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Title: Carol of the Owls
Author: Hermione Eveningfall Fandom: Harry Potter (finally, right? ;o)) Rating: G-PG (mild language, but very little) Disclaimer: All of the character's names and places belong to J.K. Rowling. I am only borrowing them and promise to return them mostly unharmed. Summary: Harry finds himself stuck in detention on Christmas Eve. However, as usual, a surprise awaits him. Bunny: #10- Write a story using the first line : "When I/he/she left my/his/her home that blustery winter day, I/he/she had no idea what was in store. To begin with, everything was too perfect for anything unusual to happen." Feedback: Yes please! Feel free to leave a message with the group or e-mail me privately at Shirehobbit2002@yahoo.com Carol of the Owls When Harry Potter left the Gryffindor tower that blustery winter day, he had no idea what was in store. Everything was too perfect for anything unusual to happen: Not only had the Christmas holiday begun at last, but Harry's girlfriend, Hermione Granger, had decided to remain at the school rather than return home to be with her family. The two made plans to meet for lunch in the Great Hall after she finished research for an ancient runes assignment in the library. In fact, he was on his way there now. Harry practically skipped down the empty corridor, feeling happier than he had in years. What he did not know was that Malfoy and his two goons Crabbe and Goyle, were waiting around the bend. They held a bag full of stink pellets, preparing themselves for the first victim to come along. To Malfoy's glee, that person was Harry. Counting to three with his fingers, Malfoy ordered Crabbe to set off the gags, and soon the Gryffindor was doused with the putrid scent. Howling with laughter, Malfoy lead the other two away from the spot. Harry coughed and sputtered, wiping ghis stinging, watery eyes. Unfortunately, Professor Snape was coming down the hallway at that very moment, making his rounds about the school. "Potter!" the man spat, his dark eyes flashing. "Come with me!" Harry gulped, trying to keep his eyes from looking at his feet. "But I... " he started to proest, but Snape cut him off. "Don't think I can't see right through you, Potter! You know very well that stink pellets are forbidden." "But sir, I didn't... " Harry raised his voice an octave, wanting very much to get revenge on Malfoy for this. Ever since Harry's first year at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the two boys had been enemies. The pranks Malfoy played seemed to be getting more and more nasty as the years went on. "Don't lie, Potter. With me!" Snape repeated, snapping his fingers, ordering the younger wizard to follow him. Reluctantly, Harry did as he was told, thinking of Hermione who was probably waiting anxiously for him. Snape brought Harry to his office and practically slammed the door behind them. "I am letting you off with an easy punishment because you are not in my house," he continued as he sat down at his desk, folding his hands and leaning forward. "You will clean out the owlery without use of magic tonight at precisely eight o'clock. Report here beforehand so I can give you what you'll need. Do I make myself clear?" Harry felt his cheeks burning, but he did not want to let Snape have the advantage. "Crystal." He mumbled, nodding. "You may go." Snape waved him on, and Harry stormed off, hoping Malfoy had enough sense to stay away from him for the time being. He reached the Great Hall at last, having completely forgotten about showering off the smell. Hermione looked up from her lunch, her eyes widening in surprise as he entered. "Harry!" She hopped up and dashed towards him, stopping short and covering her nose with her hand. "Oh!" she cried, stumbling backwards, waving her hand in front of her face. Harry raised an eyebrow, then his mouth fell open. "Oh no... I forgot!" he looked down at himself with disgust. "Had a run in with Malfoy on the way here, and I also got myself another detention for it from Snape." He sat down beside Hermione after she recovered enough to accept a kiss from him. "A detention? Why?" "Because that rat ran off as soon as the stink pellets went off." He helped himself to a few small sandwiches. "So naturally Snape was coming down the hall at that moment, and automatically assumed I'd done it." Hermione rolled her eyes, glancing over her shoulder at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was whispering to his housemates looking quite smug. "How I'd love to wrap my hands around his