A Story

Title: Odd Man Out
Author: Redmorgankidd
Fandom: Yu gi oh
Rating: PG
Spoilers: I use the pharaoh's real name if you don't want to know what it is I'd advise against reading this. Possible spoilers for the end of Yu gi oh in here somewhere too.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu gi oh it is the property of Kazuki Takahashi.
Summary: Graduation is a time of change.
Bunny: #6, #8, #9, #10, #11
Feedback: Please

Odd Man Out

March 15

24 hours and counting and it couldn't be more hectic, Yugi and his friends are graduating.  I'm so proud of him it is a great milestone.   I've never seen him or his friends so excited before  still I can't help, but feel a little left out.  Not because I'm not included in all their activities I am it's just I don't know.   All of our friends are talking about all the great things there going to be doing and I don't have anything like that.  I guess I'm a little jealous, still I'm happy for him and that's all that really matters.     

Atemu closed his journal and placed the pen on the sleek black cover.  Sitting back he rubbed a hand across his neck and winced a little at the scratchy feeling when he swallowed.  His throat had been bothering him for the last few days and his plan of ignore it and it will go away had proven marvellously ineffective.  He hoped he wasn't coming down with something.  He didn't think he was and if he could keep his mind on other things then surely there would be nothing to worry about.  As if on cue Yugi came running in holding his jacket while trying to zip up his own.

"Come on, Atemu, we want to get good seats."

"All right I'm coming, what are we going to see again?"

"Some romance flick Anzu picked out called The End of the Road."


"Yeah isn't it?"    

Atemu finished getting his coat on and they headed out into the evening air.  They arrived at the movie theatre a sort while later.  Yugi and Anzu went off to get seats and Atemu helped Honda and Jounouchi collect the rather large amount of refreshments.  After all the drinks, candy, and popcorn was passed around everybody sat down in their chairs.  As the opening credits began to roll Atemu promptly zoned out, movies just weren't really his thing.  He preferred live action shows like plays to staring at a screen.  It felt more engaging to him more than watching actors on some wall sized TV.  So he merely kept himself occupied with eating popcorn and trying to find the pop in a cup full of ice. 

Atemu discovered about an hour later though that not focusing on the movie only lead him to focus on himself, and how the popcorn although it tasted good really grated against throat and that tea would feel a lot better to wash it down with than pop, but of course no self-respecting theatre sold healthy products.  Of the slight throb in his head and why did the volume have to be up so loud in these places?  Worst of all was the soft tickle slowly building in the back of his nose.  He sniffed and rubbed his hand against the bridge his nose hoping to make it back down.  The effort had little effect as a minute later the feeling returned with a vengeance. 


He clamped his hand over his nose and pitched it closed.  He looked around hoping no one had seen.  It didn't seem like anyone had noticed his sudden movements, they were all staring at the screen which had just gotten to the part where the two star crossed lovers were about to kiss.  Not that Atemu cared he was completely focused on the tickle which was only becoming stronger.

 He couldn't sneeze now the others would hear and one didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how embarrassing that would be.  Why did the stupid romance scene have to come now?  Better yet why did he have to sneeze right now?  It couldn't happen during an action sequence when people were cheering or at something that made them laugh oh no it had to be right when it was silent. People might actually be enjoying it and the infernal feeling was not going away.


He couldn't hold it back anymore he already felt like he was going to explode admitting defeat, which under normal circumstances he would never do, he kept his hand firmly pressed against his mouth and nose and waited.


A few people glared at him, but nobody said anything except for Yugi who responded with a quiet, "bless you."

Atemu nodded his thanks and went back to watching the movie, but not having paid attention to the first half he had completely lost track of the plot and went back to staring at interesting things in the theatre.  Like the man three rows down who was tossing chocolate raisins into his mouth or at least trying to.  Most of the candies were ending up on the heads and in the laps of those around him one of them of girl with a beehive hairdo who was bawling up her candy wrapper to throw at him. 

A minute later he spotted Yugi's hand resting on the arm rest.  For a brief moment he wanted to reach out and hold it.  Not because he was romantically involved with Yugi or because either of them was scared of the events unfolding in the movie, but just because it felt right.  He wondered if the old gesture was still allowed.  Before they had separated after the ceremonial duel the simple contact had been common place within their soul rooms, but he was a young man now and this was a public place.  He probably didn't want Atemu coddling him with such a thing.  So Atemu just continued to look at it until Yugi moved to eat more popcorn. 

