Here is a listing of the ideas that have been issued to the Sneezefic list previously:
Bunnies 1-10 * Bunnies 11-20 * Bunnies 21-30 * Bunnies 31-40 * Bunnies 41-50
Bunnies 51-60 * Bunnies 61-70 * Bunnies 71-80 * Bunnies 81-90 * Bunnies 91-100
Bunnies 101-110 * Bunnies 111-120 * Bunnies 121-130 * Bunnies 131-140
Bunnies 141-150 * Bunnies 151-160 * Bunnies 161-170 * Bunnies 171-180
Bunnies 181-190 * Bunnies 191-200 * Bunnies 201-210 * Bunnies 211-220
Bunnies 221-230 * Bunnies 231-240 * Bunnies 241-250 * Bunnies 251-260
Bunnies 261-270 * Bunnies 271-280 * Bunnies 281-290 * Bunnies 301-310
Week #100- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/5/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a fic where Harry gets sick after doing the second task in the Triwizard Tournament. (It takes place right before Winter break.) This, of course, will probably be an Alternate Universe.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: This can also be tweaked to use one of the other champions or victims. It doesn't have to be strictly Harry. Have fun!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 7/29/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 18
Stories written for Bunny #100 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #100- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/5/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a fic using the words: sniffle, cold, lake, glasses, rain, Christmas, book.
Limits: No shorter than 2000 words
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: I wrote this after reading about someone falling into a fountain. Odd comparison I know, but I just wanted to leave that little tidbit! Have fun!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 7/29/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #100 (General): No stories yet

Week #99- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 2/1/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: What does a man do after he loses everything he's ever known and loved, is forced to take on responsibilities he never wanted and goes five days without sleep? Catches cold, of course.
Limits: Must be Lee-centric and take place after "33."
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003+
Other/Comments: Bonus points if you can work in some father/son interaction and or some Kara/Lee UST.
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 10/2/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 22
Stories written for Bunny #99 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #99- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/29/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A family gets together to celebrate the holidays but, thanks to one member who arrives sick, the gift they end up giving each other/passing around is a head cold.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: This was inspired by a commercial I heard on the radio tonight while out looking at Christmas lights. I thought it might make an interesting sneezefic.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 12/25/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 12
Stories written for Bunny #99 (General): No stories yet

Week #98- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/25/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Obi-Wan uses the end of his braid to tickle Qui-Gon's nose and make him sneeze for whatever reason(s)
Limits: Slash preferred
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: None
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 1/24/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #98 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #98- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/22/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: sneeze on some one and some one else blowing their nose
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 1/20/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #98 (General): No stories yet

Week #97- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/18/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Actor on the set of movie where there is a sneeze scene, and they have to practice sneezing to make it convincing. Could use something to induce even or whatever you come up with.
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 3/13/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #97 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #97- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/15/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Actor on the set of movie where there is a sneeze scene, and they have to practice sneezing to make it convincing. Could use something to induce even or whatever you come up with.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any that would be movie or TV-show wise
Other/Comments: None
Name: Aimee
Date submitted: 11/07/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 12
Stories written for Bunny #97 (General): No stories yet

Week #96- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/11/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: Would like to see a sick & sneezy Catcher with Barbara taking care of him, possibly after an argument w/ Barbara saying something that hurts him. Long term cold, not just a one day bug.
Limits: None
Fandom: Down with Love
Other/Comments: I love this movie & Ewan in it. Could also add line "Are you ill beloved?" Lots of mushy h/c please!
Name: Lucia
Date submitted: 8/30/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 23
Stories written for Bunny #96 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #96- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/8/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A character doesn't know how to be sick. Not just unable to slow down and stop working, but everything else as well- not knowing to contain germs or what to do to feel better, etc- and needs to be taught.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: This bunny was inspired by real life events. LOL But, really, I would love to see what people make of this.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 1/6/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #96 (General): No stories yet

Week #95- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/4/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A male Kriosian metamorph meets someone with a sneeze fetish. What happens?
Limits: None
Fandom: Star Trek
Other/Comments: A metamorph is a being who has empathic powers and who is able to sense what a potential mate wants and needs sexually, then is able to become that for him/her. As explained in Star Trek: TNG episode "The Perfect Mate", male metamorphs are somewhat common while females are quite rare. Obviously this will require creating an original character (the male metamorph) but you can use an original character or any character from the many ST series for this. Male/male would be my preference, of course, but whatever strikes you.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 1/2/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #95 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #95- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 1/1/2006
Plot Bunny Idea: A character can sneeze whenever he/she wants. He/She uses this gift to fake sick, but their plan backfires when they actually get sick.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: I came up with this after reading TG's "The Inspiration." Have fun!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 6/26/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #95 (General): No stories yet

