A Story

Title: No One is Alone
Author: Unicornpearlz/Niki
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Spilers: Should read PoA, first
Summary: While Lily and James are away, Remus nurses a sick Sirius, as well as another member of the Order, and falls sick himself. But, can he keep up the act without anyone noticing? This was written for the 2007 Annual Sneezefic Challenge.
Bunny: #15

No One is Alone

"NY? But why would you want to go to NY?"

Because Lils has got family there," James answered for the 119th time.

"It's your honeymoon for Merlins' sake! What would you want to be around family for?" Sirius demanded.

"Look...it means a lot to Lils to go there. Besides we set them up on the floo network, so if anything happens we can get right back. It's only a week."


"Bless you. Besides, that'll give you time to nurse that cold," James added with a knowing smile.

"Id's not a cold!" Sirius stated, defiantly.

Remus and Lily just looked on. The shook their heads at each other and let the two say goodbye the only way they knew how - with jest.

James just shook his head and walked over to Remus. "Take care of him, Rem," he said as they hugged each other goodbye.

"I always do," Remus replied.

"Call us if you need anything," Lily said as she stood in the fireplace. "There are some things that are more important than sex."

The 3 men stopped and looked at her blankly.

"Hisshoo! If you say so," said Sirius, putting his arm around Remus.

"Have a good trip," Remus said, as Lily and James disappeared into a blaze of green flame.

"HICHOO! Isshoo! Tisshoo! ITchoo! Merlins' Beard, I thought they'd NEVER leave. Tisshoo!"

Remus put his arm around Sirius' wait and kissed him on the forehead. "You are warm, my love. Come on, let's get you to bed."

"Hsst!" Sirius sneezed wetly.

Without even looking up from the work he brought home, Remus handed him a tissue. "Bless you"

"Th-th-thaa-hsst! Thand do," Sirius blew his nose, with a loud gurgling blow. He snorted a few times and sunk back into the couch.

"This sucks," he stated plainly.

"I know."

"I mean, what a lousy time for a cold. Lily and James are gone. Peter still hasn't returned from... where did he say he was going?"

"He didn't, remember? That was the odd thing."

"That's rii-I-HI-shhht!"

"Bless you," Remus said, handing him another tissue.

Sirius groaned. "I think I'm going to be getting to bed," he said getting up off the couch. "H-he-he-Assht!" Sirius stumbled and steadied himself on the arm of the couch.

"Bless You!" Remus said, getting up from his paperwork. "You okay, mate?"

Sirius didn't move, but shook his head.

"Hon, what's wrong?" Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius' waist just in time.

"Hssht! Tissht! Kassht! Shhhooo! Esshoo!" he pitched forward and lost his footing. Had Remus not been there, holding onto him, he would have crumpled to the ground. "E-Ka-shht!" His head spun as vertigo set in. Remus tightened his hold on him.

"Alright, hon. It's defiantly time for you to get going to bed."

"Hssht!" He tried to sniffle, but the congestion was too thick. He felt like he was floating through a cloud as Remus steered him to bed.

After setting him up with layers of blankets, 2 boxes of tissues and a pitcher of water, Remus returned to the living room. He rubbed his nose harshly. It had been tickling him all morning, but nothing like Sirius'. He considered what Sirius was getting at. With him ill and Peter, James and Lily all gone - that made him, Remus, the sole defender of the pack. And, while he'd fight to the death, he wasn't sure whose death he'd have to fight to. These really were dark times. No sooner had Remus sat back down, than there was a knock at the door - the same knock used at Grimmauld Place.

Wand at the ready, he approached the door with the utmost caution. Three members of his pack were on vacation and the 4th was sick in bed. Molly and Arthur generally didn't venture out any other way then via the floo system, and Nymphadora always owled him first. He checked out the peep hole and did a double take. Why would Severus Snape darken his doorway?

"Severus," he said as he opened the door. "What can I do for you?" He noticed that Snape was out of breath and very pale. "Come in," he said, after a moment's hesitation.

