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Title: Finding Peace
Finding PeaceThe guardians of the Southern borders had heralded his arrival. As such, Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, was there to personally greet Legolas of Mirkwood, youngest son of King Thranduil. The young elf arrived in the courtyard and dismounted in one smooth motion before his mount had barely slowed. Despite the long days on the road, his appearance remained nearly unblemished, save a loosening of his braids and a smudge of dirt marring the strong jaw. The smudge would have gone unnoticed if Elrond had not been staring so at Legolas' face. It was a face he'd known for millennia, and loved for near half of those. The elfling, and that's what he still was in the eyes of his people, appeared drawn, and as Elrond moved closer to formally greet him, he could see the soft lines around the dark eyes, eyes far too young to show such strain. `Legolas, son of Thranduil of the Woodland Realms, I offer you welcome to Rivendell, may you be welcome within its borders.' `Lord Elrond, I accept your hospitality.' Formalities finished, the elf lord swept Legolas into a tight embrace. `It has been too long,' he said, stepping back and cupping the younger elf's cheek. `It has,' replied the prince leaning into the touch and sighing softly. `I fear I bring ill tidings.' `Ill tidings seem to be all we have in these dark times, young one.' Brushing his thumb along Legolas' jaw, Elrond made short work of the dirt staining the soft cheek, and smiled at the sheepish grin that graced the prince's face. Pausing to stroke his thumb against the faint lines around the eye, he murmured gently, `Your eyes speak to me of great strain, pray tell me what has troubled you so.' Sighing again, Legolas closed his eyes before beginning to reply. `The creature Gollum has escaped, and despite our best efforts we have been unable to locate him. Please accept my apologies from the citizens of Mirkwood, my Lord. I have ' His ensuing words were silenced as Elrond's thumb moved to his lips. `I know this young one Mithrandir himself told me. Do not trouble yourself further.' The blond elf's whole body spoke of the relief he felt in unburdening himself of the worry he had carried with him the whole journey. Closing his eyes, he relaxed into his beloved's touch, willing his fears and doubts to subside, if only for a moment. The Lord of Rivendell watched the emotions play across the young elf's face; he looked terribly vulnerable, as this moment and the older elf wanted nothing more than to ease the lines from the gentle face. However, as he moved to say something, the younger elf's mouth frowned under his touch and the blonde's body snapped suddenly to the side, cloak swirling around both of them `ihhhhchh!' `Are you well, dear one?' he inquired mildly, all too familiar with the archer's pride. `Well enough,' Legolas replied, straightening and drawing the back of his wrist beneath his nose. `I am weary.' `Come then. Your rooms are prepared. You shall have ample time to rest and bathe prior to tonight's feast.' A hint of the Prince's usual good humor ghosted across his features. `Are you telling me I need a bath my Lord?' he asked wickedly. `Perhaps,' replied Elrond. He closed the distance between them, capturing Legolas' mouth with his own. The younger elf leaned into the embrace and sighed as the dark elf brought both hands up to cup his face, fingers gently tracing circles along his temples towards his ears, mussing further the already disordered hair. Breaking the kiss, Elrond pressed his forehead against Legolas'. The kiss had left the Prince's face flushed and his eyes danced with a light that had not been there before. Elrond smiled again. `I have missed you, my bright one.' He watched as the archer's nose twitched and brow furrowed. `And I you,' Legolas answered shortly, breath hitching. Turning away in a swirl of cloak, he snapped both hands to his face `ihhitchht!' This sneeze was louder than the first, `hehchhuh!' and not alone. `Blesses again; are certain all is well?' Legolas nodded absently, his eyes already fluttering closed again. `Ehhhisshoo! I am weary from the road, no more.' `Very well, let me show you to your rooms. You will find them equipped in their usual fashion.' Though as the younger elf trailed behind him through the halls, Elrond could still make out the soft sniffles, which were occurring with greater frequency as they neared their destination. The young one had obviously caught a chill, no doubt brought on by the growing dangers they were all facing. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Legolas continued to rub at his nose, oblivious to everything but the tickles that were plaguing it. Arriving at their destination, Elrond opened the doors and turned to his companion. `There you are, princeling. Hot water should be arriving shortly. You should have sufficient time to wash and rest before the evening meal. If there is anything else you desire, do not hesitate to ask.' The prince caught his wrist as he turned to leave. `Anything I desire, Lord?' Elrond drew the hand to his mouth and gently nipped at the calloused fingers. `There will be time for that later, I assure you. The feast was progressing nicely. The new arrivals seemed to be settling in nicely, and though the hobbits seemed shy in the presence of elves, they were not as much so in the presence of food. As his eyes found the dark haired little one he could not help but sigh. How could one so small bear such a burden alone? Elrond shook his head at the dark thoughts and vowed to concentrate on more joyous things for the remainder of the evening. There was time enough to worry over these matters at the council convening the next afternoon. Turning his attention away from the hobbits, he concentrated on locating the lone Mirkwood elf in the