Here is a listing of the ideas that have been issued to the Sneezefic list previously:
Bunnies 1-10 * Bunnies 11-20 * Bunnies 21-30 * Bunnies 31-40 * Bunnies 41-50
Bunnies 51-60 * Bunnies 61-70 * Bunnies 71-80 * Bunnies 81-90 * Bunnies 91-100
Bunnies 101-110 * Bunnies 111-120 * Bunnies 121-130 * Bunnies 131-140 Bunnies 141-150 * Bunnies 151-160 * Bunnies 161-170 * Bunnies 171-180 Bunnies 181-190 * Bunnies 191-200 * Bunnies 201-210 * Bunnies 211-220 Bunnies 221-230 * Bunnies 231-240 * Bunnies 241-250 * Bunnies 251-260 Bunnies 261-270 * Bunnies 271-280 * Bunnies 281-290 * Bunnies 301-310
Week #210- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/27/08
Plot Bunny Idea: How does the world's only private consulting detective handle being ill during a case? Will he allow his friend, the good doctor, to help him, or will his pride cause him to try and hide his illness?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: Try to include Lestrade or Hopkins.
Name: Moop
Date submitted: 7/26/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #210(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #209- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/20/08
Plot Bunny Idea: An employee brings his/her pet to work. And a co-worker or customer is allergic.
Fandom: Any/Original Fiction
Other/Comments: My coworker keeps bringing her two kittens to work and this idea popped into my head.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 7/20/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #209(General):
No stories yet
Week #209- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/20/08
Plot Bunny Idea: While wanted Sirius comes down very sick, but they can't risk taking him to a wizard healer. Taking Padfoot to a muggle veterinarian on the other hand, is an option, but not one Sirius is too into...
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: Sirus/Remus slash would be nice, but do whatever you want with it. I think I read this as a line in a fic by tarotgal called "Traveling" or something similar?
Name: Elena Moorwood
Date submitted: 6/24/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 14
Stories written for Bunny #209(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #208- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/14/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Court jesters catch colds, too! Just think of all the people they're around... and all the people they have to perform for...
Fandom: Any/Original Fiction
Other/Comments: I'm in the mood for something different, and jesters have been popping up everywhere in shows/movies/books. I'd love to see what y'all make of this!
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 7/14/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #208(General):
No stories yet
Week #208- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/14/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Remus and friends (doesn't matter which) are at a theatre (either a play or an opera) and Remus comes down sick. What happens? Do they leave? Is it tummy troubles or a cold or worse? How do his friends respond?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: Niki
Date submitted: 3/28/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 12
Stories written for Bunny #208(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #207- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/6/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a fic about the emergence of a pepper-up resistant cold virus.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 7/2/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #207(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #206- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/29/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Qui-Gon is weak, but doesn't want to burden Obi-Wan.
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: The weakness can be from anything - emotional, illness (yum), fatigue, injury. The reason he doesn't want to burden Obi can also be anything. Some examples might be: Obi-Wan is still a child, Obi-Wan is ill, he feels he must stay the strong master, etc. Surprise me!
Name: Niki
Date submitted: 2/5/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 9
Stories written for Bunny #206(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #205- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/22/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story based on the classic comedy That 70s Show
Fandom: That 70's Show
Other/Comments: None
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 6/18/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #205(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #204- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/15/08
Plot Bunny Idea:
Harry gets a cold while staying at 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius ends up taking care of him.
Harry Potter
I'd really like Harry to not want any attention or fussing over his cold...but Sirius doesn't care and helps him.
Name: firefly5151
Date submitted: 8/13/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #204(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #203- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/8/08
Plot Bunny Idea: Every autumn, like clockwork, an Evil Alien Flu sweeps through the Hub.
Fandom: Torchwood
Other/Comments: An equal opportunity all-character challenge. Please give your local Toshiko and Owen some love too.
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 2/22/08
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 16
Stories written for Bunny #203(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #202- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 5/11/08
Plot Bunny Idea: As a friend says, "How can a girl not totally crush on a lawman and a lunger?" There's plenty of potential for H/C in Tombstone, what with Doc Holliday's consumption and the dangerous life of a gunslinger. I'd love to see Doc as the H and Wyatt as the C. Everything else, 'sup to you.
Limits: Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday (could be pre-slash)
Fandom: Tombstone
Other/Comments: There's a strong possibility that this is the last nail in my geek coffin. I am, however, a sucker for Val Kilmer. I'm going straight to Hell for this one.
Name: Kat Leaf
Date submitted: 4/25/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #202(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #201- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/20/08
Plot Bunny Idea: An illness(with fever) hampers Shawn's ability to observe the details surrounding a crime he needs to solve. His friends notice he is "off" but of course, he tries to hide it.
Limits: None
Fandom: Psych
Other/Comments: None
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 10/23/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 9
Stories written for Bunny #201(Fandom):
No stories yet
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