A Story

Title: Three Wishes
Author: Unicornpearlz/Niki
Fandom: Darby O'Gill and the Little People
Rating: G
Spoilers: Watch the movie first. The story takes place during the movie, and it'll be easier for you to follow.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The story and characters belong to Disney. I just toy with them.
Summary: While trapped by Darby, King Brian suffers from a bout of allergies.
Bunny: #2
Feedback: Sure. (janeeve2001@yahoo.com)

Three Wishes

Alone and quite over heated, King Brian sat in the burlap sack that Darby had put him in. HE sniffled as his nose began to run. After 5,000 years he'd finally met his match. Darby O'Gill was not the fool the townspeople thought he was. He'd lived his life devoted to himself, his family and his work - but secretly, he'd devoted himself to his belief system. Darby knew, in no uncertain terms, that the fairy folk lived in Ireland. He knew more of the leprechauns the banshee than most scholars. He'd studied Irish lore until it became as natural to him as breathing. And now, after he had tricked Darby out of his three wishes once before, Darby had caught the little King, and was holding him prisoner, until he could decide what he wanted to wish for.

"Hehissh!" He sniffed again. Apparently, the bag had been used to catch animals, and cleaned only semi-frequently. The fibers were full of fur, pollen, dust and mold. He tried to clear his scratchy throat. This would not do at all.

"Hehissh! Issh! Eh-heh-Issh! Eh-Issh! Hehissh!" King Brian sniffed liquidly and winced as he felt it run hot down his dry throat. He had to figure out what Darby's daughter, Katie, wanted to be happy, otherwise Darby would never make his wish. E knew Darby wanted to see her marry her beau Sean, or with Michael, the man Lord Patrick brought in to replace Darby, in Darby's retirement. Darby was living proof that most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be. "HehIssh! Hetissh! Tissh! Issh!" His nose dripped and he blew it several times until it felt dry. He had a plan, he only hoped he could get through it without sneezing.

He went to Katie, while she slept, and whispered to her Darby's wishes. "Katie," said he, "Katie. Michael is a fine strong lad with temperate ways." His throat itched terribly, and he coughed quietly.

"The last word is no," she whispered, and he grew impatient. She was stubborn like her father.

Dejected he went to work on Michael. And, while Michael was not as difficult, he would listen to reason. But, before King Brian could explain too much, he felt a sneeze coming on. So, he turned invisible, and went back to the sack.

"HehIssh! Heich! Issh! Eh-Issh! Ssssh!" Tears ran down his face and he rubbed them away roughly with the cuff of his sleeve. Hopefully this would be over shortly. He didn't know how much more of this he could take.

Finally, he jumped (quite literally) at his chance at freedom. Just as Darby was about to make his last wish, Katie came in and poured him out of the bag. He quickly changed into a rabbit and hurried home. Allergy stricken and tired, he took to his bed and quickly fell asleep.

"King Brian!" he heard, as if in a dream. "King Brian!" He stirred awake. HE was still in his bed, but Darby was calling. Quickly, he went to him. "Hessh! What is it man?"

"It's the Coach of Power!" Darby called through the cold night wind. "The Death Coach. It's coming for Katie. Send it away!"

Curious to know what Katie had happen, but knowing he had no time to ask he explained, "I can't. It's not within my power. Once it leaves, it cannot return empty."

"Then give me my third wish, and let it take me instead."

King Brian's heart sank. To watch a good man like Darby meet his end this way seemed like such a waste. But, Darby couldn't be talked out of it. "More's the pity. Granted," he said, as he turned invisible and succumbed to more sneezing. "HehIssh! HahIssh! Issh!"

Sadness overcame him as he watched as Darby got into the coach. He shook his head and jumped inside, at the last minute.

Darby was crying, tired and scared. He watched out the window as the coach flew from his home, and begged mercy for Katie. As King Brian watched he used a little magic to break her fever, which had been deathly high.


Darby's head snapped up.

"I was on my way home and I said, King Brian, says I, tis at his side you should be."

Darby smiled, and asked him to keep an eye on Katie and Michael in the years to come, which the King willingly agreed to do. He felt another tickle coming on, but didn't want to sneeze in front of Darby. Right now, he needed to put forth an outward show of strength.

"You know," he started. "I wish I could go with you all the way."

Taking the bait, absentmindedly Darby repeated back, "Yea, I wish you could too."

King Brian started to laugh, huskily. "Three wishes I'll grant you, big wishes and small. But, if you wish the forth one you'll lose them all! Goodbye Darby me friend!" And with that, he expelled him from the carriage. Surprised and happy they both went to their respective homes, certain that they would meet again.

Challenge- Quotations 2006-07
Created & Organized by
Symphonyflute and tarotgal