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Title: The Best Birthday Gift
Author: Tina Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: Gen Pairings: None Spoilers: This is post OotP. It does give away plot from the book. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, I'm just borrowing them to play. Summary: A depressed and sick Harry goes to spend his birthday at Grimmauld Place. He hopes his illness will give him excuse to miss his own birthday party and avoid his guests. Author Notes: None Bunny: #5, #8 ![]() Harry finished drying and putting away the supper dishes then made his way silently up to his bedroom. He closed and locked the door then sat on the edge of his bed. He kicked off his trainers then lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling. He realized with some disgust that staring at his ceiling had been one of his main pastimes during the summer break. He felt sad, and angry and alone all at the same time. He continued to mourn the loss of Sirius and his guilt relating to his godfather's death weighed heavily upon him. It was late July, and he had spent most of the summer in his room avoiding the Dursleys as much as possible. He would eat meals with them, and perform his assigned chores then return to his bedroom. When he was with the Dursleys, he was polite and compliant and never spoke unless they spoke to him. Petunia and Vernon misinterpreted his depression as obedience and were quite pleased by it. Anything that kept Harry out of their hair was a good thing as far as they were concerned. Even Dudley seem to be leaving him alone this summer. He was startled by a frenzied tapping sound on his window. He looked up to see Pigwidgeon, Ron's owl furiously fluttering outside. The site of the frantic, tiny owl brought a slight smile to Harry's face as he opened the window and brought Pig inside. "Hey Pig, " Harry rubbed the owl's head and removed the note from his best friend. Harry,Dumbledore says that you can leave those muggles now and come stay with us for the rest of the summer! We have been at Grimmauld Place for a week now and will be here until we go back to Hogwarts. Mum has been busy all week planning your party. Dad will pick you up tomorrow at 5 o'clock.. Can't wait til you get here,Ron Harry looked at the note with some surprise, he had almost forgotten about his birthday. He really didn't feel like having a celebration, but knowing Mrs. Weasley he really wouldn't have much choice. He was sure that she would be doing her best to make it a special day for him, but it just seemed wrong to be having a party, especially at Grimmauld Place without Sirius. He had really been hoping that the Weasleys would still be at the Burrow when he went to stay with them. He hadn't been back to Sirius' family home since he had died and he still wasn't sure he was ready to return there. Sirius had left it to him along with most of his other belongings, but he had told Dumbledore to keep using it for the Order's headquarters as long as it was needed. Harry knew he should be excited to be going back to school. He would be leaving Privet Dive and would be away from the Dursleys until next year. He was usually thrilled to return to Hogwarts to begin a new school year as it was the only place that had ever truly felt like home to him. However, he just couldn't imagine himself feeling really happy about anything at the moment. Well, he thought nothing much can be done about all that now, and he wrote a quick note back to Ron sending it with Pig before going to sleep. Ron,It was great to get your letter. Can't wait to see you. I'll be ready for your Dad tomorrow.Harry The next morning he awoke with a dry, scratchy throat. He made his way to the bathroom for some water hoping it would help, which it did not. As he was leaving the bathroom he suddenly exploded with two wet forceful sneezes, "HEHCHOOOOO!!!! ETCHOOO!!!!" Dudley who was passing by in the hallway elbowed him on the way by, "Keep your germs away from me you freak!" Harry thought about responding but then realized he had less than a day of Dudley left to deal with and decided to ignore him. He made his way to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea with honey which seemed to ease his throat. He wasn't really very hungry so he just picked at some toast along with it. He told Aunt Petunia that he would be leaving that afternoon and she was quite cheerful at the news. It seems that the Dursleys were planning to go on holiday as soon as Harry was set to be out of the house and were anxiously awaiting his departure. After breakfast Harry completed