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Title: Change
Author: youknowwho Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: G-PG Summary: For James Potter and his friends seventh year brings many changes...along with a cold. Bunnies: #9- Write a story with the first line "Every year, it's always the same... and just when I was beginning to think nothing would change, it did." Notes: I'd like to apologize for what I feel is a lack of sneezing in this story...when I read it over I wish I could have put more in...sorry Feedback: Please Change Narrator's P.O.V. "Every year, it's always the same... and just when I was beginning to think nothing would change, it did." James Potter told his baby son in hushed tones. He had had no wish to wake his wife up, but their son just wouldn't fall back to sleep. Then just before he was about to burst into the room he'd thought of something better: he'd tell Harry a story. "Yes, and change it did, so finally in our seventh year I was able to get Lily to go out with me. It was difficult though- very difficult..." James continued softly, and slowly his brain was brought back to that successful day... Baby Harry watched his father with curious green eyes. Then shifted slightly to hint he wanted to hear more. ![]() Narrator's P.O.V. "It's fu-fu-fu-freezing out there!" James Potter yelped. "I can imagine," Remus Lupin replied lazily over his book; "That's why I told you to wear more clothing." Ignoring this comment James continued; "The mirror was coated in frost around the edges, but I just thought it was one of those decorations for the holidays. Then when I entered it I hit my head on this gigantic icicle-then..." "Well, that's all very interesting," Sirius said jumping into the conversation; "But do you have everything we need now?" "What?" James asked momentarily confused by the change in subject. "Your brain must have frozen over too." Sirius responded with a snicker. "Shut up," James answered; "Of course I got the things. I wouldn't go out there for nothing would I?" "Hmm," Sirius deliberated; "Well, I still think you had ulterior motives." "Right," James said shrugging off his jacket and taking the chair closest to the fire; "How's Peter doing?" "Oh he's fine, as he can be with a nasty head cold." Sirius replied taking no notice of the change in subject. "Well, I'll go check in on him later anyhow. Maybe bring some soup or something like that to him." James responded good naturedly warming his hands. "Wonder how he contracted it though." Sirius pondered a rare thoughtful expression passing over his features; "The only people who have colds in this castle besides Peter is the Slytherins. You don't think he's been getting "buddy buddy" with them?" Sirius's voice took on an edge at the thought of Peter befriending the "slimy Slytherins". "Nah, the Slytherins probably gave it to him in the form of a prank; the poor bloke." James answered jumping to Peter's defense. The four were a tight nit group, but Sirius was wary of trusting anyone but James. Silence rang clear for a while after. James absorbed in heating all the parts of his body, Remus reading, and Sirius stood in the awkward silence. "You're right James. I'm sorry." Sirius apologized unable to handle the silence any further. "It's alright Padfoot," James responded using Sirius's nickname to show he understood. "Thanks Prongs," Sirius said gratefully sliding into a chair close to James. James made a noise of your welcome, and stood; "I'm going to go check on Peter. I'll be back soon." ![]() Peter's P.O.V. "Heh-heh-IKSHOO! Ikshoo! Ickkk!" I sneezed. "Wormtail?" I heard James calling; "Wormtail?" I squeaked and quickly thrust my arm under the covers. "Wormtail? You okay?" James opened the door and continued; "Well, I got everything, but I tell you-you do not want to go there. It's too cold-cold enough to freeze off your-um...well... Wormtail?" "Eh-Ickoo! Ickkkkk!" Was it really worth it? "Do you want anything?" He felt bad for James. I didn't care about Sirius, or Remus even. James, I did. He was so...so...loyal. It felt like my arm was crawling with guilt. "Peter?" He was worried. I wanted to tell it was nothing-just something that came with the package of being a death eater. Instead I told him; "I'b fide." Close enough... "Right," He