Title: Disguises
Author: Gayle
Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Rating: PG for violence
Spoilers: NA
Disclaimer: I have never been to Japan, I can't draw, and I only wish I would have come up with this great and wonderful Anime. So it's not mine.
Summary: NA
Notes: This was written for the Sneezefic Halloween-themed challenge bunny #1: write a story using the words/phrases 'trick or treat', 'but he's so pale', 'haunted', 'raining', and 'but I'm afraid of the dark'
Feedback: Please send some
"Trick or treat!" Aya found himself staring down at two children
dressed up in costumes.
He quirked an eyebrow, trying to look menacing and failing
miserably. There is a limit as to how threatening one can look with
a red nose and tired expression. "Cad I... are you idterested in buyig
Ken came to his rescue grinning broadly. "It's Halloweed, Aya," he
told him with a laugh. He gave the children more candy than is
usually given to Trick or Treaters.
"You kids should wait udtil it's dark before you go, dot idterruptig
a busidess duridg hours."
"Well, we would have waited for night but my little sister here..."
The boy was cut off by a little girl's voice, "but I'm afraid of the
dark!" She sounded proud of the fact, and Aya wondered if she really
was or if she just wanted to ruin her brother's fun. It seemed like
something a little sister would do. "Hep-CCChhhiiii! Hep-
CCChhhhiiiii! CCChhhiiiiuu!" Aya pulled a tissue out of the half
empty box he and Ken were taking turns using. His annual autumn cold
had shown up right on schedule, and had chosen to pay Ken a visit as
"We're closig early adyway Aya," Ken reminded him as the children
left and the door swung shut. They couldn't leave it open the way
they usually did because it would make their colds worse.
Omi joined them, passing Aya a cup of tea. Ken, who would have
preferred coffee, took his cup as well, muttering something about
stupid colds and their rules. Omi wouldn't let him have coffee; he
said it wasn't any help. "Right, the mis..." One look from Aya shut
him up right away. First rule of working in Weiss, never talk about
missions where others can hear you.
Yoji walked up to the few girls who were remaining. "I'm sorry,
ladies, we have to close now. If you'll come back tomorrow we'll be
happy to help you." After ushering them out he locked the
door. "Alright, let's get upstairs. We need to get ready for this."
"Right," agreed Omi, "we've only got one shot."
The mission was to assassinate a mad scientist who every year
kidnapped children who are Trick or Treating and preformed
experiments with electricity on them. He had finally been tracked
down and Persia had informed them on his whereabouts. The only
trouble was getting in. No one could unless invited.
As the team was gearing up, Aya wiped his nose with a tissue. He
knew he was sick, but he shoved it to the back of his mind. The
mission was much more important.
"Uh-HHEEESSShhhhuuu! Heh-Eesshhhhuuuuu! Eh-CCChhhhhhuuu!" Ken could
be heard sneezing through the whole house. Yoji sighed. "Do you
really think you and Ken are up for this? Maybe Omi and I could do
it by ourselves."
Aya stopped lacing up his boots and glared at him. "The bission is
bore ibportadt than our colds. You two could dot hadle it by
yourselves." It was true, Yoji might be able to pull it off, just
waiting in the shadows for the other's signal, but there was no way
Omi could do his share alone. Going into the mansion of a mad
scientist as bait was too dangerous to be a one-man job.
After they were dressed, Omi and Ken not in their usual assassin
attire, but in children's Halloween costumes, they left to fulfill
their task.
"Do you think he'll kill anyone before those two can get to him?"
Yoji asked, trying to get a good view of the old house without being
seen while he was sitting on a tree limb.
"I dod't doe." Aya whispered back, noiselessly blowing his nose. He
never tried to hide when he was ill, unlike the others. He would
downplay his symptoms, but illness was a fact of life, and like all
other facts, it must be faced. "HEP-Chmph! He-Chmph!" He stifled his
sneezes, not wanting to give away their vantage point.
"You alright? You look like you're getting worse." Yoji frowned at
him, careful to keep his voice low.
"I ab gettidg worse, but I'll be fine until the bissoin's over. Ad
I'll sleep for a year afterwards."
Yoji sighed, "I guess that's as close as you'll ever get to cracking
a joke." Suddenly he sat up straight a spyglass held up to his
sunglasses, "Aya, they're coming up the walkway."
Aya's hand instinctively rested on his sword, ready to pull it
out. "Good."
