Here is a listing of the ideas that have been issued to the Sneezefic list previously:
Bunnies 1-10 * Bunnies 11-20 * Bunnies 21-30 * Bunnies 31-40 * Bunnies 41-50
Bunnies 51-60 * Bunnies 61-70 * Bunnies 71-80 * Bunnies 81-90 * Bunnies 91-100
Bunnies 101-110 * Bunnies 111-120 * Bunnies 121-130 * Bunnies 131-140
Bunnies 141-150 * Bunnies 151-160 * Bunnies 161-170 * Bunnies 171-180
Bunnies 181-190 * Bunnies 191-200 * Bunnies 201-210 * Bunnies 211-220
Bunnies 221-230 * Bunnies 231-240 * Bunnies 241-250 * Bunnies 251-260
Bunnies 261-270 * Bunnies 271-280 * Bunnies 281-290 * Bunnies 301-310
Week #110- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/19/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: It's winter in Long Island, New York, and Ray could be suffering from one of the two traditional seasonal ailments: cold or flu. take your pic, and have fun! :-D
Limits: None
Fandom: Everybody Loves Raymond
Other/Comments: im not sure how many people will go for this one--im half tempted to work on it myself, though im not as familiar with the series as id like to be. ive watched a few episodes, and adored them, so bare with me! :-D and hope to see what comes out of this bunny! *hopes*
Name: Hermione
Date submitted: 4/14/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #110 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #110- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/16/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story where the main character repeats (throughout the entire story): "I'm not catching a cold."
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Be creative! There are lots of reasons someone might say this...
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 4/9/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 9
Stories written for Bunny #110 (General): No stories yet

Week #109- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/12/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Take the book "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett. Take the picture under this link . And do as thou wilt ;)
Limits: None
Fandom: Good Omens
Other/Comments: The picture, to be credited to Linn Standal, was linked at random and the artist has nothing to do with any sneezing fancy, so please don't badger her.
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 6/14/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 4
Stories written for Bunny #109 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #109- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/9/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write from the POV of one of the characters in tarotgal's Programming Class. This can be found on her website at:
Limits: None
Fandom: Original, obviously
Other/Comments: This is one from my long list of favorites by tarotgal. Keep in mind it can mention tarotgal in it, or can be solely focused on one of the characters. Happy writing!
Name: me211152004
Date submitted: 4/3/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 9
Stories written for Bunny #109 (General): No stories yet

Week #108- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/5/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: It is a cold winter afternoon, and The Beatles are huddled, wrapped in blankets, in the back of their van heading across the country on their way to a gig. John Lennon, for some reason, is much quieter than usual....he doesn't seem to be his usual sparky, chatty and sarcastically witty self. I wonder why......? Nothing to do with the snowball fight that had that morning, I'm sure...
Limits: None
Fandom: The Beatles
Other/Comments: Well, it's a random fandom I know, but I just thought I'd see if anyone was keen...
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 4/5/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #108 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #108- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/5/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Titled: Light Years. Use: "Don't sneeze on me!", "Stop that! I'm allergic!", "I feel miserable.", "Please...", and "I can't help it-I've got a head cold."
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: This seems to be more of the Star Wars persuasion but I'd love it if you tried it in another fandom.
Name: No Name
Date submitted: 8/24/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 2
Stories written for Bunny #108 (General): No stories yet

Week #107- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/29/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Set post-war. When Harry takes care of his sick child, he can't help but remember how he was treated at the Dursleys whenever he so much as caught a cold.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 3/13/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #107 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #107- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/26/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a sneezefic where the title starts with the letter X or the letter Z
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: I was just working on the sneezefic archive and realized we currently have NO stories in the X and Z sections. Poor X and Z sections look so lonely and empty... won't you please give them a fic?
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 3/12/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 8
Stories written for Bunny #107 (General): No stories yet

Week #106- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/22/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Being sick is never fun. Being sick on your birthday is even worse.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: Bonus points if the story takes place on January 9th ;)
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 3/13/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #106 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #106- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/19/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story based on this image: pha120000024.jpg
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Is it just me or does she look WAY too happy to see him sneezing here? ;-)
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 2/12/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 6
Stories written for Bunny #106 (General): No stories yet

Week #105- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/15/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A coldfic for Boromir, please. Sometime during the quest. No one likes the guy - what happens when he needs some healthy pity?
Limits: None
Fandom: Lord of the Rings, naturally
Other/Comments: None
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 3/13/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #105 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #105- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/12/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write about the awkwardness that comes from getting sick for the first time in a new relationship
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Even if the relationship was formed out of friendship, the dynamics have changed and there is still potential for awkwardness/wanting to hide illness
Name: Brigidmn
Date submitted: 10/3/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 5
Stories written for Bunny #105 (General): No stories yet

Week #104- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/8/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Clark isn't invulnerable to Kryptonite related viruses, how about a common cold / Kryptonite virus? Massive potential involving first ever sneeze, effects on powers etc.
Limits: None
Fandom: Smallville
Other/Comments: None
Name: Fraggle
Date submitted: 1/19/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 27
Stories written for Bunny #104 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #104- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/5/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A character has a sneeze fetish and tries to keep people around him from noticing
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 6/5/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 1
Stories written for Bunny #104 (General): No stories yet

Week #103- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 3/1/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: After a rough day, one of the CSI's is sent home early due to illness. They receive an unexpected visitor later that night.
Limits: None
Fandom: CSI
Other/Comments: Now I personally would LOVE to see a Greg 'fic (since I haven't seen any of those around), but hey, whatever floats your boat!
Name: Ren
Date submitted: 5/19/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 7
Stories written for Bunny #103 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #103- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/26/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Incorporate the sentence: "Superpowered, leather-clad, trained for war, and still with a cold".
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Can be used as a quote or just in the story.
Name: Space Wolf
Date submitted: 7/20/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 2
Stories written for Bunny #103 (General): No stories yet

Week #102- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/22/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Clark has lost his powers several times now, and has only succeeded in becoming injured. Why hasn't he caught a cold yet? So please write a coldfic for a power-free Clark Kent. He needn't be the only one to suffer.
Limits: None
Fandom: Smallville
Other/Comments: None
Name: Fraggle
Date submitted: 1/19/2006
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 28
Stories written for Bunny #102 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #102- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/19/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Weakness due to a cold keeps someone from hiding something else that they've hidden for a long time.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Though the obvious answer is love... try and be a little more creative than that?
Name: Ginerva
Date submitted: 8/4/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 4
Stories written for Bunny #102 (General): No stories yet

Week #101- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/15/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: The books in the Restricted section are hard to access for a reason. A student learns this the hard way when he sneaks into this forbidden area of the library and stumbles upon a book that gives a nasty cold to anyone who reads it.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 6/5/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #101 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #101- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/12/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: "Nobody likes you when you're healthy, but everyone hates to see you sick". A fandom's most hated character (most hated by the other _characters_ that is, not the fans!) finds him/herself being cared for.
Limits: None
Fandom: Not HP, please
Other/Comments: This is not necessarily a humorfic, and the hated char's reaction does not have to be anger or spite. We love fluff, precious!
Name: SpaceWolf
Date submitted: 11/22/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #101 (General): No stories yet

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