Fics by Bunny
| Bunny 1 | Bunny 2 | Bunny 3 | Bunny 4 | Bunny 5 |
| Bunny 6 | Bunny 7 | Bunny 8 | Bunny 9 | Bunny 10 |
| Bunny 11 | Bunny 12 | Bunny 13 | Bunny 14 |

Bunny 1- Use 8 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: relentless, let me care for you, release, embarrassed, he's been sneezing all day, that's life, you don't understand, socks, fairy, sneezy
Story Title: Accepting Help
Author: Silentdreamer789
Fandom: NCIS
Bunny: #1
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Gibbs comes down with the cold that's been sweeping the office, his team need to find a way to get him to rest.
Story Title: Big Damn Head Cold
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Firefly
Bunny: #1, #4
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mal has a job and a... well, you can read the title, can't you?
Story Title: Invitation to the Dance
Author: Kastrel
Fandom: Original
Bunny: #1
Rating: Not 18+
Summary: The romantic hopes of two adolescent fairies are interrupted by a badly timed cold. Can their awkward advances survive it?
Story Title: Why Ryan Hates Surprises
Author: symphonyflute
Fandom: The OC
Bunny: #1
Rating: PG
Summary: The Atwoods aren't known for their good luck, and this holds true for surprises. No good can possibly come from Kirsten announcing she has a surprise. And no, she is not a werewolf. Or pregnant.

Bunny 2- Use 6 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: someday you will be loved, why weren't you wearing boots?, it's just another cold, snuffle, sore, don't forget, public knowledge, snowball fight, this could have gone better, shivering
Story Title: Lots Can Happen in Five Minutes
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #2
Rating: PG
Summary: A slightly hectic but notably important morning for George Weasley and family.
Story Title: Maestro
Author: Unicornpearlz
Fandom: Copying Beethoven
Bunny: #2
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Anna is over Beethoven's flat when he falls ill
Story Title: The Last Train Ride
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #2, #13
Rating: G
Summary: Events leading up to Remus going to teach at Hogwarts.

Bunny 3- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: what are you doing here?, Kizizzle, he stood in the rain, quilt, rescue, whimpered, I can't make it, sunset, Prada, photic
Story Title: A Taste for Blood
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Bunny: #3
Rating: PG
Summary: Drabble with angsty, wet, wartime boys
Story Title: Situations
Author: Unicornpearlz
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #3
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry is six, and living with Sirius and Remus. While Sirius is away at an Auror convention, Remus comes down ill.

Bunny 4- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: I can't sleep, smithereens, settling the score, acetylsalicylic acid (aka aspirin), God I feel awful, lucky number, clouds, secret, lackadaisical, weak
Story Title: Big Damn Head Cold
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Firefly
Bunny: #1, #4
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mal has a job and a... well, you can read the title, can't you?
Story Title: Getting to Know Him
Author: Unicornpearlz
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #4
Rating: ?
Summary: After dating for a few months, Severus comes down ill. Remus is boggled, not by the cold, but by another mysterious stranger controlling Severus' thoughts.

Bunny 5- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: score, summer, use it as a weapon, soaking, fire, grey sky eyes, crunch, adoringly, shut up sneezy, mystery

Bunny 6- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: French, used to abuse, winced, lotion, Somnophilia, making up for everything, honey, laughing, shivered, tree
Story Title: Count on It
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Star Wars
Bunny: #6
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a bit of a role reversal, Qui-Gon has a cold and Obi-Wan has an itch in his leggings.

Bunny 7- Use 6 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: hearth, violently, winter, missing, still, twas the night before, thermometer, forgive me, the worst snow storm ever, red
Story Title: Elixer
Author: Unicornpearlz
Fandom: Sweeny Todd
Bunny: #7
Rating: ?
Summary: Sweeney is trying to figure out what is in Pirelli's Miracle Elixer.
Story Title: The Night Before Christmas
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #7
Rating: G
Summary: It's Christmas Eve and Harry has a cold.

Bunny 8- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: fallen leaves, I'm sick of it, snow, fierce, dragon, stream, wand, hot chocolate, hate to tell you but, horsefeathers

Bunny 9- Use 5 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: navy blue slippers, one of a kind, contemplate, germs, ice cold fear, I have to sneeze, beg your pardon, alone during the holidays, sharp, novel
Story Title: Evening Conversation
Author: Gayle
Fandom: Supernatural
Bunny: #9
Rating: PG
Summary: This story takes place right after the third episode of the first season. After their jump in the lake to save Lucas, Sam catches a cold and Dean learns a couple of things about his brother that he might not have known before. Really, just some mindless Winchester fluff.
Story Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: ReallyGinny
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #9
Rating: PG
Summary: Remus begins to see Tonks in a new light when she catches a cold that causes an unusual set of symptoms.

Bunny 10- Use 9 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: I want your cold!, warm, never quite felt like winter, street lights, bear hug, nightmare, keep the fire burning, chocolate, size matters, host
Story Title: Bridges
Author: smokeycat_430
Fandom: Journeyman
Bunny: #10
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Dan goes back on a mission to help a young father and his family.

Bunny 11- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: petted, close the window, tears, peace, marry, to err is human, April showers bring, I smell a sneeze, shower, wind
Story Title: The Plot
Author: Unicornpearlz
Fandom: Sweeny Todd
Bunny: #11
Rating: ?
Summary: Mr. Todd takes care of an ill Judge Turpin, at the request of Mrs. Lovett

Bunny 12- Use 5 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: try a different position, ragweed, laboratory, she sneezed into his nostrils, miserable, burning up, cowboys, feverish, somnambulance, the kids have been sick

Bunny 13- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: rain, big breakthrough, shiver, stars, stuffed, ragged, ashamed, instruction, train ride, beasties
Story Title: The Last Train Ride
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #2, #13
Rating: G
Summary: Events leading up to Remus going to teach at Hogwarts.

Bunny 14- Use 4 of these 5 sentences in a story: Why does this always happen to me?, If I could just plug my nose with a cork I would!, Come sit by the fire where it's warm, But I have so much work to do!, Would you like a cold? You can have it for free
Story Title: Caring
Author: Silentdreamer789
Fandom: NCIS
Bunny: #14
Rating: ?
Summary: Tony is sick, and Gibbs is the Boss. Gen.
Story Title: Ordinary
Author: symphonyflute
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #14
Rating: ?
Summary: At the beginning of OOTP, is it really just anger that's making Harry feel so...out of the ordinary?

Challenge- Words/Phrases 2007-08
Created & Organized by
Symphonyflute and tarotgal