his chores then returned to his room to pack. When he came back downstairs for lunch the house was empty. He heated himself a can of soup for lunch, and then returned to his room. It was only one o'clock and Mr Weasley wasn't due for four more hours, so feeling very tired he decided to take a quick nap to pass the time. Harry slept soundly, not waking until he heard Uncle Vernon bellowing for him, "Get down here now boy!" Harry awoke with a start and was shocked to see it was already ten after five.. He grabbed his trunk and Hedwig's cage and rushed down the stairs. Arthur Weasley was standing in the doorway accompanied by Nymphadora Tonks, who gave Harry a big grin and a wave as he raced into the foyer. "Sorry to keep you waiting, "Harry apologized in a hoarse voice. "Just get going!" Vernon ushered them out the door not wanting the neighbors to see the odd group assembled in his foyer. Arthur Weasley had once again overdone the muggle look with a bright red Hawaiian shirt and yellow Bermuda shorts with bright orange flip flop sandals and Tonks had altered her hair to a bright shade of pink with sharp looking spikes. Arthur Weasley looked at Harry with concern, "Are you feeling alright Harry?" Harry cleared his throat before answering, "I'm fine sir, I was napping and just woke up." Arthur smiled at the boy and gave him an affectionate hug. "Glad to hear it, it's good to see you again Harry!" Tonks leaned over next and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. She frowned for a moment and started to reach her hand out as if to check him for a fever but Harry quickly pulled away. She gave him a suspicious glance but didn't pursue it. Harry realized then that he probably was getting a fever. He hadn't felt that bad before he went to sleep, but now he was sure he was getting sick. His throat was killing him and his nose was stuffed and very tickly. They made their way in a car that the Ministry of Magic had provided, Tonks chatting animatedly along the way. Harry was in the back seat trying not to sneeze and look as sick as he felt. He made it almost all the way to Grimmauld Place before he finally had to give in to the fierce tickle. "Ishooooo!!! Eshhhhh!!! Excuse me" He rubbed his nose on his sleeve wishing his handkerchiefs weren't packed away in his trunk. "Bless you Harry!" two voices called from the front seat. "Are you sure you're not coming down with something Harry?" Arthur Weasley asked again with concern. "No, I'm fine sir." Harry tried to sound convincing, but he didn't think Mr Weasley was buying it. He noticed Tonks leaning over and speaking softly to him as they glanced back in his direction. An Order meeting was about to start as they arrived at headquarters. "You head on upstairs with Ron," Arthur told him. "Molly will have dinner ready as soon as the meeting is over." Harry nodded gratefully and headed for the stairs. Hopefully, with the distraction of the meeting Tonks and Mr Weasley wouldn't mention anything about his cold to Mrs Weasley. He knocked on the door to Ron's room. Ron opened the door and greeted Harry with a hug."Hullo Harry, how are you?" He asked with a grin. "I'm good, " Harry smiled back. "It's so good to see you." "You too Harry. Mum and Dad have been trying to get Dumbledore to allow you to come all summer. Was it horrible with the muggles?" Ron asked with a worried look. Harry shrugged, "It was ok, the usual I guess." "Well at least you're away from there now. Hermione will be here tomorrow for your party. Well everyone is coming for it. Mum's been cooking for days." Ron noticed Harry's lack of enthusiasm. "What's wrong Harry?" "Nothing Ron, I ... just. It just feels weird to think about a party...... well...after....... you know." Ron understood instantly, " I know Harry, but it'll be ok. Mum thinks it'll be good for you to be around everyone who cares about you." Harry just shrugged his shoulders. He started to respond to Ron but was interrupted by several wet sneezes, " Hehshhhhhh!!! Etchoooo!!!!!! ISHOOOOOO!!!!" "Bless you Harry, " Ron looked at him as if he were about to say something but then changed his mind and remained silent. Harry was glad, he knew what Ron was about to ask. The two boys sat on the bed as Ron updated Harry on the events of the summer. Harry was starting to definitely feel ill but didn't want to let on to Ron. His head was pounding, his throat was raw and sore, his nose was running, and he constantly felt as though he had to sneeze. Ron was aware of his friends constant sniffling and finally pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Harry. Harry couldn't contain