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Title: Yule Among Friends
Author: Kringle Fandom: Lord of the Rings Rating: G Disclaimer: All the characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, as does Imladris and the Hall of Fire as well as Mirkwood. I normally write canon, but this time have chosen to totally ignore the existence of Aragorn's mother... and probably lots of other things... sorry to any sticklers out there!! Summary: Legolas and Aragorn travel to Imladris for the Yuletide celebrations - but will they enjoy them when Aragorn catches a cold along the way and Legolas finds that he is unexpectedly missing home? Bunnies: #2, #4, #7- Write a story with the situations 'Too much cold and snow during a snowball fight', 'Character(s) celebrate(s) a holiday for the first time ', 'Winter blues ' Feedback: Please Yule Among Friends "Legolas?" "Yes, Estel?" "It's snowing." The elf glanced at his friend with an amused smile. "Aye, I can see that." "I was merely remarking on the fact. I thought all you strange Mirkwood lot celebrated First Snow". "We do. Indeed we did. You forget that the weather is much harsher in Mirkwood and we have already had First Snow there this year. But you are right. It is a holiday for us as we believe it signifies the true start of Yuletide preparations." Aragorn sniffled softly in the cold night air and held his hands out to the campfire, rubbing them together in the hope of gaining a little more warmth. Legolas had been on his way to Imladris when his friend had convinced Lord Elrond that he should ride out to meet him so that they could spend a few days together in the wild, hunting and riding. It was rare for any of the Mirkwood elves to be away from their home at Yuletide unless they were on patrol in the great forest, particularly their golden-haired prince, but Thranduil had asked him to carry some messages to Elrond and so he chose to stay in Imladris rather than risk missing the celebrations altogether if he were delayed by bad weather on the journey home. The two friends had spent a few funfilled days together and were now little more than a day's ride away from Imladris. They could quite easily have kept travelling but Legolas had noted an unusual weariness in the man's movements over the previous few hours and to the elf he also seemed a little paler than normal. They were well protected where they were, just inside the mouth of a rocky hollow that was not quite deep enough to be called a cave and the small campfire just outside the entrance provided a source of warmth. Nevertheless, Aragorn seemed to be trying to suppress shivers. "Estel, why do you not take my cloak? You know I do not feel the cold as you do." Aragorn cleared his throat with a cough before answering. "Thank you but I'm fine. I have a blanket as well as my own cloak. Besides, it will become much colder during the night and even elves are not immune to freezing temperatures." Legolas sighed almost inaudibly, realising the futility of arguing with Aragorn when he was being particularly stubborn. A state that usually meant he was feeling unwell but refusing to admit it. "Eshoo, heh-heh-ah...eshoo". Aragorn sneezed into his cupped hands. "Excuse me", he mumbled. "Bless you", Legolas said kindly. "Are you ill, Estel?" He reached out to touch the man's forehead as he knew this was how mortals determine the extent of fever but Aragorn swatted him away impatiently. "Of course I'm not ill", he snapped. "Merely a little tired. I think perhaps I might try to get some sleep if you do not mind taking the first watch?" "I do not mind at all", Legolas reassured him, having no intention of waking Aragorn if he managed to fall asleep. "Try to get some rest. By tomorrow night we shall be safely in the warmth of Lord Elrond's halls". Aragorn smiled despite himself and lay down, wrapping his blanket tightly around himself and curling into a tight ball as there was little room for him to stretch out his long legs. He rubbed his nose with his finger; sniffling to get rid of the tickle he felt increasing. Eventually he felt his eyelids droop and he drifted into sleep. Legolas sat a few feet away from Aragorn, listening to the sniffles and then the breathing that sounded heavier than usual as the man fell asleep. There was little question in his mind that his friend had caught a chill on their journey and he hoped they would be in Imladris before it worsened. A slight hiss caught his attention and the elf was startled