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Title: "When You Wish Upon A..."
![]() Elliot sighed as he opened the door to his apartment. I must have the worst luck in the world, he thought. After seven years of being Olivia's partner, a year and a half of being single, and several months of progressively intense flirting, Elliot had finally gotten up the nerve to ask Olivia out on a date. She'd said yes, and they'd had a wonderful time, going out for drinks the same way they often did, but with a new undercurrent attached. He'd driven her home and when he'd walked her to her door, they'd shared their first kiss. It was just a peck on the lips, but it had been perfect. However, it was now two weeks later, and to date, it was still their only kiss. Work had been hectic, and any time outside of work had been spent sleeping...alone. The one day Elliot did have off was the day of Dickie's basketball game, the state semifinals, and by the time he'd gotten home, it had been too late to call Olivia, let alone see her. Finally, two days ago, work had calmed down. Elliot had asked Olivia out again and planned their date: dinner at a little Italian place, followed by something he knew she'd get a kick out of: a showing of the Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn classic Charade, showing at a local cinema. Life had been good. Until today. When he'd gotten to the precinct, he'd discovered that Olivia had called in sick. Much as he wanted to rush over to her place, he knew that would look suspicious, so he'd consoled himself by calling her. She was fine, she said, just a cold. But she didn't want to see him until she was better, lest he catch it. Even though, she'd admitted, she would have loved to see him. All of which explained why he was coming home alone, depressed and-he was willing to admit it-a little horny. He'd eaten dinner at the diner near his place, and was now faced with an evening of nothing to do. Worse still, he was off tomorrow, leaving him with an entire day the same as this night. Oh well, he thought, as he made himself comfortable on his couch, I guess I'll see what's on the tube. Grabbing the remote, he turned on the set. Crap, crap, crap...how is it that I have 300 channels and nothing to watch? He shifted, trying to get more comfortable. Damn, he was horny. Getting to the end of the regular channels, he began to browse the pay-per-views, more for something to do than anything else. Oh, hell, he thought as he browsed the titles. At this point, I'd watch anything, just to get my mind off her. "Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik"? I thought that was an episode of ER. He checked, but it was on one of the pay channels. Oh well. Might as well see what it's about. "A witch, a wish, and a dream come true all come together for a lonely career woman in this fantasy classic," he read aloud. Might as well give it a shot. After pressing the necessary buttons, Elliot got himself a beer and sat down to watch the show. He didn't expect much out of it, but you never could tell. Fifteen minutes later, Elliot was ready to turn it off. The story was simple: one woman working late, another with car trouble. The first woman, a blonde who reminded Elliot just a little of his friend's wife, had stopped on her way home to assist another whose car had broken down, calling a mechanic before the two went to get a cup of coffee. Coffee had turned into drinks, and the car-trouble woman had let slip a secret. "I'm a witch," she'd said, brushing her dark hair from her face "and I'm going to tell you a witch's secret: you can have anything you wish for." "How?" "Well, you have to really want it...and you have to wish it while you're coming." Elliot snorted. This was beyond dumb; there had to be something better on. On the other hand, he'd paid for it, and the action was starting to heat up a little as the pair went back to the blonde's house for some fun. Rolling his eyes, but feeling the need to get some relief, Elliot stood long enough to remove his pants, then sat back down, taking off his shirt. Finally, clad only in his boxers and socks, he took his semi-hard cock in hand and began to pleasure himself. Despite what he had considered a lack of material, he quickly got into a rhythm, imagining Olivia doing to him the things being done to the blonde onscreen. It took only minutes before he was near the edge. God, he thought. How much better would this be if Liv were here, with me, doing this? Damn, I wish she was here. Hell, I wish I was sick, at least a little, so I could be with her. He thought about Olivia, lying across her bed, him on top of her, and that was enough. Man, I wish I could be with her! He thought once more as he poured himself over his own hand. He sat there a moment, recovering, then went to take a shower before going to bed. ![]() Ah-tesh-OO! That was Elliot's rude awakening the next morning: a sneeze that nearly threw him out of bed. Rubbing his nose and sniffling a little, he glared at the dust particles he could floating in the sunshine. Almost immediately, another sneeze rocked him, and another. Ahhh-TCH, ahh, ah-tsh-UH! Elliot reached for the tissues behind him, blowing his nose. What the hell was that? He wondered. I never sneeze like that unless...huh. Maybe his luck was changing, and he was getting sick. Ah-CHHhuh! Well, he certainly had the sneezing part. He swallowed carefully. Yup, his throat was a little sore. Not too bad, though. And the headache that usually accompanied his colds was conspicuously absent. Funny, he thought, it's almost as though I'm just sick enough to see Liv. Something