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Title: Master and Servant
![]() He'd been brought here after months of training. His teachers had finally thought him worthy of being presented in his Master's bedchamber. He had wondered on occasion if he was being kept for a special purpose, but he had lost track of the days soon after being brought to the Master's home and had no way of finding out. The information was not that which would be freely given to one such as he, and after so much training, he knew better than to ask. He knew that the days had grown short, for all that he was rarely allowed outside. And as well appointed as Master's house was, it still did not manage to keep all of the cold season's drafts out. He lay in his Master's bedchamber, draped across a fine, thick silk-encased pillow at the foot of his Master's bed. A throw of warm but translucent material was draped over him to keep some of the chill away from his bare skin although it didn't seem to do much. At his twentieth year, his body had not yet achieved the full growth of a man although he was well out of childhood. The wind howled outside, heard only faintly within, although the thick velvet drapes stirred as the cold air crept through cracks in mortar that could not be found to be sealed. He shivered under the blanket, although he could not tell whether it was from the chill in the air that even the fire could not quite chase away or from the anticipation of seeing his Master in this situation. Since he had offered his life to the man, they had been engaged in what seemed to be an elaborate game of courtship that only increased his desire to give himself to the man. Two of his trainers entered the room, wanting to give him a few last words of advice and to ensure that the room was prepared to his Master's liking. He rose at their footsteps, knowing them to be of higher rank than he before the door had opened just from the sound of their shoes on the floor. "Samiel," one said, for that was his name and his Master had decided to let him keep it. "Tonight is Vareinosti. You are aware of what this means?" He nodded, surprised although he did not dare show it, and pleased that he had been chosen to serve his Master this night. Vareinosti was the longest night of the year and festivities were held to last the entire night, everyone staying awake as long as possible -- through the night if they could -- to assure themselves that daylight would return. The reason behind the festivities was now considered to be silly superstition, although the time of year was gloomy enough that everyone welcomed the excuse for merrymaking. Tradition also held that to lie with one's lover as the night became day would grant one a long and loving relationship. Many such as he longed for their masters to choose them for this, but masters rarely did so. "The Master will be in after he has feasted. You are to remain here until he arrives." Samiel murmured a quick, "Thank you, sir," then returned to his previous position, knowing that his Master would expect it of him. The trainers moved around the room, hurrying to prepare everything just so before the Master's return. Samiel let his eyes fall closed and tried not to think about the nervousness crawling in his belly or any number of other small discomforts such as the faint burn in his throat or the slight sniffle that he had been ignoring all day. Part of his training had been to pay no mind to such things unless they interfered with Master's pleasure. He had eaten only sparingly earlier, as was required when one was being presented to one's Master for the first time in this capacity. His trainers had bathed him and ensured that he was properly groomed and attired so as to please his Master. All that he could do now was wait. Several minutes after the trainers had left, the room began to smell faintly of incense and Samiel noted that a small coil had been lit and left to burn on his Master's nightstand. The scent was one that both pleased and calmed him. He let it send him drifting, aware enough of his surroundings to hear his Master arrive and be ready, but restful enough that he would hopefully have the energy he needed when his Master came. He was unsure of how much time had passed when he heard booted footsteps approaching in the hall. He let the throw fall to the side and pushed himself to a kneeling position, hands behind his back, eyes averted, as he had been taught. His deep auburn hair fell like a curtain to either side of his face. The door opened and Samiel silently cursed his bad luck as a faint tickle deep in his sinuses made itself known. He wriggled his nose discreetly and it backed away just as the boots stopped before him. "Samiel." His Master's voice was deep and resonant, sending shivers up his spine, although he held himself perfectly still. "Yes, Master." In contrast, Samiel's voice was soft and melodic and fortunately no hint of the pain in his throat was evident in the light tone. A hand gloved in thin, supple black leather cupped Samiel's chin and lifted his head. He kept his eyes averted as his Master raised him to his feet. He could feel his Master's eyes on him, looking at every inch of his body. "Beautiful," his Master breathed. He could feel his