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Title: Christmas, Colds, and Gifts
![]() Winter. The perfect time of the year, in Harry's opinion. Everything was white, pure, clean, crisp, and beautiful. It was the time of the year where everyone could be happy, forget about their problems, and just be together in peace. Most of all, Harry liked winter because he could spend the time with his family, the Weasley in-laws, and his wife, Ginevra Weasley-Potter. Harry James Potter hummed "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," while he used magic to hang the Christmas lights on Ginny's and his house in Ottery St. Catchpole. Ginny was at the Healers because she had not been feeling well the last few days, so Harry decided to decorate the house to surprise her. Harry stretched as he looked at the finished house in pride. He had strung the various colored lights on the roof and the overhanging balconies, complete with spells so they would run on magic. Inside, he had put decorations over the wooden banisters and the walls. In the main sitting room, there was an elegant Christmas tree with a preservation charm so the tree could be put back after Christmas, and two colorful stockings on the fireplace mantel. Harry put his gifts for Ginny under the tree, but he left the decorations for the tree off. He wanted to decorate it with his wife, sort of like a family memory. Harry looked at the large grandfather clock that was similar to Mrs. Weasley's clock, except that it was new and it only had Harry and Ginny's names on it. Ginny's still pointed to the hospital, so Harry decided to rest a little bit, until she came home. Harry yawned tiredly, surprising himself as he had slept in this morning and had gone to bed earlier the evening before. Harry rubbed the back of his aching neck and decided to take a short nap before his beloved came home. Harry went to the bedroom, changed into warm pajamas, and lay down, covering himself in the blankets, and fell asleep, dreaming of a red haired angel. ![]() Harry woke up around four hours later, not feeling as great as he had when he fell asleep. His throat was sore, his nose tickled and was quite runny, as well as the fact that he had a headache, sore muscles, and an achy feeling to accompany all that. Harry groaned at the signs of a cold, knowing that he probably caught it while he was at Hogwarts. See, Harry was the DADA professor at Hogwarts and always Floo-ed home after classes everyday. Christmas break had only started two days earlier, so it was plausible to think that he had caught the terrible cold/flu that had been going around Hogwarts. Harry got out of bed to see if Ginny was home yet, making sure he put on a dressing gown and warm slippers. Harry shivered as he left the warmth of his bed so he added a blanket to his ensemble. He made his way downstairs and went straight to the grandfather clock. Ginny's hand was on traveling and began moving towards home. Harry shivered and sniffed, so he retrieved a tissue box from the bathroom and sat on the couch to wait. Moments after he sat down, Ginny walked through the front door and called for Harry. Harry felt to achy and tired to get up, yet, his throat hurt and he didn't want to call after her. Luckily for him, she walked into the living room in the next moment. "Hi Harry! Sorry I'm late," said Ginny, as she sat down next to her husband, "Oh, and the house looks beautiful! You did a wonderful job!" "Thanks Gin," said Harry in a hoarse voice, "What did the Healer say?" It seemed that his cold was getting worse as his nose had began running profusely and the tickly feeling had increased. "Oh, it was nothing to worry about. Are you feeling okay Harry? You sound like you've come down with something," said Ginny worriedly. Harry was curled up on the couch and seemed like he would fall asleep at any time. His eyes and nose were pinkish, his face was pale, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. Harry kept pulling out tissues to wipe his nose or occasionally give a wet blow into them. "I think I caught a cold from school. Sniff! It's supposed to be horrible, and I think it is proving to stand up to the rumor. Sniff! Sniff!" said Harry miserably. He felt terrible and just wanted to sleep forever. Ginny made a clucking sound and let her husband rest on her. She felt his forehead and found him to be slightly warm, though that could be from the amount of blankets he had on. "Did you take a nap, sweetie?" asked Ginny. Harry