neck one of these days," she snarled as she turned back to her food. "When is the detention?" "Tonight at eight o'clock." She nearly spit out a mouthful of Yorkshire pudding, clasping a napkin over her lips just in time. "What? It's Christmas Eve!" Harry shrugged. "Do you think that matters to Snape, Hermione?" Hermione frowned deeply, chewing on her lower lip in thought once she'd swallowed properly. "But we were planning to... " "I know," Harry grumbled, leaning his chin in his palm. "I'm sorry, Hermione." She leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling again as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Well, we have plenty of time until then, so we might as well make it last." Harry grinned mischeviously, nuzzling her neck. "Mmmm, sounds like a plan. But first, I have to get something to eat... I'm starving." His stomach rumbled, making Hermione giggle and poke him in the ribs. Harry began to help himself to sandwiches and chips, and poured a large goblet of hot apple cider. Lunch was a rather quiet affair except for the occasional explosions coming from Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom, who were playing a game of exploding snap at the other end of the table. "I wonder how Ron's doing," Hermione thought out loud as they walked back to the Gryffindor common room about an hour later. Ron Weasley was Harry and Hermione's best friend, but he had gone to Romania to spend Christmas with his brother Charlie, who studied dragons. "I guess he's fine," Harry replied, shouting the password and watching as the portrait of the fat lady swung open with a "Begging your pardon!" Harry allowed Hermione to step through first, then climbing in after her. There were a few Gryffindor first years in the common room reading or chatting in quiet voices. Hermione took her boyfriend's hand and brought him up to her dormitory, climbing onto her bed. "Maybe we should do this somewhere else, eh?" Harry asked, glancing around with uncertainty. Hermione grinned. "No, it's just me in here for now. The others are all home." She pulled him onto the mattress, removing his glasses and setting them on the nightstand. "And we're not doing that." She winked. "Perhaps if we marry then I'll consider it." Harry snorted, kissing her lips passionately, taking in her light sunflower scent. She all but purred into the kiss, running her fingers through his messy black hair, fingering the thin, lightening-shaped scar on his forehead. "I've been pining for this all day," Harry whispered, touching the tip of his nose to hers. "Mmm, me too." She kissed him again, her hands slowly moving towards the buttons on his oversized flannel shirt. He glanced down as she did so, pulling her fingers away to kiss them gently. "I can't believe we're finally together as a couple, can you, Harry?" Hermione asked, swooning a little as he pulled her down so she was lying beside him. He let her burry her face into his chest as he stroked her hair, touching his lips to the top of her head. "Wake me up when it's time for detention." Harry whispered, yawning and closing his eyes. Hermione smiled in her doze, nodding. "Mmm k." she murmered. When it was time for detention, Hermione gently gave Harry's shoulder a shake. He reluctantly awoke, reaching over to the nightstand for his glasses and put them on. As soon as his world came into focus, he smiled weakly at his girlfriend, kissing her gently on the lips. "I hope I'm not going to be there too long. I mean, it's the owlery... and impossible to completely clean." She nodded sadly. "I understand, Harry. And this is not your fault, so I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at Snape for making you do this. But so you don't get into any more trouble and spend the rest of the holiday in detention, you should go right now." She squeezed his hand affectionately, and frowned as he climbed down from the bed and made his way to the door. Sighing, Harry headed towards Snape's office, arriving about ten minutes before he was supposed to. Snape sat at his desk, grading papers, and glanced up when he heard the door open and close. "Here I am, Professor." Harry mumbled, glancing around. He'd only been in Snape's office once, and that was after he and Ron flew Mr. Weasley's enchanted car to Hogwarts rather than take the train. "Yes, I see." Snape stood quickly and walked over to the corner to pick something up. When Harry got a better look, he realized that Snape carried a large bucket and several old rags over his arm. "Here." He practically thrust them into Harry's arms, knocking