For the first time that he could remember, Omi was glad he was
short. No one looked twice at him for going Trick or treating, the
way they did to Ken. The only thing saving him from complete
ridicule was that it almost looked as if he was a big brother taking
his little brother out for the night.
Ken lifted his plastic mask so that it exposed his mouth and nose
and coughed into his hand. After wiping his nose with a tissue from
the pack he carried with him he arranged his mask again and tried to
look like a candy-starved child.
"You alright?" Omi looked at him with concern.
Ken sniffled deeply, "I'b fide. It's just a cold after all."
"You don't sound very 'fide' to me." He flashed a grin and rang the
doorbell. "Showtime."
An old, wild looking man answered the door, "Ah, the first ones of
the evening." He muttered to himself.
Omi, having sharp ears, heard. He and Ken held open their
bags. "Trick or treat!" Ken thought about how long it had been since
he had really gone Trick or Treating.
The old man smiled sweetly, "Won't you come in? I'm afraid I haven't
had time to fill my bowl or anything this evening." He held up an
empty pumpkin-shaped bowl as proof. "It's too cold for you to wait
outside while I try to find something to give you." His voice was
smooth, convincing.
Inwardly, Ken agreed with the man on one thing. It WAS too cold to
wait outside. He shivered, "Huh-EECCHHhhuuu! Heh-ECCHHHhhhuuuu!
Eccchhhuuuu!" He fumbled for his tissues, got one out of the pack,
and then remembered that he couldn't use it without lifting his
mask. If he did that, the mission might have to be scrubbed. Anyone
would be able to tell that he wasn't twelve or thirteen. Ken pushed
the tissue back into his pocket, sniffing resignedly.
The man seemed to see the problem. "Oh, and you're ill. That won't
do at all. You must come in and get yourselves warm by my fire." He
pushed the door open all the way, allowing them to step inside. Ken
and Omi followed him into the living room, thinking that this was
how he lured all his experiments in. By seeming friendly and nice.
The man gestured at the couch, "Have a seat. I'll bring you out
something soon, then you can be on you way."
Before stepping inside of the house, Ken caught his foot between the
door and the door jam, leaving it open just a sliver so that Aya and
Yoji could get in when the time came. He sat down beside Omi and
risked taking off his mask. He had to blow his nose and besides
which, it was SO hard to breath under it, not to mention unbearably
warm. He began to look around the room and his gaze fell on a small
candy dish that was filled with peppermints. Without thinking, Ken
leaned forward and helped himself to one to try to sooth his sore
throat. Omi grabbed his wrist just in time to stop him. They
exchanged looks, paling at the thought of what Ken had almost
done. "Thank you" Ken mouthed silently to his teammate. Omi just
nodded, his eyes larger than usual. Who knew what a mad man might
put in his candy dish?
Ken leaned back on sofa. "You doe," he began, trying to sound casual
and as if he were making light conversation while waiting, "They say
this place is haudted."
"Haunted? What are you talking about? You don't believe in ghosts,
do you?" Omi looked at him as if he had gone crazy. There was
already enough to worry about, what with a real threat in the house,
he certainly didn't want Ken making up fake ones.
Ken laughed, "Of course dot, just thought it'd bake for a fud thig
to talk about, that's all."
Omi frowned at him. How was that a fun thing to talk about? "I sure
hope that guy gets back soon."
Meanwhile, Aya and Yoji were having a more miserable time. "It's
raining." Yoji stated unnecessarily.
"Yes, I see that. Thadks for tellidg be." Aya's voice was sharp and
uncharacteristically full of sarcasm.
"Hey man, just trying to make conversation."
Aya was no longer listening, however. "Hep-Cchhhiii! Hep-Chumph! Heh-
Chmf!" He wiped his very sore nose and winced. His sinuses were
hurting him something awful, stifling his sneezes wasn't helping
that any, and he just wanted to get the mission done so that he
could go to bed.
Yoji jabbed Aya in the ribs, "There's Ken's signal! Come on!" He
leaped down from the tree with catlike ease. Aya followed, a bit
more slowly but still faster than an average person could have.
Normally he could easily keep up with Yoji, if not outrun him. He
hated what this cold was doing to his body.
Yoji looked back at him, noticing that his breath was coming faster
than it usually did, and his cheeks were redder than they had been
that morning. When he joined him at the window, Yoji saw him shiver
violently, but chose not to remark on it.
Aya sneezed perfectly silent into his hand, dabbing at his nose with
the back of it. If Yoji hadn't have seen it, he wouldn't have known
that he had sneezed at all. He frowned, "Why didn't you do that
while we were up in the tree?"