nodded and added, "I just woke up a little while ago. Strangely, I still feel tired. Sniff!" "How about I get you some medicine and you can take another nap? Or, are you hungry or thirsty?" suggested Ginny as she rubbed her husband's back in comforting and soothing circles. "I'm not really hungry, but could I have some water and take a nap?" asked Harry in a small voice. He already felt like a baby and just wanted Ginny to take care of him, "I'm sorry I'm ruining your Christmas by being sick." "Oh, sweetie, you can't help getting sick. It isn't your fault. Now, come on. Let's get you back to bed and get that water and medicine. Hmmm?" soothed Ginny. "Okay. Thank you Gin," said Harry as he leaned on her. The two walked up the stairs and settled Harry in bed. Ginny retrieved the water and some medicine. The medicine was Muggle because the Potions Masters had gone on strike a couple months ago and Pepper-Up wasn't available. Professor Snape had made a few before he had gone on a mission to Russia, but those had run out weeks before. Now, all they had was Muggle medicine and the simple potions like Shrinking Potion, something anyone could make. Pepper-Up was actually very complicated and only Potions Masters could make it. Ginny settled Harry in bed, making sure to provide more tissue boxes and a trash bin for the dirty tissues. "Good night love. Sleep well," said Ginny as she kissed Harry on the forehead. Harry murmured a thank you before drifting off to sleep. ![]() Harry did not wake up until the following morning, and when he did, he was utterly and completely miserable. His small cold had turned into a giant whopper of a cold, giving him everything from a headache and sore throat to congestion and sneezing. Harry struggled weakly and managed to sit up in bed and grab a handful of tissues. First, he blew into them wetly, blowing until he began honking. He threw them away and then took a sip of his water. Harry was about to go and find Ginny when he was interrupted by a volley of sneezes. "Heh-SHOO! Ak-TISHOO! Hah-hah-CHOO! YISHOO!" sneezed Harry. He grabbed some more tissues and blew his now, red and sore nose. Harry groaned and shivered weakly, deciding to wait for Ginny to come, as he didn't have the energy to get out of bed. Harry sneezed a few more times in the next half hour before Ginny arrived in the doorway. "Hey sleepyhead! How are you feeling?" asked Ginny. She sat next to Harry as he groaned in answer, "Absoludley biserable." "Aw... My poor baby. Well, I hope I can make you feel better. Are you hungry?" asked Ginny with a sympathetic glance. "Not really. Could I have some Tylenol? My head really hurts," whined Harry. He couldn't help it. He just felt sick, babyish, and needy. Ginny, however, complied with his wish and gave him some more medicine. She also took his temperature which ended up being 102 (Fahrenheit). "Are you tired sweetie? Your temperature's really high, so it might be best if you just sleep it off," suggested Ginny. "A liddle... Hah-CHOO! Eh- SHOO! Hah-KUCHOO! Sniff! Sniff! ... I guedd do are ride. Don'd leab be? I don'd wand do be alode," complained Harry in his stuffy voice. Harry blew his nose thoroughly again and looked pleadingly at Ginny. "How about this. I'll stay here until you fall asleep, and I'll leave you a bell. When you wake up or when you need me, just ring it and I'll be right up. Okay? The one condition is, is that you won't get out of bed until your fever's gone. Agreed?" negotiated Ginny. "Adreed," said Harry. Harry snuggled down in bed, letting Ginny prop up his head with pillows and cover him in blankets. He sneezed a few times more, and she pulled out tissues and helped him blow his nose. After a little while of just cuddling, Harry fell into a deep sleep. Ginny made sure he was covered and warm before leaving a bell on his side table, and leaving the bedroom. ![]() Harry woke up, in a feverish and disoriented haze, and most especially, hot. "Whad habbed?" he asked stuffily to the blurry outline of Ginny who was sitting next to him. "Your fever rose and was going steadily all of yesterday. It just broke a hour ago," said Ginny in a relieved tone of voice, "You worried me half to death." "Dorry. Cad I hab sobe wadder?" asked Harry in a small voice. "Sure sweetie. Here, let me help you sit up," said Ginny. Gently, she helped him sit up and sip some water. "How lade ib id?" asked Harry as he observed the dark behind the drapes of the windows. "It isn't that late. Only around nine o'clock