about that tickled at the back of his mind, but he brushed it away, instead picking up the phone as he looked at the clock. Noon?! he thought. Did I really sleep for over 12 hours? Well, never mind. Hitting the ‘on' button on the phone, he quickly punched in Olivia's phone number, planning on sounding as pathetic as possible when she picked up. "Benson," he heard as Olivia picked up. "Hey, Liv." Wow, was that really his voice? He couldn't believe how stuffed up he sounded. He certainly didn't feel that bad. "Rebember how you said you didn't wadt me to cub over ad catch your cold?" "Oh, El, I'm sorry!" Olivia said. She paused to cough. "How are you feeling?" "Dot too bad, actually. Just a sore throat, and a l...lah...ahTCH!...a lot of sdeezig." "Poor baby," Olivia said, sounding mostly sincere. "Let me guess, you want to know if you can come over?" "Ab I really that tradsparedt?" Elliot asked, slightly taken aback. "Nah," Olivia told him. "I just know you. And yeah, come over; no reason for you to suffer alone." "Ok. I'll be there id a little while." They said their goodbyes, and Elliot quickly got dressed, packing an overnight bad for the unlikely possibility that Olivia might ask him to stay. ![]() By the time Elliot had gotten to Olivia's apartment, ten minutes away, he had, by his own last count, sneezed six times. The odd thing was that his throat didn't hurt the way it usually did after he'd sneezed so much. Ah-heh-TCH, heh-CHH! And there were seven and eight, as he walked down the hallway to Olivia's apartment. He coughed slightly, trying to clear the congestion. That was another odd thing. Usually by the time I'm sneezing so much, I'm coughing too. He remembered only too well being told to go home last year, Liv informing him that no one else could hear themselves think over his coughing! Well, if I had to pick one symptom, I guess it would be sneezing. Other than being inconvenient at times, Elliot didn't mind sneezing, except for the way it hurt his throat. Again, something pricked at his brain, but still didn't show itself. Oh, well. Elliot knocked at Olivia's door, and a moment later, it was opened. Olivia wore a pink robe and slippers, tissues peeking out of the pocket of the robe, but still, she looked beautiful. "Hey," Elliot greeted her. "How are you feelig?" "Better," Olivia said. "I'm getting over it, I think. How are you doing?" "Ok. Just sneezig a lot. Other thad that, I'm fide. My throat's a little sore, though," he added as he watched the wheels turning in Olivia's brain, afraid she would decide he wasn't ‘sick enough' to be there. "Well, I was just watching TV. Wanna join me?" "Sure." Five minutes later, they were ensconced on the sofa, Olivia lying against Elliot, with her tea, his water, and a box of tissues all within easy reach on the table nearby. This is nice, Elliot thought. Just me and Liv, lying together.... He reached up to play with her hair, and she turned a little to smile at him. Eventually, she turned back to the TV, and he let himself start to drift. Ahh...A sharp tickle in his nose brought him quickly back to full awareness, and he turned his head to the side, muffling the sneezes in his shoulder. Ah-chmph! Heh-chmff! "Bless you," Olivia said, handing him a tissue. "Bet you wish you hadn't gotten so close the other day." She was referring to the only time they'd had anything close to privacy recently; leaving the precinct, Elliot had stopped to button Olivia's jacket, saying he didn't want her to be cold, even though they both knew it was just an excuse to look at each other like lovesick teenagers. Elliot blushed as he blew his nose. "Actually, I don't mind," he said, his voice a little clearer now, at least temporarily. "It means I got to see you, so...you wanna know a secret?" Olivia nodded. "I was kind of hoping I'd get sick. I missed you." Suddenly, a spark flared in his brain. I wish I was sick...he gasped softly, which Olivia misinterpreted as the beginning of another sneeze. "I better get some more tissues," she said, sitting and then standing up. "I'll be right back." As he watched her walk away, Elliot's brain feverishly tried to compute what might have happened. It was a coincidence, he thought. She was getting sick, I got exposed, I got sick. End of story. Besides, I don't believe in stuff like that. But what about that girl a few years ago? another part of brain asked. The one who cured your cold with a touch. You remember her, don't you. You went from an ad for Dayquil to the poster boy for good health. You don't believe in that, either, remember? Shut up, Elliot told the second part of his brain. I got sick because I was with Liv, not because I wished it. Uh-huh, snarked the other voice. And I suppose you spontaneously got well because the little germs got tired of you, instead of because she touched you? Elliot rolled his eyes, both at the second voice for its unwanted opinion, and at himself for having such an internal conversation. Even she didn't know how she did it! Oops. He suddenly had a feeling he shouldn't have thought that. So you admit she cured you. If she could do that, without knowing how, why couldn't you have wished a cold on yourself? The rational part of Elliot's brain was still trying to come up with a response to that when Olivia came back, and he decided to give up on it all together as she lay down again, snuggling against him. This feels good, he decided, soon before sleep claimed both of them. When he woke again, it was dark outside, and Olivia was shaking him gently. "El," she said, "this isn't ordinarily what I'd do, but...why don't we go into my room? There's more