cheeks warm at his Master's praise, only to flush hotter as his Master chuckled kindly at his reaction. "No need to be embarrassed, my lovely one. Come, help me out of these unbearably uncomfortable robes and allow me to finally take pleasure from your body." Samiel nodded, then knelt and pulled Master's boots off one at a time, placing them near the door. He then deftly unfastened the clasps holding his Master's robes closed. The heavy velvet was pulled from his Master's shoulders and neatly hung on a valet in the corner. The silken underrobe and hose were likewise removed, but they were taken to a hamper near the door to his Master's bath. He supposed that the gloves had been removed while his back was turned, for now His Master now stood gloriously naked before him, and Samiel could not bring himself to look away from his Master's body. The man was solidly built, as one would expect of one who spent much time performing physical labor and training in the art of sword and bow. His skin was darker than Samiel's although it was paler than usual now from the lack of sunlight that they had been experiencing this cold season. Hair of a brown that was nearly black was pulled back in a large silver clasp at the nape of his neck and fell in waves to his waist. Samiel had admired the man's looks from their first meeting, but his Master was even more breathtaking without the adornments that his status required that he wear. "Samiel, I want you to join me in bed." That was enough to pull Samiel out of the daze he was in. He looked up -- not at Master's face -- enough to see Master's outstretched hand, and took it, following his Master's lead to the velvet covered expanse of bed. "As this is your first night with me, this night is for you. I have no demands other than that you should learn my body and allow me to learn yours. I wish for you to feel comfortable with me, my sweet one, for I have seen that pleasure is lessened for all if one is nervous or afraid and I have hopes that my nights with you will be pleasurable indeed." Samiel nodded in understanding, refusing to let his relief at his Master's kindness show on his face. Given everything that he had seen of his Master to this point, he should not have been surprised, but he knew that not all masters gave such thought to their pleasure servants. His Master stood aside as he pulled the duvet down, exposing sheets of a warm and soft material that was like nothing Samiel had seen before, the midnight blue contrasting sharply with Samiel's pale skin and auburn tresses. He climbed up on to the high mattress, then turned to wait for his Master to join him. His Master was not far behind, and Samiel found himself enveloped in arms that held him tightly. Master's hair had been taken out of its clasp and surrounded both of them. A musky fragrance made up of Master's shampoo and his Master's own scent assaulted Samiel's nose and caused the tickle to return, unnoticed until almost too late. Again, Samiel was able to still the irritation, this time just as his Master took his lips in a fierce kiss. The world narrowed to the heat of his Master's body against his. His Master's strong hands seemed to be all over, making him tremble with need. And then another need made itself known, this time too late to push away, and he pulled back from his Master. "IKtshh! TSHHH!" Mortified that he should have so little control over his body, despite what his trainers had drilled in to him these past months, he froze, awaiting some form of reprimand. "Samiel?" "Yes, Master?" The words came out as a whisper. "Are you well, my sweet one?" Even as kind as his Master had been up to this point, Samiel hadn't expected to hear such concern. Truth be told, he probably wasn't well, but he did not want his Master to send him away this night or to worry his Master needlessly. "Yes, Master. I am well. It was merely a tickle. I am sorry." "There is nothing to be sorry for." There was a hint of something in Master's voice that Samiel couldn't quite place. Wishing to prove his worth, he straightened up and spoke meekly. "Thank you, Master." He waited for words or a gesture, something to tell him what his Master expected of him next. "Samiel, my lovely one, please, come closer. I would like very much to possess you this night, which I can not do if we are on opposite sides of the bed." Samiel's eyes widened at his Master's bluntness, then complied, sliding across the mattress until he was positioned at his Master's knees. "Much better." Master ran his hands up Samiel's thighs, then coaxed him to lie back. "Yes, very nice." Master pushed against a panel in the headboard and a drawer cracked open. He pulled out a small vial of liquid and set it near his knee, then returned to touching Samiel's pale skin. The touches turned to a gentle massage with special attention paid to areas that were discovered to be sensitive. The only sounds were Samiel's gasps and moans and the words of pleasure that poured from his lips. If, on occasion, Samiel's inhalations were a bit wetter than they should have been, neither of them paid it much mind. And if Samiel's voice grew slightly rougher as they continued, it was attributed to the constant stream of sound emanating from his throat. Samiel was soon