actually," commented Ginny. "Waid. Didn'd we hab do go do your bub's houd?" asked Harry worriedly. "Don't worry. I called her two days ago and told her that we wouldn't be going because you weren't feeling well. She understood and told us to stop by when you are feeling better," soothed Ginny. "Ad she didn'd cobe wid doup ad boder be?" asked Harry in an incredulous tone of voice. Harry grabbed some tissues and cleared his nose so he sounded less congested. "I managed to hold her off. I told her that I had everything covered and that I would call her if I needed something. Of course, that didn't stop her from sending over Laura with some soup. I have a lot left if you are hungry now," said Ginny as she chuckled. Yes please. I would lobe sobe of your bub's soub," said Harry appreciatively, "Cad I go downstairs ad ead?" "All right, but if you feel even the least bit feverish, you are coming back to bed. Understood?" said Ginny sternly. "Yed Bub," Harry consented with a chuckle. Ginny went downstairs and made the couch comfy for Harry, before going back upstairs to retrieve him. They bundled him up in a blanket, with slippers, and a couple tissue boxes and settled on the couch. Ginny served Harry a large bowl of soup and rubbed his shoulders and back as he ate. Harry finished and set the bowl down on the side table before reclining on the sofa. Ginny curled up next to him and the two cuddled in the warm blankets while watching the fire. "Harry? Can we each exchange a gift right now? After all, it is Christmas Eve," asked Ginny. "Sure. Here, open mine first," said Harry as he handed her a gift from under the tree. It was small and delicate, wrapped in gold wrapping paper and a red ribbon. Ginny opened it slowly and reverently, heightening the suspense. The gift was in a little box and when she opened it, Ginny gasped. "It's beautiful Harry, thank you!" gushed Ginny as she pulled out a small, silver bracelet with three little objects hanging from it. The bracelet was delicate and fit perfectly on her wrist as Harry put it on her. "Id's a charm bracelet. Every Christmas, I'll give you a charm to put on it to represent each year we spent together. I've already added the past three years on it. And here is the fourth," said Harry as he brought out a little silver charm. The charm was in the shape of a little baby rattle, which changed colors, from pink and red, to blue and green. "It symbolizes what I hope we can have this year," said Harry softly as he looked into his wife's eyes. Ginny's eyes shined in happiness as he put the charm on her bracelet and kissed her on the lips. He immediately drew back, mumbling sorry's and "I don't want you to get sick." "Harry, I don't mind. I will probably catch it anyways from spending time with you. And thank you for the gift," said Ginny as she recaptured Harry's lips in hers. Harry and Ginny kissed for another few minutes before they had to break away for air. "Harry, here's my gift," said Ginny as she handed him a small box. Harry opened it, and stared in wonder at the little teddy bear inside. Along with it came a note: You'll need this. "Ginny, why..." asked Harry cluelessly. "Harry, when I went to the Healers they told me I wasn't sick. Harry I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby!" said Ginny calmly. Harry stared at her in surprise before breaking out into a brilliant smile. "I'm going to be a father!" Harry exclaimed before picking Ginny up and twirling her around in the air. Then, he hugged her and kissed her welcoming lips. The two spent the night, happy and in bliss. ![]() When Ginny and Harry woke up the next morning they smiled at each other and Harry lovingly rubbed Ginny's flat stomach. "Harry.... I'm going to... Hah-CHOO! Hah-SHOO! ... sneeze," said Ginny sheepishly. Harry gazed at her worriedly and handed her some tissues. "Oh, you've caught my cold. Will it hurt the baby? How are you feeling?" he asked concernedly. "I'm feeling a little sick, but no, it won't hurt the baby. It isn't dangerous to get sick until I hit around the 4th or 5th month. And, don't feel bad about giving me your cold," said Ginny. "Well, then I'll just have to take care of you, now should I?" said Harry with a devilish smile. He stood up and swung Ginny into his arms as said woman shrieked with happiness. The two then went upstairs to celebrate their child, Christmas, and their winter colds. | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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