General):
No stories yet
Week #66- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/15/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Snapefic using these quotes: 1. Want my advice? Stay mad as long as you can, because once you stop, it hurts like hell. 2. Staying angry with you is how I protect myself from you. Refusing to forgive you is not only how I punish you; it is also how I keep you from getting close enough to hurt me again, and nine times out of ten it works-only there is a serious side effect. It is called bitterness, and it can do terrible things to the human body and soul. One of these quotes has to be said by Snape
Limits: Snapefic
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: Brigidmn
Date submitted: 10/27/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #66 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #66- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/12/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Reluctant Caregiver - Someone who is not typically one to give in to the caring urge has to care for another when they come down sick.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any- Prefer Harry Potter, somehow this just screams Snapefic to me
Other/Comments: It's up to you whether or not they are any good at it.
Name: Brigidmn
Date submitted: 5/11/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 17
Stories written for Bunny #66 (General):
No stories yet
Week #65- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/8/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Yuki comes down sick, and pretends to be annoyed with Shuichi's clumsy ministrations. Of course, in his own way, he unintentionally shows that he does in fact care for the younger man.
Limits: None
Fandom: Gravitation
Other/Comments: Have fun!
Name: Ren
Date submitted: 5/8/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 21
Stories written for Bunny #65 (Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #65- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/5/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Concept: Foreplay vs. Quickie. In the midst of sex, one character wants to take his/her time and take it slow, make it last. The other character wants to make it quick because he/she feels sneezes coming on and doesn't want to be caught sneezing during sex
Limits: Must have a rating of at least R
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Get as creative/kinky as you like with the details when writing this!
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 3/5/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #65 (General):
No stories yet
Week #64-
Date issued to list: 5/29/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Shameless character-specific challenge. Eomer and Eowyn, book version preferable, high summer, and the natural affects of hay on the human nose ;)
Limits: None
Fandom: Lord of the Rings, naturally
Other/Comments: Have I mentioned that somewhat unwashed blond guys on horses are hot...?
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 1/12/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 15
Stories written for Bunny #64:
No stories yet
Week #63-
Date issued to list: 5/22/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: A Padfoot prank goes awry.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: Doesn't have to be Marauders era, can be later.
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 10/24/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 7
Stories written for Bunny #63:
The Unintended Victim | Harry Potter | Complete
Remus is the accidental recipient of a spell intended for Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy. Set while the Marauders were at Hogwarts
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None
Written by Tina | Rated G | Archived Aug 28th, 2005 | 17 K
Week #62-
Date issued to list: 5/15/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: How about a TV land-ish theme??? classic shows like MacGyver or Who's the Boss or Star Trek (if you're young enough to consider those classic, lol... whatever's classic to YOU I guess). There's no limits to this at all, although I would LIKE to see a MacGyver fic, but that's just me being selfish!!
Limits: None
Fandom: Classic TV
Other/Comments: None
Name: ??
Date submitted: 5/14/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #62:
No stories yet
Week #61-
Date issued to list: 5/8/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story using the line: Can you hand me a tissue? (Sneeze) I think I might be coming down with something.
Limits: Would prefere Percy/Oliver
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 10/27/2004
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #61:
Keeping Him Warm | Harry Potter | Complete
Set when the Maurauders were at Hogwarts, Remus is feeling
cold and Sirius helps to keep him warm.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None
Written by Tina | Rated G | Archived Aug 28th, 2005 | 7 K
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