room; I don't want you to get stiff." Elliot smiled. "Sure. And," he added as he saw her face, "I promise: no funny stuff." "Damn straight, Stabler!" Olivia snapped, outrage in her voice, but a twinkle in her eye. "Besides. I think both of us need our beauty sleep." Elliot quickly used the bathroom, brushing his teeth with the toothbrush he'd packed ‘just in case', before changing into the sweats and t-shirt he'd brought to sleep in. Olivia was already in bed when he walked into her room, and her eyebrows rose when she saw his attire. "Planning something, were you?" she asked. "No," he replied honestly. "More like hoping." Olivia smiled. "Get in. I should warn you, I snore when I'm sick, though I don't know why I'm telling you that. You sound like a jackhammer when you're well." "I don't!" Elliot argued. "Uh-huh. Well, I'll leave that delusion to you." "Olivia, I have nev...neveh...heh...hetiSHOO! He opened his mouth to finish his sentence, but Olivia interrupted him. "Bless you. Come on, time for bed." She leaned up to shut the light, then settled back into the bed. "Olivia?" Elliot said softly. "Yeah?" "I really am glad I got sick." "Is seeing me one day sooner really THAT big a deal?" "No, I mean, yeah, but that's not why. It's because now I can do this." Turning over so he was facing Olivia, he took her mouth in a gentle kiss. "And this..." Another kiss, this one to her cheek. "And this..." A kiss to her forehead this time. "But especially this." Once more, he kissed on the mouth, using his tongue to tease her lips until she parted them. "Mmm...El...oh, El..." Olivia had trouble leaving the kiss, but finally she did. "We shouldn't be doing this." "Why not?" Elliot asked. "You're sick, I'm sick, we can't infect each other...." "Elliot, we haven't talked about this." Elliot sighed. "Liv, listen to me. I love you. I have for years. And now, I'd like to kiss you." "Elliot, tell me the truth: did you come here for sex, or because you missed me?" It was on the tip of Elliot's tongue to lash out at her, to be offended, but the truth was, the answer was..."Both. Look, Liv. I came because I missed you. I wanted to see you, and I sure as hell wanted to kiss you. Did I come to have sex with you? No. Am I gonna turn you down if you offer...I think you know the answer to that question." "I do. I didn't mean to make it sound-" "It's ok. Do you wanna stop?" The only response he got was a kiss, as Olivia moved into his arms, flipping him onto his back so she was straddling him. "Mmm," Elliot moaned as Olivia's hips moved rhythmically against his erection, never breaking the kiss. His hands came up of their own accord, cupping and rubbing her breasts through the tank top she'd chosen as sleepwear. She bucked in response, and he groaned. Bad move. Almost immediately, he could feel the constant tickle in his nose flare into something more insistent. Quickly rubbing his nose with one finger, he prayed that he could stave off the inevitable just a little longer. He wasn't usually too successful at keeping his sneeze back, but he had a damned good incentive this time: he was close to coming, and from the sound Olivia was making, so was she. Unfortunately, the closer to got to the edge, the harder he breathed, and the harder he breathed, the more his nose tickled. He knew Olivia would understand if they had to stop because of his illness, but after all it had gotten him so far, he really hoped they wouldn't have to. Ahhh...hehh...hehhhhh.... Whether Olivia didn't notice his suddenly panting breaths, or whether she thought it was a reaction to their activities, he didn't know, but he was grateful she didn't notice. Olivia was breathing as hard as he was, and if he could just hold it off a moment or two longer.... Finally, Olivia convulsed against him, and the spasms were more than enough to trigger his own climax. However, they were also enough to break his concentration, and the sneeze came rushing out. Ahhh-etCHOO! ![]() "Elliot?" Elliot opened his eyes, not entirely sure what had happened. The feeling of sneezing as he'd been coming was something he'd never experienced before, and he was pretty sure that, assuming he wanted to live, he didn't want to again any time soon. The last time he'd nearly blacked out like that from sex had been...longer ago than he wanted to think about, he decided. "El?" Olivia was trying to get his attention. "Um...." "Geez, are you ok?" "Yeah. Damn, that was good." Olivia laughed, and Elliot smiled satedly. It had been good, especially considering it had essentially been -no, not essentially, the voice in Elliot's head said. It was-dry humping. "So, now are you ready to go to sleep?" Olivia asked, her voice tinged with a combination of laughter and exasperation. "Almost," Elliot told her. "There's just one thing I have to do first." "What?" Elliot turned onto his side, intent on kissing her one more time, but as he did, he realized something, and laughed slightly. "Um, actually two things. First I gotta change." Blushing, he slipped out of Olivia's room, down the hall to where his bag was, then changed out of his sweats and into another pair, using tissues from the box on the table to clean up the worst of the mess. Thus changed, he returned to Olivia's room and slid between the sheets. "What was the other thing?" Olivia asked sleepily as she settled herself against him. "Hmm...?" Too comfortable to move, Elliot honestly couldn't remember what was he had been going to do. "Never mind." "Goodnight," Olivia whispered. "Goodnight." | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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