When the movie ended they went out into the lobby.  Atemu looked out the glass doors and spotted the dark clouds which promised rain.  He hoped he and Yugi could make it home before the storm started.

"Do you guys want to do something tomorrow?" Honda asked.

"Sorry, Honda, we have to work around the store tomorrow," Yugi said and Atemu nodded his head in agreement.   

"All right so we'll see you at the ceremony then."

"Wouldn't miss it."

With that they parted ways and Yugi and Atemu headed back to the Game Shop.  As they approached the yellow building Atemu felt the need to sneeze over come him again.  He slowed his pace allowing Yugi to go in front of him and pressed his wrist under his nose and sniffed hard.  Thankfully this time the sneeze was held back and stayed back although it made his nose feel a bit stuffy.

"Come on, Atemu, or we're going to be soaked."

Atemu quickened his pace and both boys made it inside just and the rain started to pour down.  They went upstairs as quietly as possible so as not to wake Grandpa or Mrs. Mutou.  They stopped at their respective bedrooms.  

"Goodnight, Atemu."

"Goodnight, Yugi."

Atemu sighed as his closed his bedroom door.  They never use to be so hasty about going to bed.  They use to sit in Yugi's room a talk for hours and Atemu had fallen asleep with his partner many times, but now it was so formal.  He shook his head ‘stop it' he said to himself ‘there is nothing wrong with Yugi growing up and you are being selfish to want him to stay the same just because you have no idea what to do with your life'.  With that he changed into his pyjamas and crawled into bed.  He shivered and stared at the window as the rain pelted against the glass.  Just one more day, one more, and then Yugi would be off to a brand new life without him. 

The next morning the first sign that anything was wrong with Atemu was when he woke up and found his mouth horribly dry.  He sat up and swallowed a few times, but it did little good.  A prickly feeling like sandpaper remained.  He tried to breathe through his nose only to find it impossible to do it fully.  ‘Oh no' he rubbed his eyes and face to make sure he was really awake. 


He snapped forward from the unexpected sneeze, confirming that he indeed was awake and that he was sick with a cold.  ‘Wonderful now what do I do?' He got and swayed a little and walked over to the window his blanket wrapped tightly around his shoulders.  He looked out at the morning haze that still covered the town of Domino.  He shivered from the cold and the feeling of dread that was wiggling around inside him.  He wasn't scared about the situation per say, but being sick like this defiantly made him uncomfortable.

Despite having been with Yugi for quite some time he was still very unfamiliar with the modern world.  He knew what to if he were home in ancient Egypt: say the prayer that was written for this particular ailment, drink the milk of a mother who had given birth to a boy, and eat a lot of garlic.  Perhaps even go to healer if the illness persisted, but what did one do in this time?  There were healers now a days Yugi had told him that and there were different types of medicine, he'd seen them the time he and Yugi had gone to the drug store to find something for Grandpa Mutou.  Rows and rows of them in different boxes and multiple colours so which one to take if any?  He could ask Yugi's family or anyone of his friends they would surely know, but he didn't really want to draw attention to himself.  Everyone was busy lately with the graduation not to mention excited about it and he certainly didn't want to rain on the parade so to speak.    


Atemu sniffled and rubbed a finger under his nose as he thought about what to do. ‘Should I hide it then?'  Yes, yes that was best this was Yugi's time to shine.  Something his partner had looked forward to for a month.  It was a celebration of Yugi's accomplishments and he would not ruin it by complaining about a simple head cold.  He nodded towards his reflection and set his face firm in resolve.  He then looked at the clock and saw the numbers blinking eight thirty in bright red, he knew he'd have to hurry otherwise he'd be late for breakfast.  He put on a long sleeved shirt and was about to grab a sweater, but thought better of it and got a heavy pair of jeans instead.  Long sleeves could be explained because the weather was chilly from the rain and the storage room where he had been assigned to work today could pass for a freezer with all the heat it provided.  On the other hand a thick wool sweater on top of a shirt even in the middle of March would earn him the Spanish Inquisition.  He grabbed some tissues from the box in the hallway and went down to the kitchen.


