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Round 1 Story Title: Respect is Earned
![]() Chef Ramsey sat rigid in his chair. This was the last thing he expected to hear. "Are you sure?" he asked seriously. "I am, chef," the feisty brunette stated as she handed him her chef's jacket and left. "This is the worst timing ever," he said to himself as she left. He recalled the day before when she had to be rushed to the hospital for 2nd degree burns. He recalled the frustration he had felt when she ran out of the kitchen in tears. He knew he hadn't bee that hard on her. Then he relived his shock when he was told she was at the hospital. Of course, that's not how he came across to the general public. He came across as hard, steadfast and uncaring. It couldn't have been further from the truth. He knew what it was to be badly burned. But, he still hoped that she would make it to the end. He called Gloria and Scott into his office to tell them the news. As they stood in front of him -- not unlike military soldiers -- he felt weariness set in. He wanted them to be at ease when they were with him, and they weren't in a professional setting. But, he knew before they would relax, he had to take care of business. After he told them the news they seemed very surprised. But, they said nothing. He rubbed his eyes with his palms and leaned his head in his hands. "Just tell me what you're thinking!" he snapped. "Chef," Gloria began. "Gordon," he mumbled. "I wish someone would just call me Gordon." She and Scott exchanged uneasy glances. "Gordon," she said hesitantly. After working with him for over five years, there had been times for them to be on a first name basis. But, with the cameras always around, she was uncomfortable doing it here. She and Scott both agreed that Chef Ramsey had long since earned their respect, now it was time for him to earn the American publics. "Is she all right?" He sighed and nodded. A dull throb had taken up residence behind his eyes. "Sir...are you all right?" she asked, stepping forward subconsciously. "I'm just disappointed, love. And I need to get away from those d*&$ cameras!" His voice started to rise in volume, and Gloria stepped back into line. "I need a beer," Scott stated plainly. The tension in the room dropped almost instantly. Chef Ramsey's head snapped up. "A pint?" He sighed and sniffed against the pain. How crazy was he? Thinking that his chefs would have him along? It had happened one on one as a reward for a spectacular performance. But, it was too much for him to ask to come along. It wasn't proper. "Would you like to come, Chef?" Scott asked. He smiled. "Only if you call me Gordon." They returned to their rooms a few hours later, tired, tipsy, and happy. It was the first time Gloria and Scott had seen Chef Ramsey drop his shields long enough for them to truly enjoy his company. And, for him to relax. "Heessshhh!" he sneezed wetly, just as they were getting to their apartments. Gloria stopped laughing. "Bless you, Gordon," she said seriously. "Heh...hessshh!" he sneezed again. His head pounded and his vision blurred. "Hessshhh!" Scott's tone turned serious as well. "Bless you, Chef." "Gordon," he interjected in between the sneezes. "Hesshhh!" Each sneeze was wet and huge. The first few were caught in the crook of his arm. But, by the end, he could only bury his face in his hands and move himself away from the other two. "Heh.... Heh...ehg..." There was a sneeze coming; he could feel it. Gloria took him by the arm and tried to steer him towards the apartment. But, he would not budge. He did not feel comfortable being an invalid. And, he knew she couldn't move him without his cooperation. Turning his body away from her completely, the sneeze exploded out of him. "Heh-Kessshhhh!" Quickly, he pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose. "Oh dear," he mumbled as the world around him started to spin. He felt a strong pair of hands catch him by the shoulders. He knew that it couldn't have been Gloria, but he couldn't focus well either. "Come on, Chef," Scott whispered. "We'll get you inside." By the time they got inside, Chef Ramsey's shields slammed back up. "Thank you. I had a really good time tonight. It was a welcome reprieve. We should do this again." Scott nodded and shook his hand firmly. "I'll see you tomorrow, Chef. Good night." Gloria waited until Scott had left the apartment. "Do you need help, Gordon?" His eyes softened at the sound of his name. "No thanks, love." He sniffed heavily. "Guh... when did this hit? Why now?" His voice held a tinge of whining in it. She smiled sympathetically. She was no stranger to him yelling or cursing. But, whining was something that he only seemed to do when people pushed him further than he was able to cope. "It'll be okay." He shook his head to try to shake the bleary feeling. He felt a hand on his back, and a gentle push toward the couch. This time, he allowed himself to be guided. Gloria sat down on the couch next to him. "What do you need?" she asked, quietly. A sneezy expectant look crossed his face. She jumped up to get him a tissue. "Hessschhh!" She came back from the bathroom with a box of tissues. "Here you go," she said. "Thangs." He buried his nose into a tissue and squeezed his eyes shut. "Hessschh!" "Bless you." She sat down next to him and kept her eyes off of him to give him some dignity while he loudly honked his nose. "Thangs." He sniffed, but he was too stuffed up. "Why don't you get some sleep?" she offered. He nodded. "Thangs, love." "Call me in the morning if you need to