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Title: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Author: Hermione Eveningfall Fandom: Chocolat Rating: G-PG Disclaimer: The characters names and places belong to the author of the novel "Chocolat" Joanne Harris and the "Chocolat" screenplay author Richard Nelson Jacobs. I plan to make no money off of it... im merely writing this for my own enjoyment and hopefully yours! Summary: Vianne Roucher and her daughter Anouk's first Christmas holiday in the tiny tranquil village in the French countryside. On Christmas Eve, they receive an unexpected but very welcome guest. Characters: Vianne, Anouk, Roux, Josephine and the other villagers Bunnies: #3, #14- Write a story using the situation 'After much deliberating, one character (or group of characters) gives another the perfect present' and must include the five words/phrases: icicles, hot cocoa, scarf, mittens, "Don't feel well" Feedback: Yes please! I encourage it. Either leave feedback on the challenge group or e-mail me privately at Shirehobbit2002@yahoo.com. Constructive criticism is welcome also. Thanks! It Came Upon the Midnight Clear All was quiet in the early morning hours of the little tranquil village in the French countryside. The only light came from the large front windows of the Chocolatrie. Vianne stood at the long wooden table in the back kitchen, stirring a thick brown mixture in a tin bowl. Her short wavy brown hair was tied back with a red bandana, and she still wore her nightgown and slippers. Normally the shop owner and her young daughter Anouk did not wake till about eight, but the half-finished holiday displays were calling. Vianne yawned hugely, dipping a slender finger into the sweet substance, licking it afterwards. She wiped her hands on her white apron and walked over to the oven, pulling out a tray of already-finished rose creams. `Have we really been here for over a year already?' Vianne thought as she brought the chocolates over to the display. She stopped short of the window, her dark eyes widening in surprise. A heavy snow fell outside and already the cobblestone and dirt streets were covered with a few inches of the thick white fluff. As she stood watching the scene before her, Vianne smiled. This was the very first place she, despite a few scuffles with the Mayor and hesitation from the townspeople, felt she belonged. "Mama!" Vianne jumped, nearly dropping the tray, and whirled around to see Anouk skipping down the stairs. The little girl's hair was a mess and her pajamas rumpled from sleep, but she was grinning from ear to ear. "Anouk! Did I wake you? I am sorry!" Vianne apologized, watching as her daughter dashed towards the window and peered out, pressing her tiny nose against the cold pane. "It's snowing, Maman! It's snowing on Christmas Eve!" Vianne chuckled, setting the rose creams around the trunk of the chocolate and peppermint Christmas tree. "It is beautiful, isn't it?" Vianne sighed with content, handing one of the sweets to Anouk. "Thank you, Maman." The child devoured the candy eagerly, licking her fingertips when she finished. "I am very glad I have off from school! I could not sleep...I was much too excited!" Anouk climbed onto one of the stools at the counter, folding her arms and leaning her chin on them with a smile. Vianne set the empty tray down, and stroked the head of smooth brown hair before her. "I can not imagine your excitement in the morning on Christmas, if you show such enthusiasm now!" Anouk watched her mother fondly as she made her way around the shop, setting things up for the long day of work. A pot of hot cocoa she set on the stove, stirring in a few pinches of chilli powder and thick cream. The sky began to brighten slowly, revealing beautiful shades of bright orange, pink and white. "Here you are, love." Vianne set a china teacup filled with the cocoa in front of Anouk and a plate of dark chocolate cake. "I'll bet no other mothers let their children eat chocolate cake for breakfast!" Anouk exclaimed, taking a small piece and nibbling at it. "I'm the luckiest in the world..." Vianne blushed slightly, pouring herself a cup. The door to the building opened suddenly, smashing against the wall with a *BANG*. Anouk gasped, leaning back to see what had caused the ruckus, and then turned back to her mother with raised eyes. Vianne walked over to the door, resting her hand against the blue wood, frowning deeply. A heavy wind blew towards her, bringing with it a collection of powdery flakes that made her shiver. "Goodness!" Vianne rubbed her arms.. "What was it, Mummy?" "Just the wind." Vianne quickly shut the door, and went back over to the counter to finish setting up. "A very strong wind." She glanced over her shoulder again, cocking an eyebrow with suspicion. This was not the sly North wind that had sent her and Anouk away from the last village to this one. This