The sneeze jerked Atemu forward and nearly made him drop the large box he was holding.  He re-adjusted his grip and slowly slid the box onto the shelf.  Then he collapsed against the wall and tried to catch his breath.  He was beginning to think hiding his illness was not such a great idea after all, maybe if he had told Grandpa he wasn't feeling well he could have been put on a less taxing job like putting booster packs on the shelves.  Heavy lifting was just making his nose run harder and the dust that was floating through the air was really not helping matters.

He wiped his forehead bent down and grabbed another box.  As he lifted it up his body tensed.  His nose twitched.  His breath caught.   


The box slipped from his hands and fell to the floor.  He grunted in pain shoved the box off his foot and resisted the urge to yell in frustration.  It had been like this all day.  The sneezes would always come when he was carrying something so he could never stifle them.  By some miracle though it appeared no one heard him.  He listened carefully for a minute just to be sure, but no voices came from upstairs.  He sniffled and wiped his nose on sleeve, the tissues having been used up long ago.  Coughing several times he decided he'd had enough torture for one day left the last box where it was and trooped upstairs.

"You finished, Atemu?"

"Yes, Mr. Mutou, everything is put awa-ahh...ahhshhoo! Away."           

"Bless you I guess I should clean up that room more often."

"That would be nice," he said and walked quickly past him and into the bathroom making sure the door was firmly locked.

He stared at himself in the mirror.  His eyes were bloodshot, his nose was tinged pink around the edges, and he was covered in bits of grey dust.  ‘Gods I look terrible' he thought and was very grateful he didn't have to go to dinner tonight.  Yugi and his family were going to a fancy restaurant to celebrate.  The reservations had been made before he had gotten his own body so he was unable to go.  Had it been a week ago he would have been upset about not going, but with his cold making him miserable he couldn't be happier to stay home.  This would make it easier for him to hide his sickness from everybody.        

He stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash over his skin.  He sighed in content as he washed the grime from the storage room off his skin and let the pleasing smell of the shampoo ease the throbbing in his head that had been bothering him the whole day.

Atemu spent the rest of the afternoon reading in his room and watching Yugi run every ten minutes to ask him if what he was wearing was to tacky for a fancy dinner.  He reassured Yugi that what he had on was fine, but Yugi still ran out again complaining that the tie look stupid or the socks didn't match or the jacket was too itchy. 

Eventually Yugi found an outfit he liked and Atemu went downstairs with him to see the three off.     

"Well you be okay while we're gone I'd hate to think you will be utterly bored here by yourself."    

"It's all right, Mrs. Mutou, I don't mind staying here."

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Atemu?" Yugi asked.       

"Yes, this is something special between you and your family go I'll be fine."

"Okay if you're sure."

"I am, now go and have fun."

He saw then out the front door and then went back the living and turned on the TV.  He still didn't know how to properly handle his sickness, but he figured rest was still a good option.  He grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and flipped channels before settling on a sitcom.

"Things can't get any worse."

"Whatever you say boss."

The two actor's voices blared from the screen.

He readjusted the blanket and sat back to watch.  Just then the phone rang.  He flipped off the TV and grabbed the phone of the side table.


"Atemu, it's Anzu."

"Hey, Anzu, if you want to talk to Yugi he is not here right now."

"No that's okay actually I wanted to talk to you...umm.  Listen I was wondering if you wanted to come and have coffee with me?  I know it's short notice, but I thought since I leave for America tomorrow right after the ceremony it would be a good time for us to be together for the last time just the two of us that is if you don't mind."  

"Of course I don't mind I'll meet you at the coffee shop in fifteen minutes."

"Great I'll see you there."


Fifteen minutes later found Atemu sitting in a booth letting the steam from his coffee rise up around his nose in an attempt to clear some of the congestion.  A minute later Anzu came in she ordered here coffee and sat down.


"Hey how are you doing?"

"I am doing okay how about you are you all packed?"

"Yeah everything's all set," she said nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Just nervous I guess."

"What are you nervous about?  You are following your dream."

"I know, but it's still a little scary I mean I am going to a whole new city, a whole new country even and I won't know anyone."