to realise that the snow was now falling so heavily that their fire had been quenched. He smiled wryly to himself as he removed his cloak and placed it gently around the sleeping man. ![]() Legolas tied the last of their packs to the horses the next morning and patted the animals gently, glad they seemed to have come to no harm during the cold night. He was pleased too that Aragorn seemed a little better this morning. He had said nothing of the fact that the elf had neglected to wake him to take his turn at a watch, seemingly somewhat embarrassed at his crankiness the night before. He had returned Legolas' cloak with a shy smile and muttered word of thanks. Now, as Legolas went to call the man he was suddenly struck on the back of his head by something hard and cold. With the deadly speed of his kind, Legolas whirled around, an arrow knocked and aimed at his foe. Only centuries of training prevented him from actually releasing the arrow before assessing his enemy. He blinked in bewilderment and slowly lowered his weapon. Aragorn was bent over, breathless with laughter. "Estel, what...?" Legolas trailed off, still uncertain as to what had occurred. "Oh, Legolas", Aragorn gasped, "You should have seen your face! It was only a snowball!". "A snowball? Estel, I could have killed you". Aragorn sobered himself at Legolas' distress, albeit with some difficulty. "Forgive me", he apologised. "I admit I did not consider that. I should have..." He never finished his sentence, spluttering instead as a snowball hit him square in the face. He glared at the elf, surveyed the glistening white landscape around him and launched his attack, with Legolas easily dancing out of the way before laughingly retaliating. Much later they were both flushed and exhilarated when Legolas finally called a halt, concerned when Aragorn paused to lean against a nearby tree, coughing helplessly. "Come, Estel", Legolas said gently, "You have wearied yourself and we still have some distance to cover". He handed Aragorn his waterskin and rubbed the man's back as he drank deeply. Finally, he seemed to have himself under control and he straightened up. "Thank you", he croaked, "Too much excitement, I think. But it was fun!" Legolas smiled in agreement. The two friends mounted their horses and set off. They had covered quite a distance when Legolas realised that Aragorn had begun coughing and sniffling again during the last mile or so. Glancing back, he noticed the man had come to a halt so he turned his horse around to join him. "What ails you, Estel?" he asked, wondering at the look of discomfort on the man's face. "Nothing. I just...I...eh...hah...need to...heh...sneeh...eshoo, eshoo, hehchissh, ah-etchoo...needed to sneeze". He sniffled miserably and fumbled in his tunic pocket for a handkerchief, while trying to maintain his balance atop his horse. Taking the cloth out, he held it to his face expectantly. "Atchoo, hetchoo, eh...ehCHISSHH. Excuse me." He blew his nose forcibly and then looked at the elf, blinking back the tears that had formed with the strength of his sneezes. Legolas was looking increasingly concerned with each sneeze. "Would you like to rest for a while?" Aragorn shook his head. "Truth be told, you were right as always. I don't feel too...etchoo...too well and would like to be home as soon as possible." "Then we will make haste. But please let me know if you wish us to stop for a while." Aragorn nodded and they set off again. They rode in silence for a while, Aragorn desperately trying to ignore the sneezy feeling that kept building and Legolas intent on covering as much distance as Aragorn was capable of. Presently, Aragorn broke the silence. "Legolas? Tell me about Yuletide in Mirkwood." The elf smiled, his eyes softening at the thought of home. "Ai, Estel, you must come to my father's halls one year to see for yourself. Once First Snow has fallen the elves from the outer settlements move closer to the palace and any warriors who can be spared from the Border Patrols are allowed home." He sighed. "Alas, fewer than ever can be spared in these dark times." Aragorn frowned at his friend's troubled countenance, knowing the effect the growing shadow had on Legolas' beloved home. He sneezed suddenly and tried to find a dry corner of his thoroughly used handkerchief, before giving up and sniffling loudly and wetly instead. "But, hatchisch, hah-etchisch...excuse me...it is still a time of joy, is it not?" "Yes, you are right. On the day of