Snape nodded his thanks and came in quickly.

Remus took his cloak and offered him a seat. He noticed Snape was shivering. His normally pale complexion was even whiter. His eyelids were heavy, and dark circles had set in under his eyes.

"Would you like some tea?" Remus offered.

"Yes, please," Snape replied, hoarsely, "with honey, if you have it. If not, that's fine too." He sniffed lightly. "Do you mind if I ta-take a tissue?"

"No, go ahead." Remus made his way towards the kitchen. Severus could be a real git to the students. But, whenever he'd worked with the order, he was generally polite, at the very least. This was a far cry from where he'd seen himself at this point of his life - scared to open the door, ready to defend his sick mate, with 'Snivelous' Snape sitting on his couch, making polite conversation.

"Thank you. He-ATCHHA!" he sneezed violently into the tissue, and then blew his nose softly.

"Bless you," Remus said gently, as he brought out the tea. He noticed that Snapes' cheeks and ears were a light shade of pink.

"Thank you," Snape said, as he absent mindedly took the tea.

"Remus? Remus was that you?" Sirius called from the bedroom. "You're not getting sick too, are you? Hssht!"

"I'm fine," Remus called back. "I'll be there in a moment." He turned to Snape. "How are you feeling, Severus?"

"I'm fine," he shot back, gruffly. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, Sirius caught Arthur's cold, from last week. And you were working with Arthur more closely than any of us. So, I was wondering if you had caught it as well"

As if in response, Snape raised the tissue back up to his mouth. "He-ATCHA!" His long hair waved forward and then back to place, with only a few wisps getting caught on his cheeks.

"What can I do for you, Severus?" Remus repeated.

"As you know there's safety in numbers," Snape began.

"Typically." Remus was trying to figure out if this was a ploy. A way for Snape to get into the house, and then knock off the Order, one by one. He knew that Dumbledore had told them to trust Snape, but blind trust wasn't something that Remus was particularly good at.

"I did catch Arthur's cold, and have been quite unable to perform my duties. It has been requested, by Dumbledore, that I stay with you, until I get over the heart of the cold." He held out a letter, sealed with Dumbledore's crest.

Remus took it, read it and rolled it back up. "Of course you can stay," he said graciously.

Severus nodded. "Thank y-hah-y-." The handkerchief came back up to his face. "Heh-ATCHA!" He sniffed lightly, and tried again. "Thank you."

"We'll put you up on the futon in the study. It's not the most comfortable, but at least it's private. Sirius is resting in the bedroom, and I'll be doing most of my work in the den. Feel free to get up and move around, as you feel able. And, of course, tell me if you need anything.

"He-ATCHH! Thang do." He pulled out another tissue and blew his nose softly.


Remus rolled his eyes. "Won't you excuse me, just a moment Severus?"

"Of course." He took another sip of tea, and shivered involuntarily.

"I'll be back in just a moment with blankets, a towel and a pillow. Will you need anything else?"

Severus shook his head. There was another sneeze in there, he could feel it. He hated getting sick. He hated it passionately. He hated feeling weak. And, more than anything, he hated running to his childhood tormentors for help. But, he was grateful for Remus' kindness. Although, he almost expected Remus to turn him away.

Remus made his way to the bedroom, and rubbed his nose again. The tickle was getting beyond annoying. However, it didn't feel like a sneeze was behind it.

"Lupin?" Severus asked.

Remus turned, narrowing his eyes. He hated getting called by his last name. "Yes?"

Severus noticed. "My apologies, Remus, are you feeling alright yourself?"

"Why? Do I look bad, even for me?" Remus snapped, expecting a sharp insult.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "No, you've just been rubbing your nose, and it's getting a bit pink. That's all."

Remus sighed. "Then I apologize. I'm just very tired. But, I'll be fine. I've been through worse." And, with that, he disappeared into the bedroom.

"That you have, I have no doubt," Severus said quietly to nobody.