his sneezes any longer. "ESHOOOOOO!!! Heh...heh..HEHCHOOOO!!!! Ishooooooo!!!! ETCHOOOOO!!!!! Etchhhhh!!!" He blew his nose furiously and avoided Ron's gaze. "Bloody hell Harry! You sound awful!" "I'm ok Ron, I think I'm just coming down with a cold." Harry sniffled into the handkerchief and then shivered. "Looks like you've already got it mate. Can I get you anything?" Ron asked with concern. "No, really I'm fine." Though Harry doubted that he looked fine since he couldn't seem to stop shivering. Before he realized what he was doing Ron had reached over to feel his forehead. "Harry, I think you've got a fever. Do you want to go to bed?" Harry really did want to go to bed but he didn't want Ron or anyone else worrying about him. Just then there was a knock on the door and Ginny Weasley poked her head in. " Hi Harry! Ron, Mum says to get you two for supper. See you downstairs!" and she was gone in a flash. Harry really didn't want to go downstairs to eat supper with the members of the Order. Though he was pretty sure that noone else blamed him for Sirius' death he couldn't help but blame himself and feel responsible. He didn't think he could bear their kind words and sympathetic looks. Suddenly being sick didn't seem so bad after all, it actually seemed a perfect excuse to avoid the others. He looked up realizing that Ron had been speaking to him. "Sorry Ron, what did you say?" "I asked if you wanted to head down for supper, " Ron repeated. "Actually I think I might lie down for awhile after all, I'm really cold." He wasn't lying, and he did feel miserable but he still felt a little guilty. "I'll let Mum know, I'm sure she'll be up, " Ron smiled at him and Harry grinned back, knowing Mrs. Weasley would be all over him as soon as she heard he wasn't feeling well."Can I bring you up something to eat, or some tea?" Ron asked. "Some tea would be brilliant. Thanks Ron." Harry turned his head away from his friend to sneeze yet again, "Eshhhhhhh!!! Hehchooooo!" "Bless you Harry. I'm sorry your sick. " Ron said softly "I'm ok Ron, don't worry." Harry patted his friends arm pushing him towards the door, "Now go on down to supper. I know you must be starving." He shut the door behind his friend and opened his trunk to retrieve a pair of pajamas to change into. He had just changed his clothes, climbed into bed and was pulling the covers up over his still shivering body when there was a knock at the door. "Harry, may I come in dear?" It was of course Mrs. Weasley. "Yes, come in ," He called to her. Molly Weasley entered the room with a worried look on her face."Not feeling well dear?" She asked with sympathy, approaching the bed and reaching out to feel his forehead. Harry suddenly jerked back and turned his head away from her trying to smother several more wet sneezes into Ron's handkerchief. "ISHHHHHhhh!!!! ETCHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Hehchoooooo!!!" Harry was embarrassed at the outburst. "Sorry, "he mumbled . "Excuse me. It's just a cold......" "Bless you Harry! My goodness, you do sound terrible! You feel a little warm too." She shook her head and frowned. "I'm glad that we got you away from those......those Dursleys so that I can look after you properly. I'd hate to think of you sick and left with those people, especially when it's almost your birthday!" She shook her head again. "Would you like some soup dear?" He nodded his head and smiled, "I'd love some Mrs Weasley, if it's not too much trouble..." "Of course it's not! You stay here and rest, I'll send Ronald up with the soup as soon as it's ready." She smiled down at him from beside the bed and started to head towards the door. Harry had never been taken care of when he was sick. It felt somewhat strange to him, but so comforting as well. "Mrs. Weasley, " he called after her, "Thank you..... for everything.." She came back over to the bed, bent down and kissed him on the forehead. "Of course dear, you just feel better." And she was gone. Harry realized he must have drifted off to sleep for a bit because when he woke up Ron was sitting over on his bed watching him intently and there was a tray with soup and tea on his night stand. "Was I asleep for long?" Harry asked stretching himself awake. "Not long mate, I only just got up here about half an hour ago." Ron told him. "I'm sorry Ron, you should've woken me, " Harry felt bad that Ron had been stuck sitting waiting for him to wake up. He nose started to itch again, "Hetchhhhhh!!!!! ETCHOOOO!!!!!!" He sniffled searching the bed for the handkerchief. Ron went to his dresser draw and removed a stack of fresh handkerchiefs handing