sounded skeptical. "Well, if you need anything give us a shout." I nodded.. James left. I pulled my arm back out. For the first time since I had started communicating with Slytherins I felt remorse. I stared at the mark, and traced my finger over it. A shiver of delightful power tingled up my spine...my Christmas present to myself... I no longer felt proud, but I did love that power. James never gave me power. I had grown tired of living two lives. I'd wanted to unite the two, which I had in a way, but suddenly I felt like I was in a spot of my own in the world. "Heh-Ickchuhhh!" I sneezed. I could be bad...right? ![]() James's P.O.V. "So how was the rat?" Sirius asked casually. "Oh, fine," I answered trying to keep my disappointment unnoticed. Sirius looked at me hard. I could almost hear my flesh crackling with fire as he stared. Gulping, I hoped my face blank- anything but disappointed. "Remus, look James," Sirius commanded apparently bringing an expert in to explain my lack of words. Remus reluctantly extracted himself from his reading; "What's so important?" Then he caught site of me. I rolled my eyes at the two, but I was missing my usual spark. I knew they'd notice. Instead of submitting myself to microscopic examining I exited through the portrait hole. My friends don't know where to draw the line...of course I never did either...we were too smart for our own good. ![]() Lily's P.O.V. I was strolling along side the lake when I heard a rustling coming from the forest. This in itself is not very unusual, but the fact that a certain James Potter came out of its depths was intriguing. What was he up to now? Certainly not ANOTHER prank of sorts. "James!" I called out to him. He twirled like a ballerina to see me. I laughed. "What were you doing?" I asked. He started walking my way; "What?" "What?" I said back. I couldn't make out a damned thing he was saying. He was about half way there when he twisted away and bent forwards, a mittened hand covering his mouth. Curiously, I watched. What was he doing? Suddenly he straightened and jogged the rest of the way. He arrived in front of me slightly out of breath, which was odd for James...he was very fit. "What are you doing out here?" We both inquired at the same time. He grinned, and I felt one tugging at my mouth. "Well..." He prodded at me implying to me to continue; "Come on...what's the Head Girl doing sitting out here all alone on a chilly day like this when she could be in the library reading?" I scowled at him; "I was enjoying the scenery...until I spotted you..." `Ouch!' I thought and smiled to myself. "Well," James said apparently undeterred; "I still don't understand why. I mean why a beautiful girl would-such as yourself-need to look at this beautiful scenery...when you've already got yourself to keep yourself content..." `Weird, James that is just weird!' I thought shaking my head. "What?" James asked innocently, but I could see he was fighting a smile; "Why are you shaking your pretty red head at me?" `Oh Gods, he was flirting with me,' I realized; `And I'm letting him!' "Oh you know why James..." I responded my face wiped clean; "Now, go-" "Hah-uh-heh-Hatchoo!" "James?" He looked up rubbing at his nose, and upon closer inspection I noticed it was a bit pinkish...then again that could have been from the cold-I'm sure my nose is pinkish looking... "Now, go away." I finished clearing my mind of confusing thoughts. Surprisingly he nodded and started towards the castle, but not before I saw him tilt forwards with a mittened hand covering his mouth...so that was what he was doing... ![]() Sirius's P.O.V. I watched my best friend closely at dinner. He sat there making his potatoes into a mountain. He was actually quite skilled... perhaps if Hogwarts had sculpture he would have taken it instead of that dreadfully boring Care of Magical Creatures class. James, my best friend, had now moved on to scooping out the top of his mountain...interesting...I bet his next move will be to pour some of that gravy inside of it... His hand is reaching for the gravy, but suddenly I see him turn sharply into his shoulder his free hand clapping over his lower face. "Heh-Ehhshhhhh Heh-Ehshoo!" He picks up the gravy now sniffling. He about to pour it, but I notice the way he's fighting to keep