Happy Birthday Tarotgal!!

Alias | Harry Potter | Kushiel's Dart | Lord of the Rings | Original | Star Wars | Titanic | Wolf's Rain


Title: Recovered Memories
Author: Meg
Fandom: Alias
Bunny #: 4, 13, 14, 15
Rating: PG
Summary: Different dreams and memories that Sydney describes in various episodes, elaboraed.

Harry Potter

Title: Celebrations
Author: girlwithtulips
Fandom: Harry Potter (7th year Marauders)
Bunny #: 1, 18
Rating: PG
Summary: Sirius has plans on how to celebrate Remus' birthday

Kushiel's Dart

Title: Longest Night
Author: girlwithtulips
Fandom: Kushiel's Dart
Bunny #: 13, 14
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Longest Night and Joscelin and Phedre are far from home.

Lord of the Rings

Title: After The Storm
Author: girlwithtulips
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Bunny #: 2, 16
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Helm's Deep, a sick Aragorn finds himself doing the comforting

Title: Finding Peace
Author: blackvelvetband
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Bunny #: 6
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prior to the council at Rivendell Legolas arrives with troubling news.


Title: The Gathering Storm
Author: Mahtalie
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 6, 10, 13, 15
Rating: PG13
Summary: Two friends spend the afternoon fighting a freak spring blizzard and a growing head cold.

Title: There's No Place Like Home (1/4)
Author: VATERGrrl
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 4, 9, 15, 21
Rating: G
Summary: Cory's first spring with the Marshalls, following his parents' death, is filled with misunderstandings and things unsaid, but a jovial allergist and a box full of memories help bring a new family closer together.

Title: Off To See The Wizard (2/4)
Author: VATERGrrl
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 19
Rating: G
Summary: On his way to meet with the father of his sweetheart, Cory Marshall has a heart-to-heart with his mother and is reminded of a Halloween costume he once wore in his Kansas days.

Title: Treasures of the Emerald City (3/4)
Author: VATERGrrl
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 8
Rating: G
Summary: Lynn gets dressed up for a birthday dinner with Cory, who encourages her to dream about the future.

Title: Dreams that You Dare to Dream (4/4)
Author: VATERGrrl
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 1, 14
Rating: G
Summary: Lynn gets dressed up for a birthday dinner with Cory, who encourages her to dream about the future.

Title: You Give Me Fever
Author: VATERGrrl
Fandom: Original
Bunny #: 3, 10, 13
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tom Wyman, the editor of the university newspaper, wants to cover an upcoming rape trial. Heather Williams, a pre-law major, is opposed. When ice meets fire, will hell freeze over before these two stubborn people can admit their attraction?

Star Wars

Title: I Spy
Author: circe
Fandom: Star Wars
Bunny #: 15
Rating: G
Summary: On a trip back to Coruscant, Obi-Wan endures his fair share of annoyances


Title: A Promise Kept
Author: Hermione Eveningfall
Fandom: Titanic (note—this is a "Jack lives" story so it is obviously AU)
Bunny #: 14
Rating: G-PG (mild language)

Wolf's Rain

Title: Very Much Not As Usual
Author: iff
Fandom: Wolf's Rain
Bunny #: 6, 13
Rating: G
Summary: What happens when the one who acts like he doesn't need anyone does?

tarotgal's birthday challenge 2004
Created & Organized by
girlwithtulips & Annalisa