"Because it hurts, that's why." He wiped his nose again looking
absolutely miserable.
Yoji was sympathetic, if it had been Omi or even Ken, he would have
patted him on the head. As it was he awkwardly placed a hand briefly
on his shoulder, then looked in the window again. "I see Omi, but
not Ken. Let's get in there before..." His voice trailed off when he
saw that Aya was one step ahead of him. Not necessarily a good thing
when the mission was calling for stealth.
Aya pushed open the door, thankful that the hinges weren't rusted so
they didn't squeak. It was an eerily quiet house, perfect for the
horror films that Ken was fond of watching late at night. He sneezed
silently again, twice, but he knew that he was going to have to stop
soon; otherwise he might end up yelping in pain. He felt a cold,
heavy hand rest on his shoulder and jumped.
"Don't you believe in the element of surprise?" Came Yoji's drawl,
flat even when whispered.
"I thought you were right behide be." He hissed back. "Look," he
pointed at something lying at the top of a stairway, "That's part of
Obi's costube."
"Then we aren't far off. He left it there on purpose." Yoji raced
toward the door, his feet as soft and quiet as if they were made of
velvet. He realized that it was taking Aya longer to catch up to him
this time; the run for the front entrance must have worn him out
more. When the two men got down to the basement, they witnessed the
middle of a fight scene. The old man was defending himself quite
well against Omi and Ken. Aya drew his sword, determined to end the
battle quickly.
Before Aya could hit him, the scientist pulled a gun, shooting him
in the shoulder. As he was watching Aya go down, Ken took the
opportunity and finished the job that they had set out to do.
"Aya!" Omi ran over to where Yoji was helping him sit up and looked
at his wound. "Are you alright?"
He started to nod, but stopped, wincing in pain. "Is it serious,
Omi? Will he be alright?" Yoji was looking intently at him; worry
barely concealed behind his dark glasses.
"He should be, but he's so pale! He's loosing a lot of blood, it
looks like, and the fact that's he's sick..."
"Doesn't help matters any." Yoji finished as Aya's head lulled
weakly back onto his shoulder.
Omi pressed a hand, well trained due to his being the "medic" of
Weiss, against Aya's forehead. "He's burning up. We need to get him
home." He turned to Ken, who was looking rather the worse for wear
himself. "I think they should both be in bed right now. They've been
working hard." Omi went over to Aya's other side and pulled his
(Aya's) arm around his neck, put his own arm around his waist and
helped Yoji get the injured man to his somewhat shaky feet.
Aya groaned. "Hep-ccchhhiiii! Hep-ccchhhiii! Chhhiii!" He was unable
to cover his nose and mouth and just looked awful. Yoji pulled out a
wrinkled, balled up handkerchief and wiped his nose for him. Aya was
too hurt and sick to care, otherwise he would have said something
rude, or at the very least pulled away from the offending cloth.
Instead he leaned his head on Yoji's shoulder as if he was just too
tired to hold it up anymore and allowed himself to be guided out of
the mansion.
Ken dragged himself, run down but otherwise fine, away from the dead
body. He followed his teammates out of the house and back to the
apartment over the flower shop, sniffling. He had used up the last
of his tissues and was getting a bit desperate when Omi dug in his
pocket with his free hand, "Here," he passed a clean handkerchief to
Ken, "Keep it, alright. I really don't want it back after you've
blown your nose in it."
Ken smiled tiredly, "I wasd't pladding on gividg it back. I thidk I
deed it."
Omi quirked a grin at him and helped Yoji get Aya into bed. When
that was done Yoji contacted Manx to tell her about Aya while Omi
bandaged the wound good enough until she could send a doctor over.
Omi finished his task and joined Ken on the couch where he was
watching the Halloween horror flick that he had taped that night.
"Crazy mission, wasn't it?"
Ken sniffled into a tissue, "Yeah, pretty weird. How's Aya?"
"Manx is going to send a doctor over to have a look at him. Maybe he
should look at you too, while he's already here?" Omi looked
"Doe, I'b fide, just a cold. Huh-EEEEChhuuu! Echhhuuu!
EECChhhhuuu! 'Scuse be. I really ab, thadks for worrying about it,
though." Ken made to stretch out on the couch, his favorite position
when he was sick, so Omi had to move over to the chair. He sighed,
he really didn't mind, though. The mission was a success, no one
from Weiss was dead, and tomorrow was Sunday, so he was looking
forward opening the shop late and closing early.
The End