crowd. Elrond had not forgotten Legolas' earlier sneezes, and despite his earlier insistence that he was merely tired, the elf Lord remained largely unconvinced. Scanning the large room, he quickly found who he was looking for. The elf had raised an eyebrow earlier when Elrond has caught his eye, and he couldn't help but smile when he realized that the Prince's many female companions showed no sign of tapering off. It seemed as if the blond elf was being introduced to every available female at the ball, with mothers lining up for a chance to present their many daughters. From his vantage point, Elrond decided he had never seen so many beautiful ladies in one place. He continued to watch as Legolas feigned polite interest in a new arrival, as his many admirers continued to talk and giggle merrily. The elf frowned slightly, his eyebrows knitting together as a look of irritation crossed his features, and he brought his wrist to his nose discreetly, while continuing to listen to the young women who surrounded him. As Elrond watched, he repeated this gesture several times, the rubbing growing more forceful as the moments ticked by. Then as the dark elf looked on, the elf's brow wrinkled suddenly, and he brought his hands to his face in one lightening quick moment, turned to the side, and sneezed. Or, at least, Elrond reckoned he had sneezed. Few noises could be heard above the din of the celebration. When Legolas faced his admirers again, however, his eyes were overly bright, and he continued to rub at his nose. Then, as the Lord of Rivendell watched, the Prince bowed politely to the ladies and in a swirl of dress robes made his way out of ballroom. He had known where to find his wayward beloved even before the not so soft `Ihhhchoo!' was heard in the quiet night. He found the younger elf partially hidden beneath a willow tree, seated on a stone bench overlooking the valley. Wordlessly he joined Legolas on the bench and followed his gaze towards the waters below. `I always know to look for you here,' he said after several moments had passed. `It is peaceful here. And quiet. I so wish for quiet.' This last statement was distorted by a sniffle, which turned into a cough that shook the slight shoulders. Elrond sighed to himself; much rested on all their shoulders in these dark times. The two sat in silence watching the mists move into the valley; it would not be long before a storm would come. The only sounds were the rushing of the nearby water and the occasional sniffle from the visiting prince. As the moon rose and the night grew darker, Legolas shivered slightly and moved closer to the dark elf. `Are you cold, young one?' Elrond asked, slightly concerned. Elves were usually only affected by extreme elements, and the night was relatively warm. Draping an arm around the blond elf, he grinned to himself as the prince drew closer and laid his head on Elrond's shoulder with a soft sigh. Legolas gave no reply except to sniffle gently and move closer still. Stroking the blond hair, he was not surprised to find heat radiating from the beneath his fingers, and he could clearly feel the prince's burning cheek through his robes. He continued to soothingly trace circles in the soft hair, as he said, `Despite the present circumstances, it is lovely to see you again. Too long have you been away.' Inclining his head, he peered down at Legolas, who returned his gaze, somewhat sleepily. The Prince's nose had grown quite pink around the edges and his eyes seemed overly bright in the dark night. Offering a small smile, he agreed softly. `Much time has passed,' he said, his melodic voice sounding hoarse and congested. `We should return inside, my sweet one. The storm shall arrive soon and you are not well.' `I am fatigued, no more,' the archer replied, drawing away from the other elf and straightening. `Indeed,' Elrond responded, raising an eyebrow. `I was quite long on the ehh, road ' Legolas started, only to pause suddenly, forehead wrinkling in intense concentration. `I was ' he tried again, blinking rapidly and pausing to rub at his nose. Elrond shook his head, as the younger elf tried, unsuccessfully to suppress the need to sneeze. Nose twitching and eyelashes fluttering, he opened his mouth to try again, only to inhale sharply and clasp both hands to his face `isssshhhh! Ahhhshhh! Ihhhh heh- kerchuuuh!' The sneezes were strong enough to bend him nearly double and when he straightened his eyes were running from the force of them. He sniffled wetly and returned his gaze to Elrond, who extended a fine lawn handkerchief from the folds of his robes. `Blesses.' `By thanks,' Legolas snuffled into the folds of the hanky, giving a soft blow and shivering. `Come, my bright one, you will be warmer here,' Elrond said, raising his arm in invitation. Still rubbing at his nose, the younger elf snuggled gratefully back into the warm circle of Elrond's waiting arms. `A difficult path lies ahead of all of us,' the elf lord began, resuming his stroking of the fine hair. `On the morrow we will be making great decisions concerning the future of all beings. We must strive to stand united in all things, all the beings of Middle Earth, no matter how great our differences may seem.' `Even with the dwarbes?' came the congested question with the hint of a chuckle. `Even the dwarves' replied Elrond. ` Rest now, let the peace of the valley heal you; you shall feel better when the sun rises.' With those final words, the two sat in silence, the Prince's eyes slowly drifting shut and his head growing heavier on the elf Lord's shoulder. It wasn't until the first drops of rain splashed down on the pink nose that Elrond was roused from his thoughts. It was most definitely time for rest. Finis | |||||
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Created & Organized by girlwithtulips & Annalisa |
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