his eyes open...they have crow's feet at the edges... He starts to pour anyhow. Now, his breath in hitching...I don't know why he would put down the gravy it's obvious he's about to sneeze... "Heh-heh-*sniff*-HEH-heh-*sniff* *sniff*-HEH-HEH- EHHHSHHHXXXTT!" The half stifled sneeze tosses my friend forward, so the gravy boat collides with his masterpiece...the gravy floods his plate and sweeps onwards over the edge of the plate...aw, man it's coming towards me! "JAMES!" I bellow; "NEXT TIME YOU NEED TO SNEEZE PUT THE DAMN GRAVY ON THE TABLE, AND COVER YOUR NOSE!" At the other end of the table I notice Lily sends a glance in James's direction...she has a thoughtful look on her face...I wonder why... ![]() Remus's P.O.V. The nearly the whole school turns to see what's upset Sirius Black. James, I notice is flushed a bright red, but he's also sniffling sheepishly. I notice him rubbing at his nose-trying to look casual about it...perhaps hoping no one will notice... Quickly he excuses himself from the Hall, and I stare after him...something's not right with this scene... "Moooooney," I hear Sirius whine; "Mooney, James spilt gravy all over me..." I look over at him uninterested; "Is that so?" Sarcasm, my best skill... Sirius whimpers sounding much like his animagi form... "Why'd you yell at him for it?" I asked straight out. Why wait...? "Moooooney," Sirius moans; "You're not being very sympathetic..." "Hmmm..." I mutter distractedly; "Why don't you go change then?" Change! CHANGE! That was it! I leapt to my feet, and grabbed Padfoot's arm haling him out of the Hall. ![]() James's P.O.V. I stalked the drafty corridors with my invisibility cloak thrown on. I didn't feel like being seen right now. A glance down at my watch told me it was getting close to curfew...I should go back soon, but I wasn't looking forward to it. I figured my friends would have already pieced it together that I was coming down with a cold... "Heh-Ihkhxxxtt!" Okay, so maybe I was FAST coming down with a cold... "Her-Umphhh! Hah-Kumphhhhh!" Or maybe I already was down with a cold... "Huh-ErUMphhh! Hat-Chickgghhaaa! Hum-Umphuhhh!" `I must be...'I thought miserably snuffling into my sleeve. I was doing a terrible job at being invisible-every time I sneezed the cloak moved to reveal a part of me. Also, I was making more than I had intended. "Heh-HEH-ESHHHOO!" "James?" Oh damn! "James?" The call came again, and I turned to see Lily Evans looking angel-like under the Christmas candles that adorned the walls. She didn't look like herself...and I don't mean because of the lights... "James?" Lily repeated sounding gentle, and yet tearful; "That's you is-isn't it?" "Lily..." I breathed and whipped off the cloak. Her eyes went wide, and for a moment I thought she might faint. "An invisibility cloak?" Lily asked astonished; "How in the world did YOU get one of THOSE?" I smiled; "Potter heirloom." "Really?" Lily sounded intrigued. "I've always wanted one..." "Yeah," I responded dreamily; "I did too-until, of course, I got one-I always wondered what it would be like to just wonder around observing things without anyone noticing you were." "My exact reasoning." Lily sighed. I made a thoughtful noise; "The day I received it I never took it off for a week, and it wasn't until my parents caught me that I d-did...Huh-uh-huh-Eshuhhh!" My moment was ruined by the simple act of sneezing... "James?" Lily whispered. She was closer now...MUCH closer... However, she surprised me by asking; "How are you feeling?" I was slightly shocked...she'd found me before my friends... AND knew... "I...well, I..." I stuttered in my surprise. "I'm worried." Lily confessed quietly to me. "Worried?" I questioned bewildered; "About what?" "Everything..." Very evasive Lily...VERY evasive... "What kinds of everything's?" I inquired. "Every everything's..." Oookay, well then I understand perfectly well then... She giggled now...surprising me...she never used to giggle around me before... "Heh-Uh-SHHHHH! Hat-EtShhh! Uh-Eshhhhh!" I sniffled rubbing my nose into my sleeve. "Here," I looked down at what she had presented me...a tissue box... "Count it as an early Christmas present from me." Lily explained. "Th-th-thank you," I replied stumbling over my words at her kindness. She sighed now...a long sad sigh... "Really, Lily," I