Here is a listing of the ideas that have been issued to the Sneezefic list previously:
Bunnies 1-10 * Bunnies 11-20 * Bunnies 21-30 * Bunnies 31-40 * Bunnies 41-50
Bunnies 51-60 * Bunnies 61-70 * Bunnies 71-80 * Bunnies 81-90 * Bunnies 91-100
Bunnies 101-110 * Bunnies 111-120 * Bunnies 121-130 * Bunnies 131-140 Bunnies 141-150 * Bunnies 151-160 * Bunnies 161-170 * Bunnies 171-180 Bunnies 181-190 * Bunnies 191-200 * Bunnies 201-210 * Bunnies 211-220 Bunnies 221-230 * Bunnies 231-240 * Bunnies 241-250 * Bunnies 251-260 Bunnies 261-270 * Bunnies 271-280 * Bunnies 281-290 * Bunnies 301-310
Week #170- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 8/8/07
Plot Bunny Idea: I would love to see a Pirates of the Caribbean fic. Please include Will and/or Jack sick with a cold and some manly caregiving(preferably away from any nurturing women).
Limits: None
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Other/Comments: I'd prefer it not to be slash, but would be thrilled at any fic written for this bunny.
Name: Tina
Date submitted: 7/9/06
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #169(General):
No stories yet
Week #170- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/29/07
Plot Bunny Idea: A character catches a cold. He reflects on a relationship he is no longer in, which he had with a sneeze fetishist. Is he nostalgic and wishes his former fling were there? Is he glad he doesn’t have to be watched closely every time he sneezes? What else is he feeling? Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Your choice as to if he’s single or in another relationship now.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 6/10/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 5
Stories written for Bunny #169(General):
No stories yet
Week #169- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/4/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Qui Gon is much sicker than he's letting on. But, he doesn't want to tell anybody. Somebody notices. Something tips them off. Will he be cared for or left to suffer? (I'm hoping the former rather than the latter!)
Limits: None
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: Who notices is up to you. What tips them off is up to you.
Name: Niki
Date submitted: 4/5/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 13
Stories written for Bunny #169(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #169- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 7/1/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Allergy Attack
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: character is in the throes of an allergy attack and tries to ignore it, talking through sneezes, denial etc.
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 3/3/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 5
Stories written for Bunny #169(General):
No stories yet
Week #168- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/27/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Write the last chapter of Harry Potter 7 as a sneezefic
Limits: None
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: None
Name: a4o
Date submitted: 4/13/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 8
Stories written for Bunny #168(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #168- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/24/07
Plot Bunny Idea: A sick character uses the expression “cold in my nose” and gets teased for it by someone else… until that someone else catches the same cold and realizes the cold is just sniffles and sneezes and that expression was an apt one.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 6/10/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 8
Stories written for Bunny #168(General):
No stories yet
Week #167- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/20/07
Plot Bunny Idea: A Marshall/Lily fic
Limits: None
Fandom: How I met Your Mother
Other/Comments: bonus points for including other characters
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 2/5/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 8
Stories written for Bunny #167(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #167- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/17/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Someone famous catches a cold and all the person wants is some privacy, time, and space to get over it. However, their life is so public that’s not going to be easy.
Limits: My preference would be for fictional characters, not real life celebs, but do with this what you will
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 6/10/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #167(General):
No stories yet
Week #166- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/13/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Marty McFly gets a cold/flu and while Lorraine takes care of him (as 1985 Mom) she gets a little sense of familiarity (from when she was watching over him in 1955)
Limits: None
Fandom: Back to the Future
Name: Torrance
Date submitted: 3/30/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 13
Stories written for Bunny #166(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #166- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/10/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Sneezing styles between lovers
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Are they similar or different? Have they changed over time, for example, loud forceful sneezes have become more restrained or vice versa
Name: brigidmn
Date submitted: 3/3/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 6
Stories written for Bunny #166(General):
No stories yet
Week #165- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 6/6/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a story where Remus is more than just a little sick going into his transformation, and rather worse for the wear coming out of it.
Limits: Should take place during PoA, or just before/after
Fandom: Harry Potter
Other/Comments: I know it's basic and simple, but I love reading them!
Name: Niki
Date submitted: 12/05/06
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 5
Stories written for Bunny #165(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #165- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 5/6/07
Plot Bunny Idea: In the distant future, mankind has long eradicated disease, keeping it locked away. What happens when the common cold virus escapes from its little sample jar and starts infecting people?
