Sneezefic Winter Celebration Challenge
Winter Celebration Challenge
Issued on: November 21, 2003
Ended on: January 5, 2004
Challengers: A and tarotgal

The responses were overwhelming: 36 stories from 14 fandoms by 17 authors.

Sneezefic is fanfiction which involves characters sneezing. It is written and posted on a number of groups and sites. This challenge on the sneezefic mailing list was made to give members of the list a fun time trying something different and hopefully allow more writers to easily participate and contribute.

There are 20 Plot Bunnies to choose from for this challenge, sort of a gift to all the writers and the readers in hopes of inspiring in many different stories, to result in many different contributions!

Theme: Winter celebrations
Main Rule: All fics must contain mention of a winter celebration of some sort
(Including but certainly not limited to: New Year's, Christmas, Boxing Day, Chanukah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice, Ramadan, end of term, first snow fall, winter holiday trip, birthday, thanksgiving, etc.)
Note- doesn't have to be a successful or happy celebration... and the fic doesn't have to revolve around it. But it should be winter and there should be a celebration/holiday somewhere in the story.
More notes- If your fic is set in the southern hemisphere and involves a celebration such as Christmas, etc. or takes place in a place without a formal ‘winter' and the celebration still fits then that is allowed.
    Situational challenges:
  1. Characters make/try to keep New Year's resolutions
  2. Too much cold and snow during a snowball fight
  3. After much deliberating, one character (or group of characters) gives another the perfect present
  4. Character(s) celebrate(s) a holiday for the first time
  5. One character finally works up the courage to tell one or more others something
  6. One character isn't used to the cold/snow
  7. Winter blues
  8. Nice winter evening at home

    First line(s) challenges:
  9. "Every year, it's always the same... and just when I was beginning to think nothing would change, it did."
  10. "When I/he/she left my/his/her home that blustery winter day, I/he/she had no idea what was in store. To begin with, everything was too perfect for anything unusual to happen." (adapted from the first lines of ‘Where the Red Fern Grows')
  11. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." (From 'A Tale of Two Cities')
  12. "They says that spring is for lovers; but I think winter has it beat by a long shot."

    Five-word challenges:
  13. snowflakes, shy, music, quilt, "Too cold"
  14. icicles, hot cocoa, scarf, mittens, "Don't feel well"
  15. frozen, feverish, dreamy, fire, "Nice and toasty"
  16. temperature, covers, holiday, feast, "Take care of you"

    Length challenges:
  17. 500 words (drabble)
  18. 100 words (drabble)
  19. 2004 words (short story)
  20. 50 pages (not-so-short story)

The fics submitted for the challenge were originally posted on the SneezeficHolidayChallenge. They have been archived here, arranged by title, author, fandom, and bunny. It is encouraged that you give feedback to the authors and thank them for the contributions. You may do so by posting to the challenge's Yahoo group or by e-mailing the authors of these fics directly. Please observe story ratings before reading them as some stories might contain slash, violence, or sexual situations. If you are an author, please see the information page.

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Challenge- Winter Celebrations 2003-04
Created & Organized by
A & tarotgal

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