said sincerely; "What's wrong?" "A lot of things..." Here, we are back to that evasiveness. I put my arm around her; an inclination I wanted to hear more-and telling her I was there for her. "Well," Lily began sighing again; "Everything's changed... Hogwarts-home...you..." "Lily-" I interrupted, but she cut into my sentence too. "No, listen James." Lily said gazing up into my eyes; "The Dark Lord's affecting everything-except you...I know you've changed because that's what young people do. They grow up. I'm so proud you've finally grown up James...I really am." "Lily, h-h-h-hold o-o-o-on o-o-o-o-one sec-sec-sec- second-HAH-EHHHSHOOO! Heh-Eshhh!" I tugged a few tissues from the box and motioned for her to continue when I was satisfied. "Anyhow," Lily continued somewhat hurriedly; "My awful sister is getting married this year...hah, she thinks she's found herself a bodyguard of a husband-to-to keep her protected from magic." "Oh?" I asked with interest; "This is because..." "Well," Lily started getting a little teary eyed; "When my parents were killed last year...she-she blamed ME for their deaths... and-and..." I looked uncomfortably down at the red head that was now using my chest as a place to cry. "Oh Lily..." I said gathering her close and pushing our way into an empty classroom behind us. I went inside and we both sat ourselves on the large window ledge this classroom held. That is how we sat for the next fifteen minutes as Lily tearfully told me all about her sister, and how much Hogwarts as well as the rest of the world had changed in response to the Dark Lord gaining power. I held her close to me throughout, and we shared the tissues together. "James?" Lily asked when the flood gate was back in place; "Are you worried?" Looking down at the seemingly fragile angel I held in my arms I gave a heavy sigh of my own; "Of course." "Are you worried about your family?" I nodded and then added; "But really I'm worried about my friends..." "Why?" "Well," I started thoughtfully; "Sirius's family is dark you know, and his younger brother has already committed himself to the Dark Lord...Remus-well, he has some dark health problems...and Peter... well, I'm really worried about him...he just never seems to be around anymore..." "Oh," Lily said softly; "I never knew any of that..." "Yeah," I said blowing out a puff of air; "You wouldn't..." `I'm not really an emotional person...' I thought to myself. "I think you're awfully brave." Lily told me quietly. "Thanks," I answered; "I think the same of you..." Then we both sat huddled together there for a while watching the scenery. I laughed quietly to myself at the slight irony of it. Suddenly though the moment was destroyed when my nose sent out a fiery tickle... "Lily..." I tried to warn; "Lily, I...I..." I grabbed a handful of tissues, and pressed them over my face. "Heh-Phhhhh! Hah-Phuhhh! HESHUMPH!" "Oh!" Lily cried jumping away from me; "I'm so sorry..." "Don't be...I probably caught this from Peter." "Peter?" Lily pondered slightly confused before she caught on; "Oh...I'd wondered where he'd been!" "Well now you know..." I said winking. "Do you think you'll be able to make it to the Christmas feast tomorrow?" "I think I can try." "Good," Lily responded reassured; "No point in missing a good feast. It'll be a good break from everything." "Yeah," I agreed; "It will..." "Well, you should really be getting some sleep you know... especially if you're planning on getting to the feast tomorrow night." Lily said concern flickering in the green depths of her eyes. I made a sound of agreement; "I should..." She nodded getting to her feet; "I should get some too." `It was now or never again' I thought. "Lily?" I called gently catching her as she left the room, and we wandered our way back to Gryffindor. "Yeah?" "Um...well..." I began nervously; "Will-will you go out with me? P-p-please?" I stood breathless waiting for her answer wondering anxiously if I'd rushed things. "I suppose..." Lily said slowly and a smile broke out on her pretty face; "Yeah, I suppose..." "Great!" I grinned taking her hand with a silent plea to my nose not to act up. ![]() Lily's P.O.V. I woke up with a smile, and bounced out of bed remembering last night's events. Unfortunately, my new boyfriend didn't show up all