him backwards a bit. "Cleaning solution. Remember, absolutely no magic is to be used in this process. If I hear of any funny business... " Harry shook his head. "You won't, sir." "Off with you, then. Go on." Snape flicked his wrist in Harry's direction, his black eyes flashing as the boy shuffled away. Harry arrived at the owlery within the next five minutes, and set the bucket down in order to pull open the heavy wooden door. The overwhelming scent of owl droppings, dust particles and feathers filled his nose, giving him the sudden urge to sneeze. As soon as he was inside, he fumbled in his pocket for a tissue, clamping it over his itching nose. "Hetchuuh! Etchhhh!" two sneezes threw him forward, startling a few of the owls who immediately sung in unison. Harry sniffled wetly, groaning at the throbbing pain in his head. He jumped a bit when he felt Hedwig land on his shoulder and nip his ear affectionately. "Hullo, Hedwig." He greeted, stroking her soft feathers with his fingers. "Huh... eh... ketchhhh! Eh... ktchhh! Chhhhhuh!" Hedwig gave a surprised squawk, and the row of owls Harry had startled before let out the same melodic tune. "Ib sorry," Harry apologized as he began to scrub the walls closest to the open window in order to get a breath of air. "Sobethig's baking be sdeeze id here." Hedwig hooted again, ruffling her wings. The other owls repeated the gesture, turning up their tails as well. Harry raised an eyebrow, rubbing his runny nose with the back of his wrist and managed a smile. "That's pretty cool." He laughed. "When did you learn... eh... uh... chsssshhh!" he massaged his temples wearily. Clearly he was allergic to something in here. But what it was, he had no idea. "It's probably not owl fea... heh... chshhhhuh!" he nearly whacked his head against the windowsill as a result of the explosion. All he wanted more than anything was to be in bed with Hermione, curled up in her arms, taking in her sweet coconut perfume. He continued scrubbing, watching the dirt and grime come off as best as it could, considering the circumstances. Unfortunately, the sneezes were so persistant that he had to stop and sit down. "Eh kchhhh! Kehchhhhush! Hutchuuuh!" Hedwig let out a melancholy hoot, lowering her head, her large yellow eyes blinking with sympathy. Almost immediately afterwards, the other birds hooted in response with the same sound. Harry managed a laugh once the sneezes died down, and turned to Hedwig. "Hmmm." He forced himself to his feet, looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder if I could... " he chewed on his lower lip, pulling his wand out of his cloak pocket and raised it to look like a baton. "Hoot hoot hoot hoot!" he hooted the sound of "Carol of the bells", trying to sound as similar to Hedwig as possible. "Hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot!" the birds replied, and he could have sworn he saw smiles form on their beaks. Harry grinned, feeling excited, and he continued cleaning the place, continuing to sneeze as he did so. About an hour later, Hermione decided to come and check up on Harry. Normally she would not have bothered him, but it was lonely in the common room. She quietly opened the door, frowning as she heard a few "Htchhhuhhh! Etchhhhuh! Hshhhhhuh!" "Bless you," she spoke, causing Harry to cry out in alarm and fall back against the wall. "Hermione!" he gasped, covering his heart with his hand. "You scared me... " "Are you all right?" she raised her eyes, stepping forward. "Yeah." He sniffled wetly, wriggling his nose a little. "Just sneezing my head off is all. I think I'm allergic to something. But oh... Hermione, I was going to come and get you anyway after I finished... I just found out something neat the owls could do." Hermione smiled, folding her arms and glanced upwards. "What?" He cleared his throat and picked up his wand, tapping the wall with it. "It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to...the first ever choir of the owls." Hermione stared as Harry began hooting the tune to "Carol of the bells", and beamed when the owls began to hoot along with him, creating a little dance routine to go with it. When they finished, Hermione clapped loudly, whistling. "Brilliant, Harry!" she cried in delight as he bowed, laughing as the owls followed in suite, giggling as Hedwig soared past her and loop-de-looped before landing on her shoulder. "Merry Christmas Eve, Hermione." Harry whispered, pulling her close. With a sparkle in his eyes and a soft smile, he kissed her. | |||||
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