particular wind blew from the South. She turned around again and went to re-open the door, peering out and down the street. "What are you looking for?" Anouk hopped down, shuffling over to join her mother in the doorway. Vianne shrugged, shaking her head. "It is silly. I thought..." she chuckled, wiping a few beads of sweat from her brow. "It's not silly, Mama...what is it?" Anouk tugged on her mother's dress anxiously. "Honestly...it is nothing, Anouk. Go back and finish your breakfast so we can get started." Anouk continued to stare down the street, narrowing her eyes. At last, she gasped in surprise, noticing a figure approaching them. "Mama, someone's coming!" Anouk shrieked, just as her mother was about to shut the door for the second time that morning. The little girl dashed outside to get a closer look, forgetting that she was still in her nightgown. "Anoushka! Get back here!" Vianne cried in alarm, covering her cheeks with her hands. She stopped short as the figure came into view, and listened to her daughter's relieved laughter. What met her eyes was the tall, broad-shouldered Irish pirate whom she had met her first couple of months in the village. "Roux! My goodness, you gave us both a fright...we weren't expecting you!" Vianne laughed as he lowered Anouk's shivering body. Roux chuckled, embracing the older woman in a tight hug. Vianne beamed, taking in his fresh scent of ocean water, smoothing her hand against his short ponytail. It had been quite sometime since Roux had been in these parts, and according to mother and daughter, life was not the same without him. "Hullo, Vianne." Roux replied once they let go of each other. Anouk took hold of Roux's strong hand, tugging at it gently. "Come in, come in--befor eyou start growing icicles in your hair!" she giggled. Vianne smiled. "Yes, please...I have your favorite hot cocoa fresh on the stove." She led the way inside, shutting the door behind them. Anouk jumped up and down, rubbing her arms and trying to warm up. "It's COLD, Mama!" She complained, climbing onto her stool again. Roux removed his light brown leather jacket before sitting down himself. He began blowing into his frostbitten hands, watching with sparkling hazel eyes as Vianne poured a thick cup of hot cocoa for him. Once the porcelain mug was full, she added a pinch of her famous chilli powder along with a dollop of smoothe, white cream. She handed the steaming treat to Roux, smiling softly. "Thank you very much." He blew on it before taking a sip. "Did you travel here alone or with your company again?" Vianne asked, leaning her elbows on the counter, placing her chin in her palms. The shop was now officially open, awaiting its first customers. "I am alone this time. I um..." he cleared his throat. "I was in the area and decided to stop by and see if you had any maintenance troubles." Vianne nearly choked on a mouthful of her cocoa, covering her lips with her fingers to hide her laughter. "Oh Roux. I know why you came. You know you are always welcome here. Feel free to stay with us...Josephine recently moved into her own home so we have a spare room again." Roux's cheeks turned pink and he quickly sipped his drink as a distraction. "Oh I couldn't do that. It was bad enough I came barging in without warning." He sniffed slightly, wriggling his small, pointed nose a bit. VIanne saw this, and pulled a clean handkerchief out of her pocket, dabbing it dry. "You sound as though you're coming down with a bit of a cold," she told him, her eyebrows knit with concern before placing the handky into his hand. Roux shook his head. "No, no--I am fine. Just a bit of a sniffle from all of this bloody cold." "You will make that sniffle worse if you continue to stay on your boat in this weather!" Vianne folded her arms tightly across her chest. "I insist that you stay with us." Roux started to protest again, but her serious _expression stopped him. "All right." He cleared his throat, his eyes slightly downcast. He lifted his head, watching as Anouk leaned over to kiss his arm, snuggling up against him with a contented sigh. "Are you staying for a long time?" the child asked as he wrapped an arm around her small body. "I never stay anywhere for a long time," he admitted. "But I will be here through at least the New Year." Anouk frowned. "I do wish you'd stay longer, Roux...we miss you when you're gone," the little girl told him, her cheeks turning slightly pink. Vianne grinned as Roux pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head tenderly. "My Anouk..." he breathed. "All right...if I am going to be staying here, I'll have to take a trip back to my boat and pick up my things." He added, finishing the last of his sweet drink. He set the cup down on the counter and put his jacket back on. "Wait!" Anouk exclaimed, hopping to the floor. " I'm coming with you!" Roux chuckled. "In your nightgown? I do not think your