day... nor did I see much of his friends, but hey, James did have a cold last night...anyways, he said I'd see him tonight...all in all I wasn't worried. That night I made myself Christmassy. I put bells and holly in my hair. Wearing a green dress with a red sash, and a minimal amount of make up I deemed myself ready. Feeling energized with delight I flounced off to dinner- bells jingling. The Great Hall was wonderfully decorated when I entered. I gazed in amazement at the snow that fell from the roof...only it wasn't cold like the snow I know... "Neat," I heard a voice; "Isn't it?" Turning in the hope that it was James I was sadly disappointed. "Yes," I agreed politely; "It's fantastic, Headmaster!" "Ah, yes it is! I found it in one of my old decorating books..." Dumbledore replied with a wink; "Well, I shall be leaving you now Ms. Evans...be sure to have a good time with Mr. Potter!" I could hear him chuckling as he left me. I couldn't believe he knew about us. Ah well, you never can hide a single thing from that man... "Ah well," A voice whispered in my ear; "You never can hide anything from that man..." "James," I cried turning around to hug him; "How are you feeling?" "Well," James began; "To be honest a bit worse, but nothing a strong, sturdy guy like me can't handle..." I made a thoughtful noise standing back to take a look and see if he was telling the truth or not. Well, perhaps he was stretching the truth a bit, but... "Oh don't worry!" James chided my gently knowing exactly what I was doing; "I got my present with me." "Present?" I asked. "You know the present you gave me last night...tissues?" James answered pulling the bulge from his dress robes out. "Oh!" I said with a laugh; "I see." James smiled; "Want to go get something to eat?" I nodded; "I was just waiting for you..." He took my hand and guided me over to the Gryffindor buffet table. ![]() Peter's P.O.V. `So it was true...' I thought watching James and Lily laugh together; `They are together.' I glanced over at the Slytherins contemplating... Then I glanced at James and Lily...together... I shook my head. I was angry. I was unhappy. I felt betrayed...I'd show them betrayal! With that thought in mind I marched over to the Slytherins table...dipping forward with a sneeze on the way; "Heh-Kihhh!" ![]() Remus's P.O.V. I regarded Sirius carefully who was looking at Peter in the same manner. What was Sirius thinking? Whatever it was I hoped it not to be too rash... He had his deep thoughtful expression on right now...the one he wore when he was planning a prank... Mind you there was going to be a prank played tonight... ![]() Sirius's P.O.V. I didn't trust the rat...I just didn't...not anymore that is. It is true I used to trust him, but that was before he started disappearing all the time... One thing was for sure he didn't like the fact that James and Lily were together...and if someone's got a problem with James well then, I've got a problem with them. Peter knew too, that James was not feeling well...he knew James would probably be rather preoccupied with his girlfriend...he knew this information, and it made Sirius nervous... He gazed over at the Slytherins table his excitement mounting and suspicion disintegrating as waited anxiously for the Marauder's get well/Christmas prank/present to happen. This was also when he spotted Peter headed over to the table with a determined look on his face...Oh, boy... ![]() James's P.O.V. I watched Lily eat with a sigh of content. I couldn't taste a thing, and Lily looked so good... "Hah-Eshhhhh! Hah-Eshoo!" Lily's head popped up. Oops, I startled her. She looked like a deer caught in headlights...my deer...my mate. After all I am a stag... "Lily, have I told you how radiant you look tonight?" "Why yes James, but my ears always love hearing it again..." Lily grinned at me laughter sparkling in her eyes. "Lily," I started; "I got a present for you..." However, before I could give my present to her there came a loud smack. My head snapped up...what was going on? Was that Sirius? Oh God... "Lily, you'll have to excuse me..." I hurried off to the aid of my friend. What had he gotten himself into this time...? ![]() Remus's P.O.V. "Padfoot, Padfoot, please try to be reasonable!" I begged as Sirius rolled up his selves; "Just let the