one to Harry and placing the others on the table next to the tray. "Bless you. You looked like you needed the sleep." "Thanks, Ron" Harry blew his nose wetly and cringed at the gurgling noise."Sorry ‘bout that." "Harry, your sick! You don't need to be sorry!" Ron shook his head. "Have some soup, Mum says it'll help you feel better." Harry sat up in bed and Ron placed the tray over his lap. He realized that Ron must've cast a warming spell since the tea and soup were still hot. He had little taste because of his stuffiness, but the soup still was delicious, and the steam seemed to worked to ease some of his congestion. "This is wonderful!" He looked over at Ron who seemed quite pleased that Harry was at least enjoying the soup. "Did you eat Ron?" Harry asked, concerned that he might be the cause of Ron missing his own supper. Ron nodded, "I did while Mum was making the soup. Everyone wanted to come up and see you, but she wouldn't allow it. Said you needed your rest and they'd all have to wait until you were feeling better. Even Dumbledore didn't dare cross her. " Ron grinned at the memory. Harry smiled back at him, "You're mother is the best Ron. I don't think I could deal with everyone today." He wiped at his now running nose with the handkerchief. "Did you want me to go downstairs Harry?" Ron asked, suddenly concerned that Harry might feel like being away from him as well. "Of course not Ron! Unless you want to go down....." Harry was now concerned as well, fearing that he was forcing Ron to stay with him. "No, I want to be up here with you Harry. I just wanted to be sure you didn't want to be alone." Harry shook his head, pausing again to sneeze, "Ishooooooo!!! That is if you don't mind my germs." "I'll take my chances, "Ron grinned at him. "Besides I think I'm officially on duty to prevent unwanted visitors. If I don't stay Mum will probably come up here herself to keep everyone out." The two young men laughed together at the thought. Harry and Ron spent the evening talking, laughing and playing chess, frequently interrupted by Harry's sneezing and sniffling until Harry finally fell asleep in the middle of a game. Ron put away the board and gently tucked his friend into bed, checking his forehead for fever. He was somewhat alarmed that he felt warmer than he had earlier in the evening and went downstairs to report this to his mother. Molly made her way up to the bedroom to check on Harry who stirred slightly at her touch. "He's fine love, "she reassured Ron, "His fever's a bit higher but that's normal later at night. We'll see how he is in the morning. " She shook her head sadly at Harry, "Poor dear, so sick and with his birthday tomorrow..." She then turned to her youngest son, watching his friend with concern. "You head to bed now yourself Ronnie, he'll be ok." She crushed him in a fierce hug and kissed him goodnight. Harry awoke the next morning somewhat relieved to still be sick. It wasn't that he enjoyed being ill, but he knew there was a much better chance of avoiding his party if he was still really unwell and he was. His head was heavy with congestion, his throat was raw and sore and his sneezing started almost as soon as he woke up. He sat up slowly in bed, his whole body aching and fumbled for a handkerchief on the night stand to catch his unrelenting sneezes. "Ekshooooo!!!!! Ishooooo!!!! HEHCHOOOOOO!!!!!!! ETCHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He looked up as he heard Ron entering the room. "Bless you Harry!" Ron called to him, but he couldn't respond as the sneezing continued. "Heh.....hehchooo!!!! Ishhhhhh!!!! ETCHOOOO!!!!! Hehchoooo!!!!" He buried his nose in the handkerchief blowing continuously for quite some time to clear his nose. When he was finally finished Ron spoke again, "Blimey Harry you still sound awful! How are you feeling?" His voice was full of concern as he handed Harry a cup of hot tea, then put his hand up to feel his forehead. Harry tried to speak but his voice was only a croak, he cleared his throat and had a sip of tea before speaking again, "I feel pretty awful too." Harry finally uttered his voice faint and hoarse. " I'm really sorry you're sick on your birthday Harry, " Ron sat beside him on the edge of the bed. "It's ok Ron. It's not a big deal." Harry replied feeling somewhat guilty once again. "But it is a big deal!" Ron was indignant. "And what about your party?" "Ron, "Harry began, frequently clearing his throat and sipping the soothing tea. "I really don't want a party this year. Not because I'm sick, but just because of everything that's happened. It just feels wrong...." "Harry, that