"Don't worry you are a wonderful person, Anzu, you'll make friends in no time and besides if anyone gives you a hard time you can just hit them in the face with a globe."

"Very funny."

Both of them sat there for a while just sipping their coffee and making small talk.  Afterwards Anzu suggested they go for walk.  He agreed they went for a walk and ended up at the park.  They sat on a bench in front of a fountain.

"I am going to miss you so much you know," she said looking him straight in the eye.

"I know I am going to miss you to we all are."

"Yes, but I am going to miss as more than just a friend I mean you're handsome and strong.  I've never know anyone like you I just I-" she broke off.  

Atemu just watched her as she shifted closer and leaned in to kiss him.  He titled his head to the side and let her move even closer still.   

Unfortunately she had put on a rather large amount of lilac scented perfume that was just too much for his already sensitive nose.  He quickly pulled away and buried his nose in the crook of his arm. 

"Heshhh! Hechissh! Excuse me."

She shifted closer to him as if to try again, but the mood had been broken.  He didn't tilt his head this time just looked at her.

"You're not comfortable with this are you?"

"Honestly no- I mean it's not because you're a bad person because you're not I-" he fumbled for the right words.

"I'm just not what you're looking for right?"

He shifted uncomfortably on the bench.  He would have let her kiss him no questions asked.  Not because he cared for her in that manner, but just to avoid the awkwardness that was now occurring. ‘Why do I always to sneeze at the wrong time?'  She was still looking at him waiting for an answer.

"No I am sorry to say it, but you're not."

She sighed and blinked hard for a while before speaking. "It's for the best really the day before I leave for another country is really not the best time to start a relationship."

"I suppose."

"Can I still kiss you though?  Just for goodbye?"

He nodded and held his breath against the smell of perfume.  She kissed him lightly of the cheek and pulled back smiling at him.

"Thank you," she said and got up from the bench and walked home. 

Atemu stared her retreating back before getting up and walking home himself. 

"Hey, Atemu, did you have fun while we were out?"

"Yeah Anzu called we went out for coffee."

"That must have been nice."

The conversation ended quickly after that and Atemu went to bed.  He coughed into his pillow and suddenly felt so incredibly lonely.  His fondest wish right then was to go to Yugi's and tell him how sick he felt and be comforted. He steeled himself against the urge he only had to hold out for one more day and then had could tell Yugi.  He could make he was sure.  After all like they said on that sitcom things couldn't get any worse.

It couldn't get any worse had to be the stupidest comment ever made by man.  He thought and blew his nose hard once again.  He was sure he'd felt bad yesterday, but he was wrong.  He didn't think he could feel any worse if he got hit by an eighteen wheeler.  His throat was killing him the slight stuffy feeling in his nose and drip from the day before had become a constant run.  

"Hushhhh! Hachoo!"

Not to mention the sneezes had become more frequent and powerful.  He was beginning to think they were his most prominent symptom and this was just not going to work if he had to sit through a three hour long ceremony next to the Mutous and be able to convince them he was perfectly healthy.  He had had enough trouble convincing Grandpa that those three sneezes from this morning had been from the flour.  He would not under any circumstances sneeze during the ‘walking the stage' as it was called so there he stood in the bathroom working has way through half a roll of toilet paper.  Thankfully no one was in there watching him make a spectacle of himself.

"Heh...heh...HUH...darn it!"

The sneeze was stuck right between coming out and dying off.  He could feel it rolling around and teasing him.  He wiggled his nose trying to get it come out. 


Sighing with relief and giving one final deep blow threw the used toilet paper in the garbage and headed to the gym.

It was a wonderful ceremony and Atemu did mange to keep his promise to himself not to sneeze although coughing was another matter.  A few had managed to slip past him despite his best efforts to hold them at bay.  Of course as was always the case with these things several other people coughed as well, this coupled with where his was in the audience he felt his secret was still safe.  His time in the bathroom cost him a sit next Grandpa and Mrs. Mutou.  He ended up being stuck in between a lady in a bright blue sundress and a man in a pin stripped suit. So he was pretty sure they hadn't noticed that some of those coughs were from him.

The three met up again afterwards and found Yugi and the other arms full flowers from the younger students in front of the school.