prank happen..." "No can do..." My friend growled shaking my arm off his; "Pettigrew won't let that happen...I can tell...or maybe I should be saying he's going to tell..." Sirius smirked, and for a moment I was reminded of how Sirius came from a dark family. The look he wore right now was enough to make a grown man cry...but I was no man-I'm a werewolf after all. "Leave it then, Padfoot." I tried to reason; "Leave it! You don't need to play a prank on the Slytherins tonight..." "Lupin," Sirius ground out his eyes like chips of ice; "Who do you support here? The Gryffindors or the Slytherins?" I flash of anger course through me, and I thought for a moment I might grow claws; "Sirius," My voice now matched his-our fury was untamable as I continued; "You are making a mistake!" Sirius scoffed, and shot a couple well aimed water balloons filled with red goo out of his wand at the Slytherins. He saved a green one for Peter. "He's still ill..." I reminded Sirius as he launched the green one at Peter; "Go easy on him..." "Like I've said before LUPIN, whose side are you on?" Sirius sneered at me rage filled his eyes like I'd never seen before. Suddenly I was filled with that same rage too. I lifted my hand and made it into a fist-then I bending my arm back I released. My fist struck Sirius on the eye. I dimly registered that my hand stung briefly, before I wound up again. This time I hit his other eye before he kneed me in the groin. A suspicious looking firecracker went off near us, and I as I fell to the floor I only just caught site of James rushing over to help Padfoot...my eyelids fluttered shut shiny whitish flakes amongst the brown of my eyelashes... ![]() James's P.O.V. I couldn't believe it...my two friends where at each other's throat's...brawling! I hoped my deer would stay at the table... this could get messy. This was about where loyalty lies...I could see that the planned prank was not going to go into effect-such a pity...I wouldn't have needed to go out into the cold then, and it was such expensive stuff... Oh no! Remus! He just collapsed, but Padfoot was still up and firing curses and hexes this way and that...I had to restrain him. "PADFOOT! PADFOOT! NOOOOO!" I bellowed breaking into harsh coughs. My cold prompted a reminding to me that I could do only so much. What a situation! Where was Dumbledore anyhow? Since Sirius seemed to have paid no attention to my warning I decided I must do something quiet about this...I was ill after all... I went back to Lily. "Lily!" I gasped; "Go find Dumbledore!" Then when I saw her race away in her search I too followed her example racing away to the doors to cut off one of my friends... ![]() Peter's P.O.V. `Now,' I decided; `Was a good time to sneak out...I mean while everyone's occupied with everyone else...why not?' I slowly mingled through the crowd towards the door. I was nearly there when James skidded to a halt in front of me. "STOP!" James shouted then began to hack. I smirked daringly at his bowed head...try to...a voice in my head whispered...try and stop me... I was slipping out the door when James grabbed hold of my collar. He roughly dragged me back into the pandemonium of the Great Hall. I saw Sirius's vision sway over to us...I saw the fire in his eyes...the anger...the fury... "Ah-HESHOO! Hah-Eshoo! Etchoo!" James was sneezing, and tried to wriggle free, but suddenly a brilliant plan entered my head... James, finished sneezing, but dazed straightened up-that's when it happened. A stunning spell from Sirius whizzed over my head as I ducked. Consecquently, James was behind me; nerves dulled from his cold he DIDN'T duck, and the spell hit him smack dab in the chest. His hands loosened their grip on me as he tumbled over backwards. He fell with a sickening crack on the stone floor behind me. I didn't wait for another time to escape... ![]() Dumbledore's P.O.V. The beautiful Lily Evans came running up to me. Her face had upon it a series of black lines that started from her eyes. I knew I should have never come out for a breath of fresh air... "Professor!" Lily cried at the site of me; "Oh Professor! Come quick-the Hall's a mess!" Then she hurried off looking over he shoulder and beckoning me to follow...needless to say I followed after her. My deep purple robes flaring out