Sneezefic Words/Phrases Challenge
Words/Phrases Challenge
Issued on: December 23, 2007
Ended on: April 4, 2008
Challengers: Symphonyflute and tarotgal

The responses are: 19 entries from 11 fandoms by 8 participants.

Sneezefic is fanfiction which involves characters sneezing. It is written and posted on a number of groups and sites. This challenge on the sneezefic mailing list was made to give members of the list a fun time trying something different and hopefully allow more writers to easily participate and contribute.

There are 14 Plot Bunnies to choose from for this challenge!
Thank you to everyone who submitted a word/phrase; we couldn't have done this without you. A random number generator was used to put these in order and to choose how many should be required for each bunny.

Theme: Words/Phrases
Main Rule:
All fics must include the words in the bunnies below... and must contain sneezing (obviously).

  • Bunny #1- Use 8 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: relentless, let me care for you, release, embarrassed, he's been sneezing all day, that's life, you don't understand, socks, fairy, sneezy

  • Bunny #2- Use 6 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: someday you will be loved, why weren't you wearing boots?, it's just another cold, snuffle, sore, don't forget, public knowledge, snowball fight, this could have gone better, shivering

  • Bunny #3- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: what are you doing here?, Kizizzle, he stood in the rain, quilt, rescue, whimpered, I can't make it, sunset, Prada, photic

  • Bunny #4- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: I can't sleep, smithereens, settling the score, acetylsalicylic acid (aka aspirin), God I feel awful, lucky number, clouds, secret, lackadaisical, weak

  • Bunny #5- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: score, summer, use it as a weapon, soaking, fire, grey sky eyes, crunch, adoringly, shut up sneezy, mystery

  • Bunny #6- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: French, used to abuse, winced, lotion, Somnophilia, making up for everything, honey, laughing, shivered, tree

  • Bunny #7- Use 6 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: hearth, violently, winter, missing, still, twas the night before, thermometer, forgive me, the worst snow storm ever, red

  • Bunny #8- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: fallen leaves, I'm sick of it, snow, fierce, dragon, stream, wand, hot chocolate, hate to tell you but, horsefeathers

  • Bunny #9- Use 5 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: navy blue slippers, one of a kind, contemplate, germs, ice cold fear, I have to sneeze, beg your pardon, alone during the holidays, sharp, novel

  • Bunny #10- Use 9 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: I want your cold!, warm, never quite felt like winter, street lights, bear hug, nightmare, keep the fire burning, chocolate, size matters, host

  • Bunny #11- Use 4 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: petted, close the window, tears, peace, marry, to err is human, April showers bring, I smell a sneeze, shower, wind

  • Bunny #12- Use 5 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: try a different position, ragweed, laboratory, she sneezed into his nostrils, miserable, burning up, cowboys, feverish, somnambulance, the kids have been sick

  • Bunny #13- Use 7 of these 10 words or phrases in a story: rain, big breakthrough, shiver, stars, stuffed, ragged, ashamed, instruction, train ride, beasties

  • Bunny #14- Use 4 of these 5 sentences in a story: Why does this always happen to me?, If I could just plug my nose with a cork I would!, Come sit by the fire where it's warm, But I have so much work to do!, Would you like a cold? You can have it for free

The fics submitted for the challenge were originally posted on the SFAnnualChallenge. They have been archived here, arranged by title, author, fandom, and bunny. It is encouraged that you give feedback to the authors and thank them for the contributions. You may do so by posting to the challenge's Yahoo group or by e-mailing the authors of these fics directly. Please observe story ratings before reading them as some stories might contain slash, violence, or sexual situations. If you are an author, please see the information page.

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Challenge- Words/Phrases 2007-08
Created & Organized by
Symphonyflute and tarotgal