mother would appreciate that very much." He winked at Vianne, who shook her head, closing her eyes. "Go on and change into your clothes, Anouksha, and I am sure Roux will not leave without you." Anouk pouted. "You wont leave without me, will you?" her own eyes grew large, pleading. The Irishman shook his head. "I wouldn't dream of it. Go on." He gave her a little nudge towards the stairs, and she hurried up to her bedroom. Vianne listened to her daughter's footsteps on the wood floor before turning back to her friend. "I have something for you," he whispered, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a tiny box. He handed it to her, clasping his hands nervously together in front of him. "Roux...this isn't necessary!" Vianne gasped. It was her turn to blush, and sh e fumbled clumsily with the ribbon. Roux smiled, watching. Vianne took off the top, and she covered her mouth with her hand. Nestled inside the little squares of cotton was a silver necklace. At the end of the thin chain was a tiny charm replica of the eifle tower. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand, startled. "Oh..." she breathed, finally lowering it after a moment or two. Roux reached over to take the necklace out of the box, and unclasped it. "I was in Paris about two weeks ago," he explained, putting it around her neck, and letting it hang just outside of her red shirt. "I remember your telling me how badly you wanted to see it." Vianne fingered the charm again, gazing into his eyes. "Thank you...that was so very sweet." She came out from behind the counter, and lovingly embraced him. Roux gasped slightly by the sudden hug, but managed to return it once he composed himself. The sweet smell of cocoa and chilli powder filled his nostrils, and he closed his eyes, savoring it. "I'm glad you like it." He whispered into her ear. "I bought Anouk a little gift as well, but it's back at the boat...and I think it would be more proper if I gave it to her tomorrow morning?" He winked, and Vianna giggled girlishly. "It does not matter either way, but I do believe it would mean more to her if she received it with the rest of her gifts under the tree in the corner there." She pointed to the evergreen, covered in multi-colored lights, candles attached to the boughs and pieces of chocolate strung around on twine for tinsel. "Why did you choose to give me mine now?" She added, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Well, I wanted to wait until we were alone...and I couldn't stand it any longer." He laughed heartily. Vianne leaned forward. "Are you trying to tell me something?" She whispered, touching a loose strand of his hair that had come out of his ponytail. Their lips were barely an inch apart when Anouk's shout of "I'm ready!" interrupted the moment. Roux raised his arms as he pulled back, and he glanced over his shoulder as the eight-year-old bounced up and down around him. "Hold it," Vianne stopped her, touching her shoulder. "What about your coat, scarf and mittens?" She gave Anouk her "stern" _expression, and the little girl nodded, obediently grasping the items from the coat hook by the door. Roux took the scarf and mittens into his hands, waiting patiently while she slipped into her coat, zipping it up to her neck. "Gloves," she announced, and once she slipped those on, Roux knelt down, wrapping the scarf around her neck, fastening it tightly but not too tightly. "Cozy?" He asked. "Earmuffs?" Vianne handed them over, and Anouk put them on as well, groaning in disgust. "I look like a marshmallow, Mama! I am hoping Luc does not happen to see me walking past..." She rolled her eyes. Roux grinned, patting her shoulder. "His seeing you with this winter garb on should be the least of your worries. Come on." He encouraged, and nodded respectfully to Vianne. "I shall return her safe and sound." Vianne chuckled. "I trust you. More than anyone else in this village, I might add." "Except for Josephine...you trust her, don't you, Mama?" Anouk asked hopefully. "Yes, my love...I do trust Josephine as well. Go...be good for Roux or he might not take you again!" She waved, going to stand by the window and watch as they made their way towards the dock. She folded her arms, smirking as Anouk bent down to make a snowball, and chucked it at Roux's shoulder. He whirled around, an eyebrow cocked. Anouk clasped her hands behind her back, and whistled innocently, kicking at a little snowpile. Roux bent down and made one, causing Anouk to shriek with giggles as he pelted her lightly, being careful of how strong he was. "Gotcha!" Anouk pelted him again, and he straightened up, folding his arms. Eventually, Roux managed to convince her to leave the snowball fight until they returned from the boat, and the two disappeared around a bend. When they were out of sight, Vianne stepped away from the window, and went to fix the boxes of chocolate on the