The Rules
The following official rules were proposed for this challenge on December 20, 2004-
  1. The most important rule is to have fun!
  2. Even though this is a fiction group, this time around we will accept art pieces that fit the theme and any challenge(s) as well.
  3. Your entry can belong to any type of fandom or involve original characters, but MUST contain a theme of 'beginnings and/or endings' and MUST correspond to one or more of the plot bunnies. If it doesn't, you can always just post it to the list yourself, just not under the challenge! =)
  4. Duh, All stories and art have to have sneezing in them. lol.
  5. Any type of sneezing is welcomed- allergy, sneezing, tickles in nose, it doesn't matter!
  6. Name isn't needed, there isn't going to be any judging for this challenge specifically because it's just to have fun. You can submit a work anonymously, it's totally fine!
  7. Any length and rating will do but please rate your story/art
  8. Please include which plot bunny you selected, a rating, spoilers, disclaimer, and summary at the beginning of your story/art if applicable (full headings are appreciated by all)
  9. Send all stories to:
  10. You may send the story in the body of an e-mail or as an attachment in practically any readable format. If you wish to "code" your fic (put it in HTML format for us) you may use our basic template template and send the finished version as an attachment
  11. You may send your work of art as an attachment in any normal graphical format (jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp, etc.)
  12. All entries must be turned in by Feb 5, 2005. (Sat.) By midnight, Pacific Standard time.
  13. All entries will be released at approx: five days after the due date and will be automatically archived on the web after that (if not sooner)
  14. Submit as many entries as you want to. You are highly encouraged to create more than one!
  15. If you have further questions about this challenge e-mail or post on-list
  16. It's perfectly all right to combine plot bunnies! One minimum please!
  17. Did we mention, have fun? lol.

Challenge- Beginnings & Endings 2004-05
Created & Organized by
A, tarotgal, and Meg