"Oh, Yugi, you were wonderful," Mrs. Mutou said running up and hugging her son.

"Mom please you're embarrassing me."

"I know, I know, but I'm just so proud of you."

"Well will be on our way now we know you guys have a lot to do and you kids call us if you have any problems."

"We will, Grandpa."

As Jounouchi and Honda helped Anzu get her things in the trunk of a taxi.  Yugi turned back for one last look at Domino High.

"I'm going to miss it, Atemu, even though a lot of the time here was lousy and hurtful I'm still going to miss it."  

"Of course you are it wasn't all bad here you met your friends we went on a lot of adventures while you went here."

"You're right it's hard to believe it is all over now."

"Yeah it is.  Come on we've got to see Anzu off."

"You'll write to us everyday right?"

"Of course I will."

"And get us tickets to your first big number."

"You bet."

"And make sure they're front row seats."



"Flight 21B to John F. Kennedy airport New York City, USA now boarding at gate 63, flight 21B now boarding at gate 63."

"That's my flight."

They all just stood there for a moment not wanting to believe it was really happening.  Then Anzu burst into tears and everybody embraced in a group hug.  Anzu then took out a black marker and asked everyone to put out there hands.  She drew a smiley face just as she had way back when they had first become friends and reminded that no matter how far apart they were their friendship would be as strong as ever.  She hugged everyone again and got one more goodbye kiss from Atemu before making her way to the gate.     

They waved to her as she walked to the gate and watched from the window as the plane pulled out of the terminal and towards the runway.  Yugi leaned against Atemu's shoulder and Jounouchi went off to the bathroom with tears in his eyes that he blamed entirely on allergies Honda just continued to stare out the window.

"Will you be okay, Yugi?"

"Yeah I'll be fine come on we don't want to spend all day here."

The gang began walking towards the exit.  Atemu turned his head to the side as he felt familiar tickle in his nose.


"Hey guess she's talking about you already," Honda joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"And who wouldn't after that kiss," Jounouchi piped in.

"It was only on the cheek guys give me a break," Atemu said trying to be cool about it, but felt his cheeks getting warm anyway. 

He sniffed and rubbed two fingers under his nose successfully beating down any further tickles at least for now.

//You okay, Atemu? //

//I'm fine why do ask? //

//No reason.//


They walked the rest of the way in silence and hailed a taxi.  Seto Kaiba was throwing some big graduation party for the class at a hotel downtown.  It was no doubt a publicity thing, a chance to show how generous KaibaCorp was.  Not the any of the graduates were concerned about that.  Who cared about business politics when there was free booze, dancing and a hotel room to boot.  The entire second floor had been booked, the rooms and the banquet hall.       

The gang arrived at the hall and Atemu staked out a wall by the punch bowl.  He grabbed a cup of the brightly coloured liquid and just watched Yugi and his friends have fun.  After a while though he noticed something odd.  He wasn't sure if it was his cold or someone had spiked the punch, but the room seemed to be getting soft at the edges.  He shook his head and downed the last of his drink this turned out to be a stupid move on his part as his suddenly got very dizzy and his stomach lurched.  He breathed deeply for a moment and the dizziness spell wore off, but his stomach still felt like he just got off a roller coaster.  He needed to get out of here and find a bathroom now.  He moved quickly through the hall and out door and then bolted down the hallway.  He fumbled with his key card before successfully unlocking the door to the room he and Yugi were sharing.  His knees hit the blue tiled floor of the bathroom, his hands gripped the toilet and he was violently sick.  His discomfort must have slipped over his connection with Yugi as he felt his concern over the link.     

//Atemu, what's up, where are you? //


//I'm sorry, Yugi, I had to leave. //

//Why?  Is something wrong? //

Atemu didn't answer just closed off the link as he felt his stomach contract again.  He flushed the toilet and reached up to the counter for the flower print box of tissues.  Well it was better this way now he wasn't at the party being as much fun as a stone pillar and at least Yugi was-was.  He sighed oh who was he kidding he wanted to be with Yugi.  He wanted Yugi to fuss over him and make him feel better or at the very least tell him what kind of medicine he should take.  He was sick and tired of being sick and tired and being the only one who knew it.  He was tired of being lonely and just wanted everything to back the way it was.  Back when Yugi was more innocent and he was a guiding force in his life.  Back when he didn't feel eclipsed, didn't feel like he'd lost the most important and meaningful relationship he had ever had.  