the celebration the elflings have no lessons and they spend the day playing in the snow. The adults make final preparations for the feast. Once night falls we all gather beneath the stars. Adar offers words of thanks to the Valar for all they have given us during the year and asks that they are kind during the next year. He blesses our people and then we enter the Great Hall for a feast. Everyone is always in high spirits and afterwards there is much song and dance. I imagine it is similar in Imladris?" Aragorn nodded. "Some differences. You might find it a little more formal here." He sniffled again and rubbed his nose impatiently. He was beginning to find it painful to swallow and his head was starting to throb. He also wished the sniffles and sneezes would give him peace for longer than a few minutes. The elf glanced over in concern. "How do you fare, Estel?" he asked quietly. "Not well", the man admitted, "but we do not have much further to go". Legolas smiled sympathetically but decided that there was really very little he could do for the man at this moment. He didn't even have a handkerchief to offer him, rarely having need of one himself. Soon, there came the unmistakeable sound of the roaring waters of the Bruinen and as they approached they became aware of the first of Imladris' guard. At the thought that they were so close to their destination, both man and elf sped up considerably, finally coming to a halt before the steps of Elrond's magnificent home. As he slid from his horse and handed the reins over to one of the stable-hands, Aragorn suddenly felt a great weariness wash over him. He had managed to keep going as long as necessary but now he wished for nothing more than to fall into his waiting bed. "Estel!" The cheerful cry could only have come from the dark-haired sons of Elrond. Elladan and Elrohir came bonding down the steps to greet them, regardless of any thoughts of maintaining a sense of decorum. They each clasped arms with Legolas and greeted him warmly before turning to their younger brother. Any words they might have uttered died on their lips as they caught sight of his pale face, red nose and watery eyes. Aragorn smiled wryly, then took a hesitating breath. "Hachissh...hah- hahetchoo". Elrohir recovered himself first and sprang forward, putting his arms around Aragorn and leading him into the house. "You're ill, little brother", he remarked somewhat needlessly. "It seems Legolas is unable to take care of you properly". A playful punch by Legolas was the only reply to that statement. Elladan hurried ahead of them and came back with his father in tow. Legolas bowed to him and he greeted the Sindar prince before turning to the man he considered to be his youngest son. "Elladan tells me you are ill, Estel", he said in his low, melodious voice. "Just a little...hetchoo...cold." Aragorn attempted to glare at his eldest brother but was again interrupted by the overwhelming need to sneeze. "Issh, etchoo, hetchoo". He scrubbed at his irritated nose with his sleeve, by now little caring if this would disgust the elves. Elrond frowned and cupped Aragorn's face in his hands, gazing into his eyes. "I think it is indeed a head cold, but a rather severe one. You need plenty of rest so as not to worsen the illness. Bathe quickly and go to bed. I'll bring you some tea presently." Aragorn did as he was bid, his movements slow and lethargic. It took great effort on his part not to fall asleep in the bath and he almost cried with relief when he finally sank into his soft bed. He expected sleep to take him immediately but while the steam from his bath had eased his congestion, it had also made his nose run. He was still lying there sniffling when Elrond entered a few moments later, bearing a mug of tea and a neat pile of handkerchiefs. He sat on the edge of the bed and helped Aragorn to sit up. "Drink this, my son, it will help you to sleep and will ease your symptoms." Tears sprang suddenly to Aragorn's eyes and he dashed them away, utterly mortified. Elrond, however, simply reached over and gathered him in his arms, gently stroking the dark head, choosing to ignore the fact that Aragorn was well and truly an adult by human standards and instead comforting him as he had done when he was a child. "Come now. You are just wearied and in need of rest." He gestured again to the tea. "This will ensure you sleep the night". As promised, the sun was high in the sky when Aragorn finally opened his eyes again. He blinked