rest. I'll have Scott take over." He nodded. "You know 'sniff' you could lead the kitchen." She smiled. "I know." He handed her a pile of papers. "This is whad I wandt theb to do." She smiled. "Okay, I'll let Scott know." She watched as a flush spread over his cheeks. "Do you need anything before I leave?" He shook his head. "Nah. Go to bed, love. I'll be okay. Hah..." He grabbed a tissue. "Hasschhh!" "Bless you," she said, as she walked out the door. 2 "Where's Chef Ramsey?" the young chefs asked, as Scott and Gloria came into the kitchen the next morning. "He is indisposed, for today. So Gloria and I will be in charge of each kitchen. Today, we will be cooking children's favorites for a children's party. We'll need each of you to create a children's favorite meal, and pitch it to the child and the parents. Their five favorites from each team will be what gets served." A look of relief crossed the chefs faces. But, Scott and Gloria knew better -- children are honest and picky. A favorite meal for one is a least favorite for another. And, unlike most adults, children were loud about their opinions. "How old is the kid?" Roxanne asked. "It doesn't matter," Scott said. "You all should know what foods children like." "Well, are there any foods we should stay away from? Any allergies or anything?" Bobby asked. "No," Scott answered bluntly. The chefs all looked at each other and made their way to their stations. 3 While Scott helped the chefs pitch their ideas to the nine year old birthday girl, Gloria headed up to Gordon's room. She knocked on the door. "Chef?" she called in. She heard some movement coming from inside. "Chef, it's Gloria. May I come in?" The door opened slowly, and Gordon stood before her wrapped in a bathrobe. "How are you feeling?" she asked, as he waved her in. "Tired," he said, sitting back down on the bed. "Were you able to sleep?" she asked tenderly. "Nah... my nose... it's just been..." his breath hitched. "No better, huh? Do you want me to call a doctor?" His head snapped up. "No, love. It's just a cold. And whe-heh... when my dose stops...heh-Hekessshooo!" His head snapped forward as the sneeze tickled its way out. He plucked another tissue out of the box and blew steadily. "As soon as my nose cooperates I'll come back down. But, it's not sanitary for me to be in the kitchen like this." Gloria nodded. "Who's the head chef?" Gordon asked. "We both took a kitchen," she answered. He frowned. She was ready to be a head chef, if she'd only give herself the chance. "Hesshhhesshhoo!" "Bless you. Why don't you take a nap, Chef?" "I don't feel sick, love. But I can't stop sneezing." "Your stress level has been high," she reasoned. 'And you are running a fever,' she thought, noticing the flush in his cheeks and neck. He nodded and yawned. "Get some sleep, Chef," she said. I'll be back to check in on you later. He nodded and blinked blearily at her as she left. 4 "How is he?" Scott asked as Gloria came back to the kitchen. "He'll be okay. It's just a cold." Scott looked at her oddly. They had both worked for him long enough to know that he would come into the kitchen no matter how sick he was. "He can't stop sneezing," she answered. "Sanitation then?" "Yea," she said, tying her apron on. "What menu was decided?" "Deconstructed peanut butter and jelly, fried chicken, hamburgers, fries, onion rings, and tacos." "Sounds easy," she said. He smiled, "For us," he answered. 5 While Gloria managed the preparation of the dinner service, Scott went to check on Gordon. He found him gasping for breath, obviously recovering from another sneezing fit. "No better, Chef?" "Marginally," he answered not looking up. "Anything I can do?" he offered. "No." He sighed heavily. "Could it be an allergy?" He looked up quickly. "I wish," he sniffed liquidly. "But, I'll just have to wait this one out. What's the menu?" "Deconstructed peanut butter and jelly, fried chicken, hamburgers, fries, onion rings, and tacos." "Deconstructed pb&j?" "It's open-faced." Gordon nodded. "Well get to it then. Tell me what happens." He sniffed liquidly again, trying to stave off the impending sneeze. Scott paused. "You're not coming to see the service?" "With the two of you in the kitchen, I don't have to." "Thank you, Chef." Gordon nodded, and pulled out a tissue. "I'll come down for elimination, but only to see you and Gloria do it. I don't have anything to do with this service, it's all on you." Scott mouthed the word 'oh', and quietly left. 6 "Craig, why Craig?" a very tired, very sniffly Chef Ramsey asked Gloria and Scott in the morning. "He served raw chicken and pasta to children," Gloria answered. "Good reasoning." Chef Ramsey yawned widely. "We'll leave you to your rest," Gloria said. Chef Ramsey nodded. Chef Ramsey called Gloria back after Scott had left the room. "Call off the show until I'm ready to return." "Already done, Chef." "Thank you, my darling." "Your welcome." As she started to leave he called her back again. "Yes, Chef?" she asked, the tenderness that was always underlying in her voice starting to show through. "How can you still respect me so highly? Even when I'm like this?" he asked. She smiled. She knew his fever had to be very high to make him so insecure about himself. "Because, Gordon, respect is earned. And you have done nothing to lose it." He smiled. "Thank you," he said as he drifted back to sleep. |
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Created & Organized by Symphonyflute and tarotgal Banner graphic by Smokeycat430 |
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