When Remus walked into the bedroom, he noticed Sirius sitting bolt upright in bed. Sirius' eyes were dazed with fever, but his face held a serious expression. "You're getting sick," he stated matter of factly.

"Nope. That was Severus. He'll be staying with us for a few days. Dumbledore sent him."

"Ick. Him in my home."

"No, in our home," Remus corrected him. "You're not fifteen anymore. Quit being a brainless git. We're all on the same side now."

Sirius looked hurt. "I'm sorry, Remi. I didn't mean to take it too far." He coughed a few times and dropped his gaze down to his covers.

Remus rubbed at his nose, which was starting to get warm to the touch. "Just be nice. I know you two don't get on, but he's in the Order and he's here on Dumbledore's orders." Remus yawned in spite of himself. He crossed the room to Sirius, and felt his forehead. "Your fever's going up again. Here," he said, as he handed him a glass of water, from the nightstand.

"Thanks - Heh-Sssht! Sorry, Rem."

Remus wiped of his arm quietly and tousled Sirius' hair. He went straight for the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He couldn't explain why he felt so irritable and tired. He wished Lily was there. She always knew what to do. But, he just couldn't bring himself to call her.

"Here you go, Severus," Remus said, handing him the blankets, etc.

"Thanks. HTSCH! Excuse me." He sniffed roughly. "I presume the whole clan is here?"

Remus shook his head. "Just me and Sirius."

Severus forced a smile. "You look tired." It was an observation.

"I'll be in the den if you need anything."

When Remus woke up the sun was shining brightly through the window. 'Shiza! I over slept!" He went to get out of his chair, but he was so sore. He stretched, but was still exhausted. He was about to put his head back down when a knock on the wall startled him. He looked up to see Severus looking foreboding. "Severus," he croaked. "How did you sleep?"

"Miserably. Sirius was moaning for you most of the night. I'm surprised you didn't hear him."

"I apologize. I'm surprised I didn't hear him as well. I generally don't sleep do deeply."

Severus nodded. "HATCHA!"

"Bless you." Remus noticed that Severus had stared to sway. Quickly he led him to the couch. "You're very warm."

"Fever." Severus started, then cleared his throat. "Might I have a glass of water?"

"Of course!" Remus went to the kitchen to get him some water.

When he came back, Severus was in the middle of a fit. "HETCHA! Ex-HECHA! ITCH-HETHAOO!' Severus felt his head swim as he took the water from Remus. He moaned quietly against the pressure in his head.

"Why don't you try to catch a nap here? I'm sure you're exhausted. I'll go keep Sirius company."

Severus closed his eyes and nodded, quickly slipping into a feverish sleep.

Remus felt his head swim as he stood up. He felt so dizzy, and all he could hear was Lily's offer. 'Call us if you need help.' But, this wasn't the kind of help she was offering. She meant if they were under attack. He could handle his mate - and then some. He shouldn't need her help for a task as simple as this. Besides, Remus had felt worse in the past, and he was confident in his abilities to continue without anyone noticing.

Remus continued through the day as if in a fog. Severus spent most of the day asleep. When he was awake, Remus gave him some pepper up and he drifted back to sleep. Sirius was must more awake and even more miserable than the day before. He and Remus had to give up on conversation and 'settle' for cuddling. Remus dozed on and off, waking up whenever Sirius would need it.

"Remi?" Sirius asked after about two hours.

Remus stirred awake. "You alright Siri?" he asked wearily.

"Hxxst! Sabe." He blew his nose with the tissue that Remus handed him. "You look so exhaust. And you're hot to the touch. Are you sick too?"

Remus shook his head. He felt as if his brains were shaking around. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Hexxxsht! But, I am worried. He-ha-hessccht! I know that l-look in your eyes. Abreew!"

Remus passed over a tissue. "I'll be fine, Siri,' he reassured him. He could feel his breath shortening and suddenly had an overwhelming desire to cry from exhaustion. "I'll be right back," he said mildly. His nose started to itch again. He rubbed it absent mindedly. He made his way to the kitchen and made up 3 mugs o tea with honey.