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: anon
Date submitted: 2/27/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #165(General):
No stories yet
Week #164- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 5/2/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Write a LoTR fic where a normally strong character is sick, but shows it in ways other than physical symptoms (moodiness, etc). How will it come out that they’re sick? And, who will take care of them?
Limits: None
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Other/Comments: None
Name: Niki
Date submitted: 12/5/06
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 5
Stories written for Bunny #164(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #164- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/29/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Use the quote "catch the breeze and the winter chills in colors on the snowy linen land" (Don McCleans 'Vincent') as inspiration for a fic.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: Raven
Date submitted: 2/25/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 3
Stories written for Bunny #164(General):
No stories yet
Week #163- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/25/07
Plot Bunny Idea: One of the Halliwell sisters is sick.
Limits: None
Fandom: Charmed
Other/Comments: Could be Prue, Piper, Phoebe, or Paige. Season or age doesn't matter.
Name: Anonymous
Date submitted: 4/15/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 21
Stories written for Bunny #163(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #163- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/22/07
Plot Bunny Idea: After the death of ______, ______ is hired in their place. ______ seems to be spawned from hell, but what happens when a piece of hell comes to visit ______ in the form of a cold?
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: Feel free to stretch the bunny to fit any idea of yours!
Name: me211152004
Date submitted: 8/18/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 0
Stories written for Bunny #163(General):
No stories yet
Week #162- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/18/07
Plot Bunny Idea: So I'm not sure if a fic has ever been written in a fandom like this before, but here goes: write a cold fic about Luke from any of the books in the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella, which yes are just the best girly light hearted books in the world!! (I would never insult them by calling them trash, and Luke is just so yummy!)
Limits: None
Fandom: Shopaholic
Name: pnkelephante
Date submitted: 2/2/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #162(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #162- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/15/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Culture clash! Character A falls ill and goes to great lengths to not show it. It’s not that he’s a tough guy, it’s that in his culture being taken care of when sick constitutes a special bond between the patient and caregiver (the bond is up to you- it could mean they’re required to be life partners/married or it could mean he’s in the other’s debt forever, etc.). Character B ends up seeing that Character A is sick and is determined to take care of him, not knowing about what that might mean. Though Character A is trying to not show it, he becomes so obviously sick and miserable that he needs to be taken care of and gives in to Character B. What happens and how/when does Character A break the news to Character B?
Limits: Slash preferred but not required
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: I had this bunny when thinking about werewolves… but I think it would work just as well with ANY set of characters from different cultures (ones from different planets, ones from different time periods, etc.)
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 4/14/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 10
Stories written for Bunny #162(General):
Pack Mates | Harry Potter | Complete
In response to Bunny 162 (sort of). When Remus was surrounded by his pack, they always took care of him, when he became ill. Now, they were all gone. But, there's still Harry...
Spoilers: Sorcerers Stone, PoA, OthP.
Warnings: None.
Written by Niki | Rated PG | Archived Oct 22nd, 2008 | 13 K
Rules of Being a Werewolf | Harry Potter | Complete
Remus is sick, and ashamed of that fact. He views his illness as weakness, one that he can't bestow upon his friends. It's against the rules of being a werewolf. Set after Hogwarts, but before Remus/Sirius really get together, and before Lily gets pregnant. For Bunny 162
Spoilers: Sorcerers Stone.
Warnings: None.
Written by Niki | Rated PG | Archived Oct 22nd, 2008 | 17 K
Week #161- Fandom Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/11/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Obi-Wan is proud of the fact that he never gets sick. He believes it’s one of the reasons he’s such a good Jedi and one of the reasons Qui-Gon chose him as a padawan. However, Obi & Qui are on a mission on one world where Obi-Wan does not seem immune to what’s going around. So not only is Obi ill for the first time but they are quite busy and unprepared for it.
Limits: Q/O slash preferred
Fandom: Star Wars
Other/Comments: My original slashy idea for this was that Obi-Wan is so strong in the Force (and therefore healthy) because he abstains from sex. Perhaps once he and Qui-Gon become an item, his concentration goes down and so does his ability to fight off illnesses in the same way. But that’s just one take on it. You can take this bunny wherever you want to.
Name: tarotgal
Date submitted: 3/21/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 16
Stories written for Bunny #161(Fandom):
No stories yet
Week #161- General Bunny
Date issued to list: 4/8/07
Plot Bunny Idea: Write story the title of which starts with one of the letters so far unused in a fic title.
Limits: None
Fandom: Any
Other/Comments: None
Name: Raven
Date submitted: 2/25/07
Number plot bunny was assigned in system: 4
Stories written for Bunny #161(General):
No stories yet
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