Week #94- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/28/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Sirius is NOT a cat person. He wouldn't have fancied Remus as one, either, (what with the whole werewolf thing) but seeing is believing. A needy stray cat is wandering around where Remus and Sirius live and Remus (sweet guy that he is) takes it in and immediately falls in love with it. We're talking the works: saucers of milk, balls of yarn, and snuggling in bed together. But the fact that Sirius is not a cat person is not due just to the fact that Sirius' animagus form is a dog, or that McGonagal caught him making mischief one too many times while she was in her animagus form, or that Mrs. Norris always ruins his best plans; it's due to the fact that Sirius is terribly, horribly allergic to cats and he doesn't want anyone to know about it... especially Remus.
Limits: Remus/Sirius slash (any rating is fine, though, and set whenever it suits you)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: May I get a side order of guilt along with that grumpiness and sneezing, please? My muses have been throwing this bunny at me for months but I just KNOW I'd never actually get it done if I tried to write it. So I'm passing it off to you all. I hope someone jumps at it! Oh, and feel free to justify this around Crookshanks-canon any way you like (maybe this story takes place in the past and there's a special spell to suppress the allergies... or maybe it's because Crookshanks isn't actually/fully a cat).
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 11/04/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 29
Stories written for Bunny #94 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #94- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/25/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: An athlete catches a cold before a major game. (Must have girlfriend/boyfriend take care of him/her.)
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Have fun with this bunny! I thought of it after reading a Percy/Oliver fic, and I thought it would be a fun bunny. I don't care if it is slash or het, just make the work enjoyable!! Have fun!!!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 3/20/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 2
Stories written for Bunny #94 (General): No stories yet

Week #93- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/21/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: As part of a program, Masters and Padawans are required to take personality/character tests. How do Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan score and does it raise issues about their relationship? If so... what does it take to get them to feel good again that they should stay with each other? ;-)
Limits: None
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: You can use any sort of existing test (Myers-Briggs, SDI, Enneagrams, etc.) or you can make one up yourself, specialized for Jedi.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 11/7/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 31
Stories written for Bunny #93 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #93- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/18/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Write about a vacation two characters have taken. Unfortunately, one of the characters falls ill/is allergic to something, during the vacation.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Enjoy!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 7/31/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 8
Stories written for Bunny #93 (General): No stories yet

Week #92- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/14/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: All of the Weasley children (although I'm not sure about Bill) played Quidditch except for Percy. Why not?
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: none really...just have fun :)
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 5/27/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 13
Stories written for Bunny #92 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #92- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/11/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a sneezefic where character A asks character B out on a date. However, one of the characters (A or B, you choose) is feeling a bit sneezy (can be cold or allergies) and makes things difficult for character A.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: I would give someone lots of hugs and snuggles if they used this for Harry Potter! Also, try to have fun with this and avoid cliché cheesiness if possible!
Name: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
Date submitted: 7/24/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 7
Stories written for Bunny #92 (General): No stories yet

Week #91- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/07/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story in which Obi-Wan doesn't have a particularly good opinion of himself as a padawan, for whatever reasons. Focus on the master & padawan relationship and how this aspect factors into it. Must start the story with the lines: My master always returns home from missions with tales of whole civilizations or creatures he has saved. He is well known for taking pity on pathetic, helpless life forms. Sometimes I wonder if that is why he chose to take me as his padawan learner.
Limits: None
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: Feel free to, in the course of the fic, build Obi's self-confidence and show him that he's wrong (though that's certainly not required if you want to go the complete angst route).
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 2/28/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 2
Stories written for Bunny #91 (Fandom): No stories yet

Week #91- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 12/04/2005
Plot Bunny Idea: A student's skills at healing are abysmal, but his/her teacher suspects he/she simply needs a "better" patient to practice on. Thus the teacher secretly attempts to get sick in order to facilitate this teaching experience.
Limits: Slash please!
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Originally I was going to propose this as a Star Wars Obi/Qui bunny, but as it could fit into other fandom/original character fiction, I'm just throwing it out there with no limitations.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 4/11/2005
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #91 (General): No stories yet

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