He left one mug for Severus, with a warming spell on it, so it would be ready for him when he awoke.

He was just crossing the threshold into the bedroom when his knees gave out on him. He fell to the floor, the hot tea spilling over his hands and onto the floor. He yelled out in exhaustion, frustration, and pain.

Sirius was by his side in moments. "Remus?" he asked worriedly. "Remus, are you okay?"

Too exhausted to answer properly, Remus nodded. "S-sorry about the tea."

"Bugger the tea! Your hands!" Remus' hands were scalded by the tea and were starting to blister.

"Here!" a surprise voice said.

Sirius looked up and saw Severus handing him a cold compress and herbs.

"It'll take the sting out of the burn," Severus explained.

"Thanks," Sirius said, pressing it to Remus' skin.

Remus cried out in pain, then stopped. A dazed expression crossed his face, and three wet sneezed exploded out of him. "Hexsshoo! Texshoo! Itchoo!"

"That seals it. You're sick," Sirius said matter of factly.

"I'b fine." Remus retorted.

"Somehow I'm not convinced," Sirius responded.

Remus went to say something, but exhaustion made him black out before he could get the words out.

Lily and James physically jumped off the couch when a tall, pale, foreboding Severus Snape stepped through the fireplace. Prepared to be blown to smithereens they each pulled their wands on him and demanded that he explain himself.

As he slowly lowered himself onto the nearest couch, he did just that.

'Cold...so cold,' Remus thought as he came to. When he opened his eyes, he was fully clothed, and in a tub of ice. He started to shiver violently. "Hexxxsht! Kssht!" He couldn't see or hear anyone nearby. He was warm on the inside, but freezing on the outside - and the sensation was confusing to him, at best.

He heard quiet footsteps move towards the bathroom door. When it opened, he was shocked to find James standing there.

"W-w-what are y-you doing h-here?"

James raised an eyebrow. "Hey Lils. He wants to know what we're doing here!" he called over his shoulder.

Lily came in looking stern. Cold, wet and sick, Remus felt her gaze burn into him. "What did we tell you to do?" she asked, as James started to lift Remus out of the tub. He put a big fluffy towel around him and started to wring out the excess water.

"I was taking care of him! And Severus too! I did just as you told me to James! And Lily, I saw no real emergency....certainly nothing to call you off of your honeymoon for." Remus felt cornered, trapped. He thought he was doing the right thing then. Why did he feel so attacked now? "Hexxsht! Kescht! Asshoo!" he sneezed harshly into his shoulder. His head swam and he felt himself start to sink back into the tub. Luckily, James caught him and righted him.

"Easy, mate," he said in a deep soothing voice.

The look in Lily's eyes softened. "The three of you with nobody to care for you counts as an emergency Remus."

"Oh." Remus lowered his eyes and wracked his brains for something to say. "I just didn't want you two to worry. I didn't want you two to think I couldn't handle things without you. I didn't want you - James - to think that I'm a failure."

James stopped patting him dry and looked at him as if he'd grown a third head. "I'd never think that of you - Mr. Prefect. Mr. You're the Only Reason Most of us Passed Hogwarts."

"Yea," Remus sniffed back the tickle in his nose. "But, here you are with a wife - probably soon with a family - all independent, and I can't even take care of my own." He sighed. The feelings of failure welled up inside him and he bit his lower lip to blink back the tears. Why did things always seem so much worse and threatening when he was sick?

Lily noticed. "Rem, no one is a failure if they have friends. That's what we're here for - to make sure that you are okay. And, you do the same for us - don't let your fever convince you of otherwise. How many times have you taken care of any and ALL of us when we've been sick?"

Remus shrugged.

"Countless! Just because you happened to be bit by this bug too doesn't make you a failure. It makes you sick - and we're here to help."

A lone tear slid down his cheek, and Lily and James guided him to the bed, where Sirius had a warm change of clothes and a hug waiting.

Challenge- Quotations 2006-07
Created & Organized by
Symphonyflute and tarotgal