writhing in pleasure on the bedding, begging Master for more than just touch. Master smiled and poured some of the liquid over his fingers and slid his hand between Samiel's legs. Samiel's cries grew louder as Master slid one slick finger inside. "So responsive, sweet one." And then, to Samiel's horror, the tickle returned. Trying to focus on the sensations that his Master was giving him, he tried to will it away, but it only grew more insistent. He felt his Master gently stretching him wider, two fingers, then three -- and now was it four? -- scissoring inside him, and then the prickling in his sinuses became unbearable. "ihkTSHHHHih! KTSHhih! KSHHHH! IHshhh!" He turned his head just in time to keep from spraying his Master. "Samiel?" "P-please, Master. Please don't stop. I...I'm fine...just...Please don't stop." "If you insist." Samiel thought he could hear need mixed with the amusement in Master's voice. And then he was being filled. Master was slowly pushing inside, and it felt so much better than the cold ivory that the trainers had used on him, and Master was going faster, lifting his ass just enough that every thrust was hitting that sweet spot inside, and Master's hand was encircling his cock, stroking in time with his thrusts, and Samiel thought he was going to die from the overload of pleasure, and Master was leaning over him and... ...and then the gasps of pleasure turned to gasps of need and anticipation and Samiel couldn't turn away because Master was there and "IHKtshhh! heh-ih-IHShhhh! TSHHH!" With each sneeze his entire body tensed and his Master froze, groaning and throwing his head back as Samiel's clenching muscles brought the man to completion.
The feel of his Master's climax inside him left Samiel begging for Master to let him come, physical need overcoming the mortification of having sneezed all over his Master's chest. Master stroked him faster, and it took all of Samiel's self control to keep himself from shooting all over Master's chest until... "Come for me, my sweet one." A hoarse and incoherent cry tore from his throat as his seed spilled in thick, sticky streams over his Master's hand and chest and his own stomach. Everything went blurry around the edges for a few seconds and he could hear himself repeating over and over in a croaky whisper, "Thank you, Master. Thank you," as he was showered with kisses and his hair stroked away from his sweat-drenched face. His Master pulled out of him and away for a brief moment, then returned with a blessedly warm damp towel and cleaned them both, while Samiel was still too dazed to move. The warmth was taken away and he was turned on to his stomach. A shiver wracked his body as the cold of the room became apparent once again. His Master finished wiping away the evidence of their coupling and tossed the towel towards the hamper. Samiel was still breathing heavily as his Master draped himself over the young man, pulling Samiel's head against his shoulder. Then a stifled cough sprang from Samiel's scratchy throat. Lips were pressed to his forehead. "Samiel? Are you certain that you are well? Please, the truth, my lovely one." Samiel knew that he was blushing furiously as he felt his face grow hot. "I...truly I had not thought anything of it, Master. I have had a tickle in my nose since before you arrived but hoped it was the incense. And I had been feeling soreness in my throat since this morning and assumed that it was from the dryness in the air. I did not think it anything until you asked earlier." The hands that had earlier brought Samiel to such a state of intense arousal now comforted and soothed him. "Shhhh. Do not worry yourself. I merely wish to make sure that you are taken care of. Becoming mine means that I have the responsibility to make certain that all is well with you just as you have the responsibility of taking care of my needs as you are able." "Thank you, Master," Samiel whispered, turning on to his side and curling in to his Master's embrace. The embrace tightened around him briefly, then held him close. He started to relax in the warmth emanating from Master's body, then struggled to push himself out of Master's unyielding hold. "heh...m-MastIHH..." His Master was not letting him go, so he covered his face with the one hand that was not completely trapped between their bodies, "HMPHhh! KImph! HIHmphhh!" only half-succeeding in smothering the sneezes. He ended the fit with a strong sniffle, feeling more run down than he had before. Master loosened his hold on Samiel briefly and the young man pressed his face even closer to his Master's bare chest. He was quite surprised when Master placed a finger under his chin and turned his head up so that he was looking Master in the face. Even more so when Master held a finely woven handkerchief to his nose. "Please, my sweet one, take it, and then rest. I promise I will wake you before sunrise." Samiel hurriedly took the fabric square and softly blew his nose. Still clutching the handkerchief, he rested against his Master's chest, attempting to hide the smile that his Master's words elicited, realizing for the first time just how much Master wanted him. | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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