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Title: Eight Letters, Three Words, One Meaning
![]() Percy Weasley stood outside the door of Oliver Wood's flat. He had been waiting for Oliver to answer his knocking for 10 minutes. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key Oliver had given him a week ago and unlocked the door. "Oliver?" He called, switching on the overhead light and set his things down on the kitchen counter. Oliver was obviously home; his jacket was slung over the couch, and his shoes were in the middle of the floor, waiting to be tripped over. Shaking his head over his lover's messiness, he hung up the jacket and placed the shoes in the corner. "Olly? Where are you?" He thought he heard a cough coming from Oliver's bedroom, so he went down the hall. "Ol?" He knocked gently on the door and opened it. Oliver was curled up in bed, asleep. He went over and shook him awake. "Huh, wha...Percy?" Oliver rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock. "Shite, Perce, I did't bead to sleep so late. Huh-ehrshoo." "Bless. You okay? It's not like you to oversleep." "I'b fide. Just a sdiffle id by dose." He blew his nose loudly. "Give be a few bidutes to get ready." Oliver sat up and got out of bed. "You're sick, Ol. Are you sure you want to go out in the rain? You really should be resting." "I don't wadt to ruid Valedtide's Day. It's our first ode. Huhshoo, uhchushh." "We can have dinner here. It's just a celebration of being together. We can do that just as well in your flat as we can at the restaurant. Besides, if you're coming down with a cold, the last thing you should do is go out in the rain." "Are you sure?" Oliver wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Percy went over and pressed his wrist to Oliver's forehead. "I'm sure. I'll go heat up some soup and tea. Why don't you put some pajamas on and get back in bed." "I'b dot hugry." "Well, I am, and you should eat a little bit and at least, drink some tea." "Eh-chuhh." Oliver nodded as Percy left the room. He put on a pair of flannel pajamas and crawled into bed as Percy came back with dinner. "I want you to drink the tea and eat at least 10 spoonfuls of soup, okay?" "Deal. If you'll lay in bed ad sduggle be for awhile." "I will. Now eat." They ate the soup together with Percy counting Oliver's bites. "Good." He told him when Oliver was done. Using his wand, he reheated the tea and handed it to Oliver. "Breathe in the steam, hon; it'll help clear your nose a bit." Sniffling, Oliver did as he was told, then blew his nose forcefully. "That's a little better." He took a sip of tea; "hey-ushh, uhchushh. And it's helpig by throat." "Good. Do you have something for me to sleep in?" "You're spedig the dight?" "Yeah." "It's just...you dever have before." "Well, I am now. Do you have something I can sleep in?" "There should be a dightshirt that should fit you id the biddle drawer." Percy pulled the nightshirt out and changed into it while Oliver admired his lover's toned body and freckled skin. "It's a little big, but comfy. It smells like you." He crawled in bed next to Oliver. "Rest, sweetie, just rest until your fever's gone." Oliver nodded. "I ab sleepy. Heychushhoo." "Bless. Happy Valentine's Day Olly." Percy said as he snuggled against his boyfriend. "Happy Valedtide's Day. Sorry I ruid everythig." He mumbled as the sleepy haze settled over his brain again. "You didn't ruin it, honey. I'm spending it with you. It doesn't matter what we do, ok. I...I love you." He said for the first time. Oliver was awake now. "You love me?" "Yeah." Percy blushed, a dreamy expression crossing his face. "I love you too, Perce. Huhschoo, uhschoo." A pair of sneezes kept him from kissing Percy. "Stupid cold." Percy gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "There'll be plenty of time for kissing later. I intend to be with you for a long time. Now, sleep." Smiling, Oliver pressed against Percy as Percy wrapped his arms around him. "Dight, hod." "Goodnight, Ol." Percy leaned his head against Oliver's, holding him until they both fell asleep. | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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