Challenge Rules
The following official rules were proposed for this challenge on September 26, 2003-
  1. The most important rule is to have fun!
  2. The theme can belong to any type of fandom, but must correspond to one of the plot bunnies, if it doesn't, you can always just post it to the list urself, just not under the challenge! =)
  3. Have the story in by the due date.
  4. Any length will 'do, and almost any rating, let's keep things a bit calm though and try to keep sexual innuendos down a little. Slash is fine, just no intense sexual themes.
  5. Send all stories to:
  6. All stories will be released at approx: five days after the due date.
  7. All stories must be turned in by October 17, 2003. By midnite, Pacific Standard time.
  8. Duh, All stories have to have sneezing in them. lol.
  9. Any type of sneezing fic welcomed, allergy, sneezing, tickles in nose, it doesn't matter!
  10. Name isn't needed, there isn't going to be any judging for this challenge specifically because it's just to have fun. You can submit a fic anonymously, it's totally fine!
  11. If there are any spoilers, ratings, etc. state them at the beginning of a fic.
  12. Long long fics should be divided into more than one piece.
  13. Submit as many stories as you want to!
  14. Did I mention, have fun? lol.
October 10, 2003- Stories can be sent in message of text or as an attachment in MS Word or any word processor
October 13, 2003- Due date extended to October 24, 2003. The address to mail fics to is:
October 14, 2003- The challenge is doing great, got some stories up today and im putting them up as i get them, no more procrastination by me! hehe! hope to see everyone's stories up there soon! Oh yeah, and to everyone who reads them, i would like it if you could give feedback to everyone. I know it's a lot of work, but think about how hard everyone worked to post, you know? Thanks!
October 20, 2003- Hey Guys! Reminder! Fics are due in 5 days!
Challenge- Halloween 2003
Created & Organized by A
Site by tarotgal