Several minutes later Yugi came into the bathroom and found Atemu curled up next to the toilet, tissues littering the floor.


Yugi pulled him into his lap and placed his hand against his forehead and then his cheek.  Atemu just cupped his hand over his mouth as his breath hitched.

"Hisshhh! Heheshhh! Heh...heh... Hushhooo!"

"Bless you.  You lied to me you're not all right."

"It's not serious, Yugi it is just a cold."

"Still you felt the need to lie to me about it."

Yugi glared at Atemu who lowered his eyes to his lap before snapping forward with another sneeze.


Yugi's face softened at seeing his friend in such distress.

"Atemu, why didn't you just tell me?"

"I am sorry I didn't want to spoil this for you.  I know how much this day meant to you and I didn't want you to put everything on hold for something so trivial."

Yugi helped Atemu off the floor and guided him to the bed Atemu lay on his side and pulled the covers up to his chin.  Yugi put the box of tissues on the nightstand within easy reach for him.

"Thank you."

"No problem do you need anything else?  I could go and get you something from the vending machine down the hall.  I'm sure there's something to settle your stomach."

Atemu shook his head, "no just please stay with me"

Yugi moved to sit beside Atemu and pushed his bangs away from his face.      

"I'll stay until your fever's gone."

"In that case I hope it last's forever," Atemu mumbled into the pillow.


"Never mind it's not important."

"Yes it is now please tell me what's bothering you."  

"It is nothing really I just feel left out of your life.  I mean it's not because you've ignored me or anything because you haven't, but you are always talking about things you'd like to do once you graduate and now that you have I just feel lost. I'm sorry I'm just rambling."

"Why didn't you talk to me and tell me you felt left out from my life?"

"Because I know you partner if someone is unhappy you will make it your personal goal to fix them into a bubbly happy go lucky mess.  I don't want to you to feel pressured to be with me if you don't to, who am I to force you to hang around for me?" 

"Who are you?  Atemu, you are my entire world I know you said you're not the other me anymore, but you were for so long I just can't imagine life without I don't want to imagine life without you."

"Whether you can imagine it or not is not the point you will have to do it.  You will marry and have kids and drift away from me."

"Marriage and kids good grief, Atemu, I'm only eighteen."

"But you like Anzu don't you?" Atemu asked before grabbing another tissue and blowing his nose.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to marry her or any other girl look Atemu, maybe I will marry or maybe I won't maybe I'll decide I want to live in Antarctica I don't know, but whatever I decide to do you are always going to be with me if you want to."

"If I want to?"

"Yes, You are the half of my soul and even though we both have lives of our own that connection I have to you is never going to change.  I'm still your partner and I still want to be your partner.  I'm sorry if lately I've been making you feel otherwise I didn't mean it.  I still want to be with you and you know it's not the end of the world just because you didn't graduate today.  Lots of places offer night classes you could go to a trades school there are lots of opportunities out there for you.  You're not the first person to have no idea what they want to do with their life so don't worry so much, okay?"

"Okay," Atemu said and shivered.

"You cold?"

"Just a bit."  

Yugi climbed under the covers and wrapped his arms Atemu and let Atemu's head rest against his neck.

"You don't have to do this," Atemu said, but put his arms around Yugi anyway.

"I know, but I can't go back to the party and enjoy myself knowing full well you're here totally miserable.  Besides I can tell you want me to be here you said so yourself."

"Guess being sick makes me more obvious."

"No I just know you really well you are my partner after all." 

As Atemu lay there he had to admit he felt rather foolish.  To be longing for something he thought was long gone only to realize it had never been lost in the first place.  Yugi was always going to be with him and he was always going to be with Yugi.  He curled up closer to Yugi basking in the feeling of being whole again.  Even though a chapter of both their lives had an ended a new one was just beginning and now he knew that no matter what that new chapter held they would always be together no matter what.   


Challenge- Beginnings & Endings 2004-05
Created & Organized by
A, tarotgal, and Meg