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Title: Love and a Cough
![]() "Heh-mmmpph." Percy stifled a sneeze against his pillow, hoping that Oliver didn't hear him in the next bed. Hoping that Oliver was already out of bed, as a matter of fact, he mused as he felt another tingle in his sinuses. "Ihh-hmmp." As the urge to sneeze backed off momentarily, he pulled his head briefly away from the pillow in order to glance at his roommate's bed. Noticing that it was already neatly made, he had time for a quick sigh of relief before his breath hitched again. Saturday, morning Quidditch practice flashed briefly through his mind before his third sneeze distracted him. "Hihh-chheshhh...uhh-chushhh...huh-hhuhh-uhhshoo." Reaching for the tissues next to his bed, he blew his nose loudly and sighed. This would be his third cold in just as many months. And honestly, he was getting tired of it. And he was afraid Oliver would think he was getting sick just so Oliver would tend to him. Coughing roughly, he groped around the bedside table for his glasses so he could see to go get a glass of water. Instead of feeling his glasses on the table right where he had left them, he felt a cold glass there, one that had definitely not been there been there when he had gone to bed last night. Sitting up against the headboard, he took a long drink of the water, wincing as he noticed the soreness in his throat. Sighing again, he realized that only one person would have placed a glass of water there: Oliver. Therefore, Oliver must know he was sick again. "Ihh...keshhh." Another sneeze caught him off guard and send shivers down his spine. However, the shivers didn't cease. "Just great, fever." He muttered under his breath, reaching for his glasses as he heard his stomach grumble. Not wanting to leave the relative warmth of his bed, but realizing he needed to eat, he slowly reached for his robe and stood up. "Hihh-kesshhuhh...uhh-sheshhoo." He muffled the sneezes into his sleeve, having no time to reach the tissues. "Bless ye." He heard Oliver's voice from behind him. "And where do ye think ye're going?" Percy sniffled wetly, reaching for the tissues. "Breakfast." He cringed at the overlying congestion in his voice. "In bed." Percy turned to see Oliver holding a breakfast tray and obliged his request. Oliver sat down next to him, conjuring a stand to hold the tray. "You were snoring pretty loud like you always do when your nose is stuffed up, plus you were coughing quite a bit in your sleep, so I figured ye've another cold." Percy nodded, rubbing his wrist against his nose. "I'b sorry." He snuffled. "For what? Being sick." Percy nodded and Oliver shook his head. "It's not your fault, Perce. Ye're shivering, fever?" He slid closer to Percy, wrapping his arm around him and pressing his cheek to Percy's. "Aye. Have some tea." "I love you, Ol." The words were out of Percy's mouth before he could stop them. "Aye, I know. I love ye, too." "You do?" Percy didn't dare to look at Oliver for fear he would see the hope and relief in his eyes. "Do we need to check how high your fever is or do you not realize that's my hand on your arse?" Blushing slightly, Percy pressed his head against Oliver's warm broad chest. "But how did you dow?" "The same way I knew ye were sick again. Love, and a cough, cannot be hid. Especially not from someone who knows ye like I do. Now eat up, and I'll lie here with you if you promise you'll fall asleep." Percy nodded. "I will. Especially if you stay and keep be warb." In response, Oliver moved as close to him as possible, gently rubbing his back and shoulders. "For as long as you need me." He whispered as Percy began taking bites of the cereal. "For as long as you need me." | |||||
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Created & Organized by Symphonyflute and tarotgal |
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