doesn't make sense. People want to be there for you, especially this year...." Ron began but Harry interrupted. "It's too much to deal with, with everyone from the Order and all. It would be different if it was just your family, and Hermione.... Etchooooo!!! Ishoooooo!!!! " He stopped again to blow his nose. "Bless you, " Ron said softly abandoning their previous discussion. "Are you hungry Harry? Mum sent me up to see if you wanted something for breakfast." Harry shook his head and decided to let the discussion drop as well. "No, I don't think I could eat, but maybe another cup of tea?" He asked hopefully. "Of course Harry, "Ron smiled at his best friend, "Be right back." It was actually Mrs Weasley who returned with Harry's tea a few minutes later. "How are you feeling Harry?" She asked with concern sitting on the edge of his bed. "Not very well Mrs .Weasley, " he again croaked and cleared his throat. She nodded sympathetically and felt his forehead, "You've still got a bit of a fever dear. I think you'd best stay right in bed and rest today." He nodded, wondering if he should ask about the party to be sure she was cancelling it. Finally he ventured, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley, about tonight, I know you've done a lot of planning for the party...." "Now Harry don't you be sorry for being sick and don't worry about a thing! I've got some work to do downstairs but Ron will be here if you need anything." She bent over, gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and headed back downstairs. Ron soon returned and Harry questioned him about the party and if it was definitely cancelled. "Dunno Harry, I think so but you never know with Mum. I told her you felt too sick for a party." "Thanks, Ron. Is Hermione still coming?" He asked. "Of course, do you think we could keep her away if we tried? Especially with you being sick?" Harry smiled thinking of his bushy haired friend. "She'll be here this afternoon." Ron finished. Ron stayed with Harry throughout the day though Harry slept through most of it. Whenever he awoke he was grateful to find Ron there, offering more tea, handkerchiefs and most importantly company and sympathy. It was late in the afternoon when he awoke to hear to voices whispering softly in the doorway. One of the voices was very familiar and very feminine. He smiled instantly in recognition. "Hermione....' His voice was barely more than a whisper buy in an instant she was on the edge of the bed with her arms around him. "Oh Harry..." he felt badly that she sounded so sad and worried for him. He held onto her tightly for several minutes before breaking away to sneeze. Quickly grabbing a handkerchief he pulled back and away from her, "Ishooooooo!!!! Hehchoo" He tried to blow his nose more softly in front of her. "Bless you Harry! How are you feeling?" Her voice was full of concern. "I'm ok Hermione...." His voice was still faint and hoarse and heavy with congestion. "You don't sound ok Harry. I'm so sorry you're sick. I've missed you so much." She cuddled up next to him in bed and Ron pulled a chair for himself over to the bedside. "I missed you too, both of you, "He smiled at his friends, truly happy to be reunited with both. "You might not want to get too close Hermione, I don't want you to catch my cold....." She shook her head at him, "I'm staying right her with you to look after you." Harry felt so lucky then to have two such good friends who stood by him no matter what. Everything just seemed so much better than it had all summer. The three talked for an hour or so until Harry fell asleep cuddled up with Hermione. When Harry awoke the room was dark save for a small candle on the table near Ron's bed. He was reassured to see Hermione sitting in the darkness on Ron's bed watching him. "You seemed so hot and restless with me on the bed with you," She explained , "So I moved over here." "Thanks Hermione, it must have been uncomfortable for you , "he whispered ,"You didn't have to stay with me so long." "Don't be silly, I wanted to! Ron just went downstairs a few minutes ago to do something for his mother, he's been here too. Would you like some water Harry?" He nodded, eager for the cold water to soothe his throat. "Thanks for being here Hermione....." "Oh course I'd be here Harry, where else would I be on you birthday but with you." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He was glad for the darkness as he felt his cheeks grow hot. They were startled by a knock at the door. Expecting Ron, Harry was surprised to see Remus Lupin in the doorway. Harry had not seen him since he had left the train station at the beginning of the summer. He really didn't want to see him now. Sirius had been his best friend, he couldn't imagine how Lupin must feel towards him now. His thoughts were interrupted as Lupin asked Hermione if he might have a few moments alone with Harry. Harry wanted her to say no, to send Lupin away, but instead she answered, "Of course Professor." She then gave Harry's hand a squeeze and left the room. Lupin sat down in the chair that Ron had left at the bedside. "I'm sorry to hear you're ill Harry, " his voice was soft, almost comforting, "How are you feeling?" "I'm ok Professor...." Harry's voice cracked and he started coughing. He was surprised to find Lupin's hand rubbing his back and then offering him water as soon as he was able to take a sip. "Oh Harry, you do sound terrible. I am sorry! How are you doing...... otherwise?" Lupin looked at him with his soft eyes. Tears came to Harry's eyes, Lupin was being so kind to him and he didn't deserve it. If anyone ever caused any harm to Ron or Hermione , Harry would want to kill them, but Lupin seemed to really care how he was. "Oh Professor...." he finally sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I know he was your best friend. I was so stupid, it was........all my fault..... I'll understand if you can never forgive me...." Lupin's eyes filled with tears and he moved over and sat on the bed beside Harry, putting his arms around him as he sobbed. Harry resisted at first but then leaned into the embrace taking the comfort. "Oh Harry, " Lupin continued to speak softly, "Of course it's not your fault. We were supposed to be protecting you, all of us. You should never have been put into that situation. We all feel responsible for what happened. Noone blames you Harry, we are all blaming ourselves as well, thinking that you would not be able to forgive us." Harry let the words sink in as Lupin continued to hold him and speak softly to him. Finally he calmed and felt a little bit more at peace with himself. "Sirius would not want us to blame ourselves and wallow in guilt Harry, not any of us. He would want us to move on, to live and to laugh, and of course to continue the fight." Harry realized that he was right, Sirius would not want him avoiding the members of the Order, using his illness as an excuse to hide away in his room. There was another knock at the door and Ron poked his head in "Are you alright Harry?" Harry nodded, smiling at Ron's protective nature. Lupin answered. "I think Harry was deciding if he might like to go down to make an appearance at his party." Harry looked surprised, "The party wasn't cancelled?" "I told you, you never know with Mum, " Ron grinned at him. " She said she was sure it would help you feel better. Will you come down?" Harry thought for a moment and then nodded slowly, "Give me a minute to get changed and wash up?" He asked. Ron headed back downstairs and Lupin waited in the hallway for Harry to get ready. Harry did still feel ill, but he also felt better than he had in months. Lupin held his arm as they made their way down the stairs and settled him on the couch with a warm blanket on his lap and a cup of tea to drink. Harry was amazed at all the people who were there for him. The whole Weasley family(except Percy) were there, even Bill and Charlie had come, all of the members of the DA, Dumbledore and McGonagall and quite a few of the members of the Order. He finally realized that they had all lost Sirius and all needed to grieve together, and that there was noone to blame other than Voldemort. Harry remained on the couch for the evening and every guest came and sat with him; some for just a few minutes and some for much longer. They brought presents of course, but it was the caring and the contact that meant so much to him. He was truly happy and he felt cared for and loved in a way that his "family" at Privet Drive had never made him feel. Then it occurred to him that these people were more family to him than the Dursleys ever had been, and that this time spent with them was better than any gift he would ever receive. Late that night as Ron and Hermione helped him upstairs and into bed, it dawned on him that Mrs Weasley had of course been absolutely right, the party had been just what he needed. He smiled as he drifted off to sleep. "Ron," he mumbled, "your Mum is a genius....." Hermione and Ron smiled over their sleeping friend, and slipped silently out of the room. | |||||
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Created & Organized by A, tarotgal, and Meg |
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