countertops, creating another batch of the liquid cocoa, humming as she worked. The snow continued falling hard outside, and it was not much of a surprise to her that very few people were out on the streets. Still, some of her most dedicated customers did come, and soon the shop was filled with cheerful laughter and talk. As usual, Guillamaume brought his little dog Charlie, whom Vianne always had a special treat for. The dog nibbled on it's food happily, it's small tail wagging back and forth. Nearly an hour had passed before Anouk and Roux returned, each completely soaked through and shivering. They carried a large suitcase each, and were panting from the walk back. "My goodness!" Vianne hurried over to them, startled. "What have you been doing all this time? I was getting worried!" "It started snowing very h-hard on our w-way back," Roux replied, his teeth chattering as he allowed Vianne to help him out of his jacket. "Anouk, take Roux upstairs and the both of you change into something warm and dry." "Thank you for the chocolate," Madame Audel told Vianne suddenly, touching the shop owner's arm. "We are going home to be in front of the fire." She blushed slightly, nodding to Guillaume who had just finished the last of his cake and chocolate-flavored coffee. The new couple linked arms, and made their way out of the shop into the blizzard. "HihTCHHHUH!" Roux suddenly sneezed forcefully into his fist, causing the entire shop to become silent. Everyone was staring at him, including Anouk, who had jumped about a foot into the air. "God bless." A few of the villagers told him, backing away slightly. "Bless you." Vianne placed a hand against his forehead. "You came in with a sniffle..." She clucked her tongue. "HUHtCHHHH!" Roux sneezed again, shaking his head to try and clear it. He felt chilled to the bone, and started to shiver more violently than before. "Anouk...take him upstairs, please. Now.." Vianne ordered, and Anouk did as she was told, grasping Roux's hand, dragging him along behind. One of the women at the counter whispered to her friend, "I told you they came with diseases of sorts! Those river rats...they can not be trusted!" Vianne stiffened, feeling her fists clench at her sides. She heard another series of "HehUSHHHHH! IhCHUUUUH! HUHtCHHHHH!'s" from upstairs, and Anouk's comforting voice. "Madamoiselle Roucher, we would like to leave now," the woman who had made the comment spoke up her eyes icy. Vianne glared at her, trying very hard not to speak her mind. "Very well." The woman placed the money into her hand, before taking her friend and hurrying out of the shop. Vianne turned to the Marceau's, frowning slightly. "Excuse me..." She told them, hurrying upstairs to check on Roux and Anouk. She reached the guest room, just as Roux was preparing to sneeze again. "HUHeTCHHHH!" he fell forward, coughing. "My poor Roux...I'm so sorry..." She whispered, sitting down beside him at the edge of the bed. Roux cleared his throat, shaking his head. "No...it's...it's..." he paused, turning his head to the side, clasping a hand over his nose. For a moment, nothing came...except for the sound of his hitching breath. Vianne rubbed his back in gentle circles, waiting patiently. "HETCHHHHHTCH!" He sniffled. "Not your fault. I'm just not used to this weather. Mmmmph..." He rubbed his forehead wearily. "I don't feel well..." Vianne pulled a dry pair of clothing out of his bag, and presented them to him. "I know you don't. But please, get warm and dry...and then climb into bed. Anoushka and I will take good care of you." Roux nodded, rubbing his itching nose. "HuhITCHHHHH! ETCHHHHH!" He took the clothes into his hands, watching as Vianne left the room to give him privacy. When she entered the hallway, Anouk was just coming out of her own room, wearing a fresh skirt and blouse. "Is he going to be all right, Mama?" She asked softly, chewing on a nail nervously. Vianne kissed her head. "Yes...he's just come down with a bit of a chill." Anouk turned towards the guestroom door, scuffing the edge of her shoe on the floor. "Is he going to get better?" Her eyes were filled with hope. Vianne nodded. "Of course he is. Roux just needs plenty of rest and liquids. He should be all right, but the two of us are going to have to do our best to care for him. Are you willing?" Anouk grinned, curtsying. "Yes, Mama." "Good. For right now, go downstairs and take care of our customers. I'll make sure Roux gets tucked into bed and is comfortable before joining you." Anouk hurried down the stairs without another word, and Vianne waited patiently for Roux to change. When he was ready, she came into the room, pulling down the heavy quilt and sheets. The linens were decorated with little white and blue snowmen, and the quilt was a soft, sky blue. "I'm sorry..." Roux apologized, glancing at the bed awkwardly. "Shhhh...don't be. You did not look well when you first arrived...that is why I insisted you stay with us. The last thing we want is for you to come down with pneumonia staying on that boat of yours...it could not possibly have much heat inside!" Roux shrugged, eventually giving in and sliding under the covers. They warmed him a bit, though he was still fairly cold. "Now I'm going to frighten your customers away..." he whispered. Vianne stroked his slightly warm forehead with her fingertips. "Nonsense. They have to learn to get over that fear. You are doing no harm to them. The way they behave, it would seem as though a cold is a foreign disease!" she rolled her eyes a little. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked, massaging his shoulder gently. He shuddered at her touch, sniffling. "No...I...huh...ISHHHUH!" He sneezed again, groaning inwardly. "Bless you." Vianne sighed. "All right...if you need anything, don't hesitate to yell. I'll be downstairs." She gave Roux's forehead one last stroke before leaving the room, shutting the door quietly behind her. When she went back downstairs, Vianne found that more of the villagers had arrived, all wearing heavy Eskimo-like coats and boots and thick gloves. "Good morning," She greeted, walking behind the counter. "What can I get for you all?" She took a piece of paper and began jotting down their orders, watching as Anouk sat talking to a tiny old woman who was only about a foot taller than she was. They were conversing in broken French, which amused Vianne, who knew that Anouk was learning the language at her school. Everyone in the shop seemed to be in the Christmas spirit, because they were all talking about the gifts they bought for their families or the gifts they were going to buy at the last minute that night. Another thing that set Vianne and Anouk apart from the villagers was their refusal to go to church. Anouk seemed to show a bit of interest in attending, but Vianne never did, and the Mayor found that most disrespectful when they first arrived. As Josephine had told them, "I hear you don't go to church? You won't last long here..." but they did last, and after a while the Mayor learned to accept them for who they were. Upstairs, Roux slept on, every so often waking up with a random cough or sneeze. When early evening arrived, Vianne made her way back to the sickroom, feeling the man's forehead, frowning deeply. His temperature had gone up significantly, and his hands and feet felt like blocks of ice. "Roux...wake up, love." She whispered, shaking him gently. Roux mumbled something in his sleep, turning away from her, bundling deeper beneath his covers. "Roux..." Vianne repeated, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Please wake up." Roux's dark eyes finally fluttered open, and he turned towards the voice, blinking till his world came into focus. "Vianne?" He whispered hoarsely, coughing again. "Are you feeling worse? Your fever has risen since you first came to bed." Roux struggled to sit up, but Vianne held him down. "No, don't strain yourself. I should have Anouk fetch the doctor...we want to take care of this before it gets worse." "Don't trouble yourself," Roux murmered, sniffling. "Please... you have a shop to run..." "I'll be right back." Vianne promised, going downstairs. She touched Anouk on the shoulder, and the little old woman she had been talking to looked up with a nod. "What's wrong, Mama?" Anouk asked, excusing herself from her previous conversation, and followed her mother to the corner of the shop. "Roux is getting worse, Anouk. Will you do me a favor and get the doctor? Even if it is just a bad cold, I don't want to take any risks." Anouk nodded, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "Yes Mummy..." "Do you know where the doctor's office is, love?" Vianne asked, walking over to the coat hook to grab her daughter's outdoor things. Once Anouk was bundled up, she nodded. "Yes, I've passed by it on the way to school. I know where to go." Vianne gave her daughter a hug, sending the child out into the snow again. Anouk didn't seem to mind...she cared for Roux so deeply that she would have gone through fire and water to help him if he needed it. The older woman stood by the window, folding her arms and rocking back and forth on her heels. "Madamoiselle Roucher? I'll take another slice of that chocolate cake if you please..." one of the Yvett Marceau spoke up, breaking Vianne from her thoughts. She glanced at her, nodding softly. "Yes of course...one moment." She went to fetch the cocoa and cake, listening to Roux's sudden harsh coughing from the guestroom. "Is he going to be all right?" The little old lady asked in French, her eyebrows raised in concern. Vianne nearly dropped the mug of cocoa, blushing furiously at her clumsiness. "Y-yes, I'm sure he will be, thank you." She passed the treats to Madame Marceau with a sigh. "HuTESHHHHUH! HetCHUUSHHH!" Roux sneezed again, and Vianne