behind me. I would have followed her upon site though...the tension in her countenance was almost too much to behold...I knew there was trouble... A bang resounded from the castle. Let me rephrase that-I knew there was BIG trouble that lay ahead of me... I picked up my pace. ![]() Lily's P.O.V. Once I knew I had the Headmaster following behind me I increased my speed back to the castle. Occassionally I threw a glance over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't falling behind. I knew was running almost at my fastest, and I found myself impressed that a man his age could keep up so easily to me. I reached the castle in what seemed like hours, but in reality it had only taken me roughly five minutes-tops. I burst through the doors, and making sure I hadn't lost Professor Dumbledore, let them fall back into place with a thunderous clap. The Hall fell silent staring at me and Dumbledore. I watched as Dumbledore quietly addressed the student body. He was powerful in every aspect I admired. Such a wonderful man that Dumbledore is... ![]() Dumbledore's P.O.V. I couldn't help but feel disappointed in my students... what had inspired them to behave this way? Then again when I thought on it more...even Hogwarts was not immune to the tensions the world had been experiencing with the current uprising of Voldemort. It's about high time they got it out of their systems, and now, he could see hostilities had developed between even the closest people. "My Students, my students," Dumbledore spoke quietly, but it brought much calm to the room; "It pains me to see you fighting as such. May I inquire as to the reason?" When nobody answered me I waited. I had plenty of time tonight...we could stay here as long as it took for the truth to come out...we could-could even sleep here...that gave me an idea. "Well," I continued sounding amused; "Since no one seems to be giving me any reasons...then I suppose..." I twirled my wand and suddenly...BOOM! The Hall became bare, but for the students. The students became a bit worried now; I could see the anxiety in their faces...that should never be there...yes, this new plan of mine would be just the thing that was needed. "I reassure you that this is not something to be worried about...it is merely..." I trailed off and said spoke an incantation that brought everything needed for a cozy sleepover. "A sleepover!" I finished; "A school wide sleepover!" I knew this would help them...I just knew it. It appeared that the students themselves were at first baffled, but I could see them coming around-starting to whisper to their neighbors and the like. I smiled.. "Now, if everyone could clear from the room to the outdoors for a bit of fresh air I'd like to assess the damage." I said, and the room slowly cleared filtering out the doors to outside. I turned to the young lady at my side; "Lily, is you would be so kind as to give me a hand..." She smiled slightly with a nod. It was not as bad as I had thought it might be. Remus Lupin was suffering from a brief touch with a silver firecracker-though because it was not ingested he suffered only from a mild concussion. Peter Pettigrew was found stuck to the door, as he had apparently tried to escape from the madness. However, a funny looking green film covered parts of him that held fast to the door. I smiled kindly at him as I cut his clothes away putting up a screen, so no one would see any unwanted parts. Sirius Black had a nasty goose egg on his forehead that was bleeding quite badly, but otherwise he seemed to be very good at protecting himself. I enervated Mr. Potter who woke with a few sneezes, and was greeted by Lily with a hug: "Heh-EH-EHHHSHOO! Hat-Teshhhhh!" I passed him a tissue and wished him well. Then left Lily with him...I knew when I wasn't needed in such situations. A few Slytherins needed similar treatment to Mr. Pettigrew, and a couple had some jinxes removed. Otherwise they suffered minimally. Not much more than a half an hour later everyone was all patched up. I went to the doors and called everyone back to the Hall. "Have fun!" I said, and left. ![]() Dumbledore's P.O.V. again All in all the sleepover went over well. Friendships got patched up, and wound healed. A lot of fun was had. Lily and James became closer. The Marauders were never the