for a moment, trying to remember why he was there. It wasn't long before he was reminded. "ISSH, Heh-ISSH, eshoo, heh...heh...atchoo". "Bless you", a quiet voice uttered and Aragorn looked up in surprise to see a grinning Elladan handing him a handkerchief. He took it gratefully and blew his nose several times before sighing in relief. "How do you feel, Estel?" "Like I spent too much time out in the snow and caught cold." "Ah, ill-tempered as usual. You cannot be suffering too much, then. Now, I am under strict instructions to fetch Adar as soon as you awoke." "Elladan?" The elf turned back at the sound of the feeble voice. "I do not want to miss the Yule feast tonight." Elladan smiled and patted Aragorn's hand comfortingly. "I am sure that if you rest enough today you will be allowed to partake for a while at least." "I hope so." Aragorn sniffled and snuggled back under the covers. Fortunately, Elrond concurred with Elladan and confined Aragorn to bed with the promise that he could attend the celebration later if he was sufficiently recovered. Aragorn slept, sneezed and sniffled the rest of the day away with frequent visits from one of his brothers or Legolas. As night fell again Legolas appeared once more in Aragorn's chamber, this time looking resplendent in his formal robes of deep green with a silver trim to match the circlet perched upon his gleaming hair. Aragorn had just climbed out of bed to begin his own preparations and on catching sight of his friend looking every inch a royal prince he bowed dramatically, complete with hand flourish. "Good evening, your highness", he jested, the effect somewhat lessened by the congestion in his voice. Legolas merely laughed and began pulling out clothes for his friend to wear. "I presume you are still insisting on gracing us with your presence for the evening, Estel?" "Of course." "Then put this on and we'll try to make you look presentable." Legolas handed the man a tunic. "Just a mo...heh...a mom...heh-isshoo, eshoo, eshoo. Sorry, had to...eshoo... sneeze." "Estel, perhaps you should stay and rest." "I promise you I will be fine as long as I have enough handkerchiefs." Legolas nodded and helped his friend fasten his tunic. He placed a warm robe around his shoulders and braided his hair back from his face. The elf then studied him critically. The outfit was stunning, its silver hues perfectly complementing the man's grey eyes but nothing could hide the pale face and red, chapped nose. He sighed. "Come. We do not want to keep Lord Elrond waiting." They made their way to the Hall of Fire, only pausing once for Aragorn to blow his nose. They joined the twins and Elrond, all of whom wore identical frowns when they saw Aragorn but each wisely saying nothing. The Hall seemed to hold every elf in Imladris and from their table at the top of the Hall Legolas and Aragorn gazed around appreciatively. Festive green and red garlands hung from the rafters and bright cloths covered each table. A spruce sat in one corner, adorned with carvings of various animals that elflings had lovingly made during the preceding weeks. Legolas closed his eyes and silently offered a word of thanks to the tree for sacrificing itself for their enjoyment. Elrond's minstrel gently plucked a harp to accompany the low murmur of voices. Before the meal began, Elrond rose and spoke words of welcome to his people. Like Thranduil, he expressed his gratitude for all that the Valar had bestowed upon them. Estel was right, Legolas thought as he worked his way through his meal and answered Elrond's advisor Erestor's queries about news from Mirkwood. It did lack the relaxed atmosphere of his father's feasts. But, he conceded, most of these elves would be equally surprised at the merriment of their Silvan kin. He glanced over at Aragorn. The man was rubbing his nose, seemingly trying to stifle a sneeze. Giving up, he pulled out a handkerchief and held it to his face. "Ah-chissh, hatchuh...ehchmpf". Several elves looked up at the muffled sound and he blushed furiously. Aragorn picked up his fork again. He didn't feel hungry enough for the lavish meal but was making an effort so as to spare himself a lecture from Elrond. He was beginning to regret his decision to attend the feast, although he would never admit this. He felt uncomfortably warm and it was becoming increasingly difficult to stifle his sneezes. He hated being sick in front of so many elves, who never knew illness and were still inclined to steer clear of