glanced towards the front door of the shop, chewing on her lower lip anxiously. The snow was not showing any signs of slowing down, and she almost regretted having sent Anouk out in it. When Anouk returned, she brought in a middle-aged man dressed in a long, tan overcoat. A floppy hat sat on his head of wavy, chestnut brown hair, and his hazel eyes sparkled cheerfully. Vianne took a small box of chocolate frogs filled with fresh coconut cream from the display, and presented them to him. "They're your favorite." She insisted, as the doctor took them in surprise. He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" Vianne only smiled, leading him up to the gu estroom. Anouk stood beside the bed, her coat still on. Roux was sleeping again, but his breathing was uneven, filled with congestion. "How long has he been ill?" the doctor asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of Anouk. He placed a hand against Roux's forehead, and felt behind the patient's ears. "His glands are a bit swollen, and he does have a fever as I'm sure you have noticed. However, the illness does not seem to be too serious...there have been bouts of influenza running through these parts." Vianne pulled Anouk away, and sent her back downstairs. "He did seem a bit under the weather when he first came, but he became fairly ill rather quickly once we put him to bed." The doctor nodded, reaching into his bag to pull out two small crystal phials. "I am going to prescribe some cough syrup. This here...is for his fever. It is spearmint syrup. It's a big strong, so only give him a teaspoon full a day. If he takes worse despite the treatments, call for me again. Other than that, keep him warm and make sure he takes in plenty of fluids." Vianne nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. "Yes, we will. Thank you for coming." The doctor smiled back as he clasped his satchel shut. "Shall I lead you out?" Vianne added softly just as Roux shifted a bit in his sleep. The physician shook his head, holding up his little box of chocolates. "No, Madame. I believe I can find it. Thank you." He left the room, tipping his hat. Vianne waited until he disappeared, before taking the phial of cough syrup. "Roux...I'll need you to wake just for a couple of minutes." She told him. Roux coughed, and opened his eyes, lifting his head. "Mmmm?" "The doctor just came by...I have to give you some medicine." She poured a spoonful of the dark brown liquid, which he swallowed obediently with a cringe. "What *is* that?" he asked, wrinkling his nose suddenly, clasping a hand over his mouth. "HuhitCHUUUH! HCHHHH!" Vianne pulled a clean handkerchief out of her skirt pocket, clucking her tongue at it's chocolate stains. "Here...I'm afraid it has chocolate on it." Roux smiled weakly, accepting it anyway. "Which makes it even b...be...HuhIxxxt! KXXXT!" he buried his nose into the soft fabric, blowing hard. "You should dot be upstairs with be, Vianne." He told her stuffily. "What will your customers thig of you?" Vianne took his hand, squeezing it. "Anouk is looking after them, Roux. Don't worry. And I thought I remember someone telling me that I should not worry so much about what others think. Am I right?" she winked at him mischeviously. Roux chuckled, which only made him cough again. "I do hope you will feel better tomorrow for Christmas. Anouk will be disappointed if you're still in bed. But I suppose if you are, we'll just open gifts upstairs rather than by the tree." She could suddenly hear the merry sound of carolers singing outside, and immediately recognized a certain, chirping voice. Josephine. Vianne let go of Roux's hand, and hurried to peer out the window. Sure enough, the owner of the old café stood with a small group of her employees, singing "It came upon the midnight clear".. Vianne watched as Anouk opened the door, holding a tray of different chocolates. "What's goig od?" Roux croaked, struggling to sit again. "Carolers." Vianne replied thoughtfully, smiling to herself with a shake of her head. Roux carefully slid out of bed, rubbing his arms as he joined her. Vianne jumped, turning her head to gaze into his eyes. "You should not be out of bed," she scolded. He placed both of his strong, rough hands on her shoulders, massaging them. "Heh...uh...KTCHHHHUH!" Roux sneezed hard, covering his mouth and nose with his hand. "Back to bed with you," Vianne ordered, giving him a stern look. Sighing, he agreed, shuffling across the room. "Vianne, you really should go downstairs to be with your customers. After the shop closes, I don't mind that you're up here with me." Vianne nodded. "All right." She planted a kiss on his warm forehead, caressing it gently with her fingertips. "Sleep well till I come back." With a smile, she disappeared from the room. "I will wait for you." Roux murmered, closing his eyes. | |||||
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