same again though. I suppose there were too many bumps and bruises to be repaired. Though apologies were made and accepted they never did get back to the swing of things. I remember particularly well what happened with them at the sleepover, and I must say they are growing up...these kinds of thing happen to people as they mature-friendships strengthen or weaken... ![]() Narrator's P.O.V., but extracted from Dumbledore's memory James Potter went to leave the Great Hall the next morning accompanied by Lily (who he had spent the night with) feeling not quite as refreshed as everyone else appeared to be...and it wasn't just because of his cold-no, there was something else that lay heavily upon him... Sirius Black too was leaving the Hall carrying a weight too. He'd spent the night in a far corner in seclusion...and he never did well in those kind of environments... Remus Lupin as well seemed to be struggling with an unknown trouble, and he-just like Sirius had sectioned himself off in a corner...he never liked those kinds of environments either; they reminded him strongly of his "condition"... Peter Pettigrew had spent the night with the Slytherins, and discovered that though they were powerful people they were also mighty boring...Thoughts and decisions bore aggressively down on him too... Awkwardly, they all reached the door at the same time, and stood waiting for one of them to say something. People pushed past them, and it wasn't until one person nearly knocked over Lily that anyone spoke. "Alright then," James mumbled staring at his shoes; "I guess last night was just a big mishap? Right...?" Sirius too gazed at his feet; "Yeah, I mean I WAS totally out of line there..." Remus made a noise of agreement, but said; "I'm sorry too; I wasn't having a good day...and well I seemed to take it out on you Sirius...I also can be a little over passionate about things, eh?" Now, Peter knew it was his turn; "I missed you guys last night...I'm sorry..." Silence reigned after for a while, as everyone watched their feet shyly-sheepishly... "Heh-Eshoo!" Everyone pretended like it never happened. "Huh-ESHHH!" No one looked up. "Eh-Teshhhoo!" Sirius finally broke their no talking moment; "Hey man, how'd you feel?" James looked up sniffing; "I could be better..." "That's an understatement James and you know it!" Lily declared grinning. Remus's head came up as well; "I agree with you Lily..." Wormtail followed suit with a nod. James blushed, and Lily tugged him along. "We best be going!" Lily called over her shoulder; "I think James needs to be put to bed, or he'll never get better!" James cried out indignantly, but didn't stop her. "Bye then guys! I'll talk you all later!" James waved. ![]() Narrator's P.O.V., and not from Dumbledore's memory James and Lily stood inches apart form each other inside James's dorm room. "Lily," James breathed; "I never got to give you your Christmas present..." "Oh?" Lily said raising a lazy eyebrow; "Is that so? Well, you COULD give it to me now..." James made a sound of agreement; "Yeah, I could..." He plucked his wand from his robes and whispered a spell. "Where is it?" Lily asked looking around for it. "Look up..." James grinned then turned to the side; "Heh- Eshhh! Eshhhoo!" "Oh!" Lily gasped; "Mistletoe... "That's right..." James said around the tissue to his nose; "And it's floating innocently above our heads..." "Well," Lily responded thoughtfully; "I don't think it's going to be so innocent anymore..." James agreed; "I do believe you're right...you don't mind? Right, I've got a cold and all but..." "Shut up James..." Lily laughed softly capturing his mouth with hers-an invitation to James to give her her present. They fell on James's bed, and he threw the tissue in graceful arch across room to achieve the full effect he wanted to have on Lily's present. Lily pulled slowly away from him, and pulling back the covers she pointed to the bed; "In! Now! You need your sleep..." ![]() Narrator's P.O.V. "You need your sleep..." James whispered gently kissing the top of his sleeping son's head; "Just like I did...just like I do now...and mommy...and good night..." THE END | |||||
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Created & Organized by A & tarotgal |
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