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Title: All's Well that Ends Hell
Author: Hermione
Fandom: Sleepy Hollow
Bunny: #2
Rating: NA
Summary: NA
Title: Cold Obsession
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia
Bunny: #2
Rating: G
Summary: Following the LWW, Peter becomes a little obsessive and over-protective of his country. Unfortunately, that means he neglects a few other things.
Title: Disguises
Author: Gayle
Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Bunny: #1
Rating: PG for violence
Summary: NA
Title: Dressing the Part
Author: Sharon
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #2
Rating: PG
Summary: NA
Title: Friendship
Author: Aewyn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #1
Rating: NA
Summary: NA
Title: Hunter's Moon
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #1 & #2
Rating: G
Summary: The four Marauders, together for the first time, investigating and adventuring. Can't help it if there's a little sneezing thrown in for fun, the boys are just too cute to resist *G*
Title: It is Halloween, After All
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Bunny: #1
Rating: PG
Summary: In this very short PWP, Ron and Harry spend a Halloween night together
Title: Of Tricks and Trunks
Author: black velvet band
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Bunny: #1
Rating: G
Summary: Short silly ficlet really. Merry and Pippin's holiday pranks upset their host in Rivendell.
Title: Starting with a Sniffle
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Bunny: #1
Rating: G
Summary: Many of the X-Men settle down together on Halloween night to watch monster movies.
Title: Untitled
Author: Meg
Fandom: Alias
Bunny: Mix
Rating: NA
Summary: NA