him when he was suffering from some ailment. Finally, the meal came to an end and the tables and chairs were cleared away. However, instead of the dancing that Legolas expected, most elves gathered around on cushions for a night of songs and story-telling. He had witnessed this in Imladris many times before and enjoyed it immensely, so he took his place next to Elladan, Elrohir and Aragorn. The man used the noise of people moving to mask his frantic nose blows. "Perhaps you should return to bed?" Elrohir asked. Aragorn shook his head. "I will be resting as much here as I would in bed." And so they sat, listening with delight to some of the tales told and even joining in some of the songs, the cheery fire and mulled wine providing a wonderful sense of warmth and comfort. Many pleasant hours had passed when Legolas' thoughts wandered to his home, picturing the festivities taking place there at this very moment. Elrond had stayed in the hall for the evening, seemingly enjoying himself but Legolas knew that at home his father would be at the centre of the celebrations, joyously dancing the night away -- if only to throw some light in the face of the deepening shadow for a short while. He sighed. He found the festivities in Imladris just as enticing but had missed being under the stars for some of it. He shook his head, silently berating himself for his melancholy. He was generally away from home for one reason or another. What was it about Yule, he wondered, that made him miss his home and family so much? He rose quietly and whispered to the twins that he was going outside for some air, careful not to disturb Aragorn, who had drifted into sleep some time ago, his head resting on Elladan's shoulder and his mouth wide open to help him breathe. Leaving the Hall, Legolas slowly breathed in the cold, crisp air, relishing the freshness. Gleaming snow covered the ground but for now the sky was clear and every star visible. He nodded respectfully to Eärendil, who was journeying across the inky blackness of the night sky. Choosing a welcoming tree, Legolas swung easily into the branches and settled himself against the trunk, taking comfort in its gentle song. Gazing skywards he softly sang the traditional words of thanksgiving performed at Yuletide in Mirkwood. Presently, footfalls alerted him to the presence of another and a loud sneeze confirmed that it was Aragorn. Legolas lowered himself to the ground, startling the man. "Valar, Legolas!", he exclaimed. "A little warning next time.. I... CHISSH...HuhCHUSH..." "Bless you, Estel. You should not be out in the cold." The man shivered and pulled his cloak more tightly around him. "I came to look for you. Elladan said you left for some air but I thought you might want some company. Eschuh. Even sneezy company." Legolas smiled. "I merely sought a few moments under the stars." Together they walked back towards the Hall, Aragorn sniffling softly but his nose now too sore to try and blow it. "Legolas, I think I might retire for the night. The minstrel seems to be tiring of my sneezing during his songs..." "I think I too will leave the revelry to the others. Come, I will walk with you to you chamber." They climbed the stairs in silence and Aragorn seemed so weary upon reaching his bedchamber that Legolas stayed to help him into his sleep tunic, carefully folding the formal robes while Aragorn climbed into bed. "Eptusch, Hah...hahtchoo." "Bless you. Would you like me to stay for a while?" Aragorn nodded a little miserably. "If I am not keeping you from anything else? Heh...hetchoo. Sorry. Excuse me again." "And bless you again. Of course you are not keeping me from anything. Where else would I rather be at Yule than with my friend?" The elf sank into a chair near the bed and the two friends sat in comfortable silence. Legolas was sure the man was almost asleep when he spoke again. "I am sure your father misses you too at this time." Legolas looked over at him, startled. He hadn't realised his thoughts were that obvious. He swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat. "Thank you, my friend", he said a little hoarsely. "I am sure he does. But no doubt there will be many more Yuletides to spend with him and my people." Aragorn smiled, then snuggled further under the blankets, his eyes flicking to the window. "Legolas?" "Yes, Estel?" "It's snowing." "Fancy a snowball fight, Estel?" "Etchoo" "Maybe in a few days, then..." | |||||
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