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Title: We Will Walk Together
![]() Elves had very little use for clocks. It was not that they bore no respect for the hour of the day; they were, in point of fact, a very punctual group of individuals. But time itself they seemed to hold in very low regard. This was one fact Gimli had learned over the course of the seemingly endless meetings and debates, which had been occurring in the wake of the destruction of the Ring. A whole new world was being created and he felt honored that he and Legolas had been invited to take part in it. He had learned that not one little item escaped discussion when all members of the various elven delegations were present. But Legolas bore all with no complaints. He sat, with Gimli nearby, listening to all interested parties' complaints and complements with equal attention, never wavering in his seemingly endless supply of tact, humility and patience. Elves might have all the time and patience in the world, but the same could not be said for dwarves. And after a week of rain, and endless hours in a drafty hall, Gimli had reached the end of his patience.Stretching his cramped muscles, he had been about to suggest a much-needed break when something about Legolas caught his eye. He had always enjoyed watching ‘his' elf conduct these meetings; truth be told, if it weren't for his beloved's presence, he most likely would have stopped going days ago. But there was something different in the elf's manner today; something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Leaning back in his chair, he surveyed the face and body he had come to adore. As the meeting progressed, whatever irritation was plaguing the elf seemed to grow. To the casual observer the Prince remained unchanged from his usual regal self. Head cocked to one side, leaning into his left hand, he seemed to be listening intently as the debate progressed. But Gimli, who had spent the last few moons with the elf, could see differently. Legolas' cheeks were pale and there were faint smudges marring the skin around the eyes. As he watched, the elf brought one finger up and rubbed lightly at his nose. Why had he not noticed it before? His elf was ill... Whether from his realization or not, the remainder of the morning's meeting passed in a haze of details he would not have remembered if asked to repeat them. By the time a short recess was called, his mind was focused on one detail only -- the well being of one Prince of Mirkwood. Slipping to the blonde's side, he motioned him to a quiet corner. ‘You are ill,' he said without preamble. A sniffle and a gentle smile were all he received in response. ‘We should return to our rooms, elf. I am certain they would understand.' ‘No Gimli.' The words were spoken in the same quiet voice he used when the debates were particularly heated. ‘It is necessary that I stay. Much planning is required to rebuild the damage that has been wrought in these lands. I will not put the people's needs beneath my own simply because I eh--' he frowned then and brought both hands to his face '-- ehhShhhuss!' ‘Because you have the sniffles,' Gimli finished, a grin playing lightly over his features. ‘Aye,' the elf smiled ruefully and rubbed his nose, ‘because I have the sniffles.' He sniffled shortly and drew the back of his wrist against his already pinkened nose. ‘I will be well enough,' he said in the same quiet voice. ‘It is just for a few hours longer.' ‘I suppose you are right, sweeting. But I shall take you right home afterwards and tuck you straight into bed.' This last comment elicited a mirthful laugh, which rang throughout the hall. ‘Shall you really?' Legolas asked, cocking his head to regard his stout companion. ‘Indeed I shall. Or at least until your fever's gone,' Gimli said, drawing the elf close and placing a kiss above one perfect eyebrow. And so they had returned from break. The elf's soft sniffles could not be heard over the dim of the debate, but they did not go unnoticed. Gimli shook his head at the number of times Legolas rubbed at his nose as the proceedings wound down for the day, but he had to admit he was surprised at the restraint his longtime companion exhibited -- Legolas did not sneeze once during the entire proceedings. And aside from himself, he doubted very much any of the visiting delegates knew of the Prince's ailment. One thing was for certain, though: by the end of the gathering Legolas looked exhausted. He still nodded as others spoke and responded to all inquiries, but it was terribly obvious to Gimli that his heart was not in it. As the dignitaries filed out, Gimli made his way to his beloved, who remained in his chair, shoulders slumped and head bowed. Taking the chair next to him, he clapped the elf on the back. ‘Well now, that's done with. I think you set everything right, elf, good job!' Legolas managed only a small tired smile before bringing both hands to his face and inhaling sharply ‘Ehhhshoo! HuhhhChuuuhh!' He rocked forward with the force of the sneezes and Gimli reached forward instinctively to steady him. ‘Bless-‘ he started only to be cut off as Legolas rocked forward again ‘Shhhuuushhh!' Shaking his head, Gimli retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and extended it to the elf, who remained fixed in his position, hands still pressed to his face. He looked a great deal like he was going to sneeze again. ‘Take it, Princeling. You sound as if you need it.' Sniffling wetly, Legolas took the proffered item, eyes already drifting closed again as he brought it to his face. ‘HehhCChhoo! Eh, heh- HhhhChusshh! Chhuhh!' Legolas sniffed into the folds of the hanky and blew his nose quietly. Smiling bashfully, he lowered the white cloth before turning his bleary eyes towards Gimli. ‘Bless again. Now shall we return to our rooms?It is late and I, for one could use a nap.' ‘As you wish, Gimli,' Legolas replied, moving to his feet, formal robes fanning out around him. ‘You know,' Gimli mused as they arrived at their rooms, ‘you look quite nice in a dress elf -- it becomes you.' ‘Does it?' Legolas grinned and flopped gracefully onto their bed. Rolling over, he regarded the stout warrior upside down with dancing eyes. ‘But,' Gimli continued, moving to join the blonde, ‘I would much rather see you out of it.' In what seemed only a moment the dwarf found himself pinned beneath a giggling Prince. ‘I think that can be arranged,' Legolas said wickedly, leaning forward to tug playfully at the long beard between them. Reaching up, Gimli cupped the fair face and drew the elf into a drawn out kiss. Fingers combing through the fine hair, Gimli paused to remove the cursed circlet Legolas was forced to wear during the talks. Breaking the kiss, Legolas looked almost shyly at the object in question, cheeks coloring lightly to match his nose. ‘I think,' Gimli said, rolling abruptly and changing their positions, the circlet dangling loosely in his sturdy fingers, ‘that we can do away with this.' Without further ceremony, he let it slip to the floor. finis | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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